| Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society - African Americans - 1846 - 514 pages
...Longfellow's Poems, about to be issued from the press ; — Thou too, sail on, O ship of State ! Snil on, O Union, strong and great ! Humanity, with all its fears,...all the hopes of future years, Is hanging breathless on thy fnte ! « We know what master laid thy keel, What workmen wrought thy ribs of steel, Who made... | |
| United States - 1850 - 618 pages
...They see the proud vessel bearing majestically onward, and they exclaim in the language of the poet : "Thou, too, sail on, 0, ship of State"! Sail on. 0, Union, strong and great! Humanity with all ils fears, With all the hope of future years, Is banging breathless ou thy fate ; We know what master... | |
| John Hill Wheeler - Genealogy - 1851 - 644 pages
...trials of those who aided its establishment, command alike our respect, gratitude and admiration. " Thou too> sail on, 0 ship of State, Sail on, 0 Union...great ; Humanity, with all its fears, With all the hope of future years, Is hanging breathless on tliy fate ! AVe know what masters laid thy keel, What... | |
| John Hill Wheeler - Genealogy - 1851 - 610 pages
...command alike our respect, gratitude and admiration. " Thou too, sail on, O ship of State, Sail on, O Union ! strong and great ; Humanity, with all its fears, With all the hope of future years, Is hanging breathless on thy fate! We know what masters laid thy keel, What workmen... | |
| Epes Sargent - Elocution - 1852 - 570 pages
...State, and launch it upon the waters. We will exelaim, in the noble words of one of our poets : * " Thou, too, sail on, 0 Ship of State ! Sail on, 0 Union,...all the hopes of future years, Is hanging breathless on thy fate ! Wo know what Master iaid thy kecl, What Workmen wrought thy ribs of stecl, Who made each... | |
| Epes Sargent - Readers - 1852 - 572 pages
...of State, and launch it upon the waters. We will exclaim, in the uoble words of one of our poets : * '"Thou, too, sail on, 0 Ship of State ! Sail on, 0...all its fears, With all the hopes of future years, Ia hanging breathless on thy fate ! We know what Master laid thy keel, What Workmen wrought thy ribs... | |
| Nicholas Patrick Wiseman - 1853 - 672 pages
...to a marriage homily from their old pastor; and the ship with its freight bounds upon the flood. " Thou, too, sail on, 0 Ship of State, Sail on, 0 Union, strong aud great 1 Humanity with all its fears, With all the hopes of future years, Is hanging breathless... | |
| George Lewis Prentiss - Lawyers - 1855 - 598 pages
...this chapter better concluded, than by citing the well-known lines of another gifted son of Portland : Thou, too, sail on, 0 ship of state ! Sail on, 0 Union, strong and great I Humanity with all its tears, With all the hopes of future years, Is hanging breathless on thy fate... | |
| William Sherwood - Conversation - 1856 - 466 pages
...waters. We will exclaim, in the words of one of our poets : — " sail on, O Ship of State ! Sail on, O Union, strong and great! Humanity with all its fears, With all the hopes of future years, Js hanging hreathless on thy fate 1 " 6. To A WATEBFOWL. — WC Bryant. Whither, midst falling dew,... | |
| Samuel Stillman Greene - English language - 1856 - 200 pages
...prayer in the hour when the wicked assail us. Let us repeat it now, and say, "0 Father, forgive them!" Thou, too, sail on, 0 ship of State ! Sail on, 0 UNION, strong and great ! Fear not each sudden sound and shock, ' Tis of the wave, and not the rock. Sail on, nor fear to breast... | |
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