Slave Trade, Reports on the, from Lords and Commons, 941— Spain, its condition in the fourteenth century, 139-' Behetrias,' 140. Spartacus, notice of his revolt, 71. T Tasso, Torquato, review of the Life of, edited by the Rev. H. Mil- V Voltaire, peculiarities of his character, 193-4-nature of his scepti- W Wall's History of Infant Baptism,' notice of, 283. END OF VOL. XCII. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE AND HISTORICAL REVIEW, 1850. AN HISTORICAL MAGAZINE has long been the great desideratum of our literature. Amongst many periodical publications, each appealing to some peculiar or exclusive class, no one has given special attention to that branch of knowledge which engages the feelings of all classes. The omission is the more singular in an age which claims to give peculiar attention to whatever is useful and practical, for History is not only the foundation of all learning, but, in many respects, the most practical of all sciences. It is familiarity with the facts and incidents of past time which teaches us to form accurate and comprehensive judgments upon things present; which fills our minds with lessons of calm, deliberate wisdom; instructs us in the gradual operation and influence of great principles; and binds us to our country with a patriotic affection, by setting before us the deeds of greatness by which every generation of its inhabitants and every nook of its surface have been rendered famous. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE has stepped forward to occupy this vacant post. Arrangements have been effected to secure for its pages contributions from gentlemen eminently conversant with the various branches of historical study, and every endeavour is made to render it a WORTHY ORGAN AND REPRESENTATIVE OF HISTORICAL AS WELL AS OF ARCHEOLOGICAL LITERATURE. In its ORIGINAL ARTICLES, historical questions are considered and discussed; in its REVIEWS, prominent attention is given to all historical books; its HISTORICAL CHRONICLE and NOTES OF THE MONTH contain a record of such recent events as are worthy of being kept in remembrance; its OBITUARY is a faithful memorial of all persons of eminence lately deceased; and these divisions of the Magazine are so treated and blended together as to render the whole attractive and interesting to all classes of readers. Five numbers of the new undertaking are before the public, and present a fair example of what the work will henceforth be. The following important subjects have been treated of in some of the recent articles : History of the first appearance of the Gypsies in Europe. Curious Deductions from the History of our most common English Words, as illustrative of the social conditions of our Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman forefathers. Recovery of the long-lost Accusation of High Treason made by Bishop Bonner against Sir Thomas Wyatt the poet. Unpublished Letters of Archbishop Laud, illustrative of the condition of England in 1640. Inquiry into the genuineness of the Letters of Logan of Restalrig, on which depends the historical question of the reality of the Gowrie Conspiracy. Alleged Confession by Sir Walter Raleigh of his intention to retrieve his fortune by piracy. Three papers containing new facts relating to the Life and Writings of Sir Philip Sidney. The Authorship of the fabricated English Mercurie, 1588, long esteemed to be the earliest English newspaper. Two papers on Windsor Castle in the time of Queen Elizabeth, with illustrative Plates. Documents relating to the Execution of James Duke of Monmouth. The price paid to Charles II. for Dunkirk. Expenses of the Commissioners at the Treaty of Uxbridge. Unpublished Letters of Dr. Johnson, and of the Man of Ross; and Letters of Pope and Lady Wortley Montague. Notices of the Society of Gregorians alluded to by Pope. Inaccuracy of the common division of King Lear and Much Ado About Nothing into acts. The Christian Iconography and Legendary Art of the Middle Ages; with especial regard to the Nimbus and Representations of the Divinity; with many illustrations. Facts for a New Biographia Britannica, consisting of unpublished documents relating to John Locke, Anne Duchess of Albemarle, Nat. Lee, Captain Douglas, Sir Samuel Morland, Dr. Harvey, and Dr. Arthur Johnstone. Minutes of the Battle of Trafalgar. Memoir of Jaques Louis Samuel Vincent, a celebrated French Protestant writer. The Coins of Caractacus. Memoir of Inigo Jones as Court-Dramatist of James I. and Charles I.; with illustrations. Mediaeval Literature of Spain. Sávitri, an Historical poem from the Sanscrit. The Lives of Dr. Chalmers, Southey, Chantrey, Mahomet, Tasso, and Oehlenschläger. On Prisons and Prison Discipline. On the Copyright of Foreigners and Translators. On the Primeval Antiquities of Denmark; with illustrations. On the discovery of a singular Roman Temple at the source of the Seine. Full Reviews of Lord Campbell's Chief Justices; Boutell's Christian Monuments in England, with illustrations; Green's Lives of the Princesses; the Historical Memoirs of Cardinal Pacca; Inkersley's Romanesque and Pointed Architecture in France; Cutts's Monumental Slabs and Crosses, with illustrations; Garbett's Principles of Design in Architecture; Merivale's History of the Romans; and shorter Reviews of many other important books. Every number contains Notes of the Month, or comments upon all passing literary events; Reports of Archæological Societies; and Historical Chronicle. The well-known OBITUARY includes, in the last five numbers, Memoirs of the Earls of Carnarvon and Macclesfield; the Lords Alvanley, Aylmer, Colville, Godolphin, and Lord Jeffrey; Bishops Coleridge and Tottenham; Adm. Sir C. Hamilton, Bart.; Hon. and Rev. Sir Henry Leslie, Bart.; Sir Felix Booth, Bart.; Sir James Gibson Craig, Bart.; Sir Charles Forbes, Bart.; Lieut.-Gens. Sir John Macdonald and Sir James Bathurst; Major-Gen. Sir Archibald Galloway; General Craven; Col. Weare; Sir M. I. Brunel; Admirals Schomberg and Hills; the Deans of Salisbury, Hereford, and Bristol; the Rev. Canon Bowles; Rev. Doctor Byrth; Revs. E. Bickersteth, T. S. Grimshawe, and J. Ford; Mr. Serjeant Lawes; John Mirehouse, esq.; Thomas Stapleton, esq.; T. F. Dukes, esq.; J. P. Deering, esq. R.A.; Wordsworth; Ebenezer Elliott; J. C. Calhoun, esq.; Lieut. Waghorn; Mrs. Bartley; Madame Dulcken; Thomas Martin of Liverpool; C. R. Forrester (Alfred Crowquill), &c. &c. Published on the first day of every month, by Messrs. NICHOLS and SON, 25, Parliament Street, Westminster, price 2s. 6d., and may be ordered of any Bookseller, OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "Our * * *friend, the Gentleman's Magazine, has, we are happy to say, come forth with renewed vigour-to run, we hope, a new race, yet bate no jot of his old usefulness."--The Athenæum, 22d June, 1850. "The Gentleman's Magazine has been revived with a degree of spirit and talent which promises the best assurance of its former popularity."-Taunton Courier. "This sterling periodical comes out this month with improved and extended features, to meet the advancing progress of the times. The number is highly creditable to the conductors, the list of papers being increased, whilst the peculiar interest of the work generally is augmented."- Western Lumi tions like those we have adverted to, than in recommending this work to their support."-Nottingham Review. "There is a wonderful improvement in the conducting of this, the oldest of our monthly periodicals. In addition to the usual magazine articles and reviews, we have here a monthly Obituary; list of marriages and births; records of clerical, naval, and military preferments and promotions; and sundry other pieces of information calculated to furnish matter for conversation in old country houses unvisited by daily newspapers."-Hull Advertiser. "The same learned and useful character which formerly belonged to this Periodical still pre-eminently maintains its reputation. Its contents embrace many interesting topics, all of which have very successfully engaged the pens of their respective contributors. The wood-cut and steel illustrations are excellent."-Taunton Courier. "One of the distinguishing features of this highly respectable "monthly" is its Obituary. The notices of celebrated men deceased are original and interesting, and, generally speaking, they convey more information respecting the life and character of the deceased than any other periodical." -Sherborne Journal. "For varied research and antiquarian lore this venerable publication is now become one of the best of the day.”—Wor "The reviews are written freely and fairly, the reports of antiquarian and other societies' meetings are copiously drawn, and the obituary denotes care. On the whole we have seldom met with a periodical so worthy of our unqualified and honest approbation, and we recommend it as especially useful to all book societies and lending libraries.”— Worcester Chronicle. "We have perused this number (March)cestershire Chronicle. with increased pleasure, both in consequence of the variety of the subjects treated upon, and the mode in which they are discussed. There is an earnestness of purpose about them that becomes delightful after perusing a number of magazines, &c., all more or less of a comparatively romantic character." -Newcastle Herald. "We are never disappointed in our expectations of interest and profit from this learned periodical; acute and profound criticism, and much information, are always to be found in its pages."- Wilts Standard. "Sylvanus Urban abounds with good readable matter (April)."—Windsor Ex press. "The number for May strikes us as being one of more than usual excellence." "With the exception of Blackwood, there is no monthly magazine to compare with the Gentleman's in the variety of the topics dis--Kentish Gazette. cussed, and the ability with which they are handled."-Bristol Gazette. "A better or more valuable work for country book societies, lending libraries, and reading rooms, it is impossible to find within the whole compass of English literature. Its literary articles are peculiarly sound in principle, and its criticisms liberal but just; whilst its Obituary confers upon it a national importance. We are sure then we cannot do a better service to our friends, and more especially to those connected with institu "The Gentleman's Magazine does not improve, because it cannot, and we say so without flattery........ The remaining portions of this periodical (June) are, as indeed they always are, entitled to great commendation."-Morning Chronicle. "The historical portion of the magazine is selected with care, to make it valuable not only as a passing, but as a permanent, record of current events."-West of England Conservative. |