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and twentie foote within the wales. And in height 120 foote to the corbill table. And foure small turrets over that fined with pynacles. And a doore into the sayde cloyster inwards, but outwards none. And as touching the dimensions of the housing of the sayde colledge, I have devised and appoynted in the south side of the sayde church, a quadraunt, closing to both endes of the same church, the east pane whereof shall contain two hundred and thirtie foote in length, and in breadth within the wales, two and twentie foote. In the same panes middle a tower for a gatehouse, contayning in length thirtie foote, and in breadth two and twentie, and in height fortie foote, with three chambers over the gate, every one over the other. And on either side of the same gate foure chambers, every one contayning in length five and twentie foote, and in breadth two and twentie foote. And over every of these chambers, two chambers above of the same measure, or more, with two towers outward, and two towers inward.

The south pane shall contain in length 233 foote, and in breadth two and twentie foote within, in which shal be seven chambers, every one contayning in length nine and twentie foote, and in breadth two and twentie foote, with a chamber parcell of the provoste's lodging, contayning, in length five and thirtie foote, and with a chamber in the easte corner of the same pane, contayning in length five and twentie foote, and in breadth two. and thirtie foote. And over every of all these chambers, two chambers, and with five towers outward, and three towers inward. The west pane shall contayne in length 230 foote, and in breadth within 24 foote, in which at the ende toward the church, shall be a librarie, contayning in length 110 foote, and in breadth foure and twentie foote. And under it a large house for reading and disputations, contayning in length fourtie foote. And two chambers under the same librarie, each contayning nine and twentie foote in length, and in breadth foure and twentie foote. And over the sayd librarie a house of the same largeness for divers stuffe of the said colledge. In the other end of the same pane a hall, contayning in length 100 foote, upon a vault of twelve foote high, ordained for the cellar and buttrie;

and the breadth of the hall sixe and thirtie foote, on every side thereof a bay window. And in the neather end of the same hall, toward the middle of the same pane, a pantrie and buttrie, every of them in length twentie foote, and in breadth seventeene foote, and over that two chambers for officers. And at the neather end of the hall towards the west, a goodly kitchin. And the same pane shall have inwards two towers, ordained for the waies into the hall and librarie. And in every corner of the said quadraunt shall be two corner towers, one inward and one outward, more than the towers above rehearsed. And at the upper end of the hall the provost's lodging, that is to wit, more than the chambers for him above specified, a parlour on the ground, contayning foure and thirtie foote in length, and two and twentie foot in breadth, and two chambers above of the same quantitie. And westward closing thereto, a kitchin for him, a larder house, stables, and other necessary housings and groundes. And westward beyond these houses, and the said kitchin ordayned for the hall, a bakehouse, a brewhouse, and other houses of office, hetweene which there is left a ground square of fourescore foote in every pane, for wood and suche stuffe. And in the middle the said large quadrant shall be a conduit, goodly devised for ease of the same colledge. And I will, that the edification proceede in large forme of my saide colledge cleane and substantiall, setting aside superfluitie of too great curious workes of entaile and busie moulding. And I have devised and appointed that the precinct of my sayd colledge, as well on both sides of the garden from the colledge to the water; as in all other places of the same precinct, to be inclosed with a substantial wall, of the height of foureteene foote. With a large tower att the principall entrie against the middle of the east pane out of the high streete. And in the same tower a large gate, and another tower in the middle of the west end at the newe bridge. And the same wall to be crested, embattelled, and fortified with towers, as many as shall bee thought convenient thereto. And I will, that my sayd colledge be edified of the most substantiall and best abiding stuffe, of stone, lead, glasse, and yron, that may best be hadde and provided thereunto.

A. D. 1440.



No. III.

A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Douglas, occasioned by his Vindication of Milton, by William Lauder, M. A.' 4to. 1751. THIS was the recantation of Lauder, a Scotchman of considerable ingenuity, who, through the medium of the Gentleman's Magazine, pretended to fix on Milton the charge of plagiarism from several modern and obscure Latin poets, and which he afterwards embodied and published in an octavo volume, and to which I have sometimes seen prefixed the apology of the pub. lishers for having been instrumental in promulgating so flagrant a forgery. Lauder, in furtherance of his design, purloined (as he thought without danger) all that was necessary for his purpose from Maserius, Staphorstius, Valmarana, Catsius, and Taubmannus, and interpolated the passages, which he extracted from these authors with entire lines, either translated by himself from the 'Paradise Lost, or literally taken from Hogg's version of this poem. The same year, a defence appeared from the pen of Mr. Richardson of Clare Hall, entitled "Zoilomastix, or a Defence of Milton;" but the total discomfiture of the virulent impostor was reserved for Dr. Douglas, afterwards Bishop of Salisbury, who, towards the close of the year 1750, published a letter addressed to the Earl of Bath, and entitled "Milton vindicated from the Charge of Plagiarism brought against him by Mr. Lauder." Johnson, who had espoused the cause of Lauder, on finding his iniquity, compelled him, though reluctantly, to publish an ample confession of his guilt, which he took care to draw up for him, and which was published in 1751, as before mentioned.

History of Reynard the Fox.

Dr. Drake, in his preface to the "Secret Memoirs of Dudley, Earl of Leicester *," says, that this Book, though read by few except old women and children †, is supposed by persons of greater judgment to be an enigmatical history of the Earl of Leicester and his family; and, says he, by comparing the history of Reynard the Fox with these memoirs, this conjecture will not appear fallacious, many circumstances exactly tallying. The exploits of Leicester are shadowed under the feigned adventures and intrigues of brutes, the author not daring to write his history plainly, fearful perhaps of the power of Leicester.

Cartes des Chasses; or, Maps of the Royal Hunts or Forests of France.

These maps form the most beautiful and singular monument of the kind which has ever appeared in any country. It is said that the engraving of each map cost 400 louisd'or. For each department, wood, water, hills, fields, &c. &c. a separate engraver, eminent in his particular line, was employed. Of twelve designed, only eight were finished before the subversion of the French monarchy. These cartes not being designed for sale, but as presents to favoured individuals, the possession of a copy cannot easily be obtained. The remaining four are said to be now proceeding with

Drelincourt's Discourse on Death. Soo.

This is a book of great credit among vulgar enthusiasts; but, when he first published it, he was so totally disap

* This is not what Drake would have us believe from his preface, a copy from an original MS. but a mere reprint from Father Parsons's famous libel against the Earl of Leicester in Queen Elizabeth's time, entitled Leicester's Commonwealth.'

+ However it might have been in Dr. Drake's time, its price and scarcity, I should conjecture, must prevent its falling into the hands of many of that class of the present day.

‡ Pinkerton.

pointed in its sale, that he complained to Daniel Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe, &c. of the injury he was likely to sustain by it. Daniel asked him if he had blended any thing marvellous with his pious advice; he said he had not. If you wish to have your book sell, said Daniel, I will put you in the way; he then sat down and wrote the story of the Apparition, which is to be found at the end of Drelincourt's work, and which is alledged, as a proof of the appearance of ghosts, to be as authentic as the affair of the Witch of Endor *.

Wood's (Anthony) Athena Oxoniensis; or, Lives of Persons educated at Oxford, from A. D. 1500.-2 vols. Folio. 1691 and 2.

Anthony Wood stands prominent as one of the class of laborious compilers who may not inaptly be termed "Biographical Pioneers;" and to him it is that we are indebted for this catalogue of near one thousand native authors; and which, notwithstanding the charges of narrow-mindedness and furious prejudices brought against the author, continues to receive the approbation of, and to be the model for, every writer in that department of literature; and it would be well if the authors and compilers of the present day were to imitate the honest bluntness of Anthony as well as his plan, and play praise a little less into each others hands, by judging candidly, and speaking impartially what they think; but I am afraid few are inclined, like him, to sacrifice every thing for the love of truth: and if they value personal convenience, they perhaps are right, for Wood having accused the Chancellor, Edward Earl of Clarendon, of bribery and corruption, the University condemned the book to be burnt in the theatre yard, and expelled the author as a disturber of the peace, besides fining him thirty-four pounds.

* Rede's Anecdotes 8vo. p. 124,

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