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Ye Worshipfull Ballad Society. De

TO THE TUNE OF, Would you send Kate to Portugal? (see p. 616.)

WOULD you enjoy unequall'd store of ballads,
Some of them peppery, some cool as salads?
Follow your Leader, like a flight of malla'ds,-
Now is the time!

Would you see clearly how Intriguers reckon'd ;

How Noncons fidgetted, and Wantons beckon'd,
While rul'd our Merry Monarch, Charles the Second?—

Now is the time!

Would you see Titus Oates, unblushing varlet !

Swear lives away, and curse the Dame in Scarlet,

While Scroggs and Jeffereys loudly storm and snarl it?—

Now is the time!

Would you escape awhile all quid nunc gapers

Of these our own days, with sham-Liberal capers,
And see James, Romish Convert, hold wax-tapers ?—
Now is the time!

Would you get free from all the ills that bore us,
By marking what was done and felt before us,
Or joining the two-hundred-years' old chorus-
"Now is the time ?"

Here, while you've "Barkis willing," chance is offer'd ;
Come, take these ballads rare, so freely proffer'd;
Down with your dust! let Dalziel get it coffer'd :—

Now is the time!



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Df First Lines, Burdens, Titles, and Tunes.

Prefatory Note.-This list includes first lines, burdens, titles, sub-titles
(i.e. second titles), and tunes; distinguishing the ballads that are merely alluded
to in passing, as " mentioned"; and those from which the opening verse or other
portion is given, as "quoted": while the absence of such distinctive signs marks
those which are given complete. Tunes are expressly indicated. Burdens, choruses,
or refrains, are shown clearly in italic type. With undated ballads every clue of
tune, printer, or burden becomes valuable for identification.-J. W. EBSWORTH.

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mentioned, 471
mentioned, 355




262, 268

"A gallant Lady gay, as she was walking
"A lustie country Lad, that lately came to town
"A North-country Lass up to London did pass
"A Nymph and a Swain to Apollo once pray'd"
"A pox of the fooling and plotting of late!
"A pox of the Statesman that's witty!
"A pox on Whigs! we'll now grow wise" (bis)
"A Protestant Muse," etc. (See, Sing hey! brave Popery!)
"A rich Merchant Man"


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290, 296, 304
mentioned, 12

2 x

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"After the fiercest pangs of hot desire"

"After thinking this fortnight of Whig and of Tory"
"After two sittings, now our Lady State"

Against all the strength and the power of France
Ah! ah! my Love's dead, etc.

"Ah! Cloris, awake! it is all abroad day"
"Ah! cruel bloody Fate!"

"Ah! cruel Maid, give o'er'

mentioned, 642

sub-title, 640

.612, 613

sub-title, 70

quoted, 547

quoted, 302, 546
546, 548, 597
quoted, 569


mentioned, 616
quoted, 299, 307

quoted, 254

quoted, 546, 547
mentioned, 342



mentioned, 576
burden varies, 321

....393, 398
mentioned, 492

also tune, 33, 34, 38, 380, 503

"Ah! how pleasant are the charms of Love!" (bis)

Ah! how pleasant are the charms of Love

"Ah! how pleasant 'tis to love!"

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Ah! how powerful is her charming eye!

66 Ah! how sweet it is to love!"

"Ah Jenny! gin your eyes do kill"
"Ah me! if our heart e'er grow chilly"
"Aim not too high!"

"Alas! poor female sex!"

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mentioned, and tune, 73, 74, 365, 425, 426, 428

"Alas! what is like to become of the Plot ?"

"Alas! what sullen Fate has hence convey'd"
Albion and Albanius (Dryden's)

Alexander and Ludwicke, History of

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Alice and Beatrice, Dialogue of (Bagford Ballad.)
"All in a misty morning, cloudy was the weather
"All in a pleasant shady grove

"All joy to Fair Psyche'

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"And are you mighty men come out indeed?"

And cheat you twenty ways

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tune, 65, 70, 412
mentioned, 65

mentioned, 313

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mentioned, 181


mentioned, 135
mentioned, 313


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mentioned, 43
mentioned, 461

tune, 461, 462
mentioned, 120
quoted, 566, 633

tune, 342

quoted, 411

burden and tune, 408

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260, 299

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And drink a health to Charles our King
And hey then up go we! (See Hey Boys up go we)
And I never, no never, shall see my love more
"And must the Hero that redeem'd our land"
And ne'er be drunk again (=Old Simon the King)
And pray for the King and the Nation's long peace
And 'Tony will never be himself again.....
And Tory shall ne'er be my love again
"And will this wicked world never prove good?
Answer of King Charles II. to the Commons' Petition
Answer of King Charles II. to the Duke of Monmouth's Letter
Answer to a Tory Satyr, Whig

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mentioned, 384




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mentioned, 185
mentioned, 185

Answer to Downright Dick of the West, The Londoner's.....
Answer to Innocence Unveiled

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Answer to the Defence of Satyr

Answer to the Mantuan's Character of Womenkind

Answer to the Satyr against Mankind

Answer to the Tories' pamphlet, The Loyal Feast

Answer to the Unjust Judge.......

Answer to the Whig's Exaltation

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Answer to the Young Man's Unfortunate Destiny

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Answer to the Young Man's Counsellor

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mentioned, 256, 495

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Approbation against the wise Fortune-Teller

Archdeacon Edgworth's Answer


Arrival in London of William Prince of Orange.....

"Art come, sweet Prince? wilt once more deign to cheer".

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..... sub-title, 267, 305

mentioned, 632

"Art thou return'd, my Sister Concubine ?"
"As Amoret with Phillis sat"
"As at noon Dulcina rested"

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As for the Black and the Brown, etc.
"As I was a-walking down by the sea-shore
"As I was walking through Hide Park,” etc.
"As I went by St. James, I heard a bird sing
"As it fell on a holiday, and upon a holy tide a
As massacres, and killing Kings
"As on a day Sabina fell asleep
"As Phillis and Amintas sat (properly see "As Amoret")
"As Thomas and Mary did meet

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"As Tom met Roger on the road"

"As we were a-ranging upon the salt seas

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"As when proud Lucifer aim'd at the throne"
Assembly of Young Maidens, A Sorrowful
At any time

Auld Robin Gray

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"Avoid, Satanic tipple, hence!"

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"Awake! awake, O England!" (Bellman for England)




quoted, 301

mentioned, 475

.......end of burden, 229

mentioned, 12

mentioned, 583

mentioned, 342

mentioned, 342

mentioned, 259

mentioned, 561

sub-title, 409

burden varies, 618, 619

mentioned, 411

mention, d, 350

mentioned, 456

"Awake! awake, O England! sweet England now awake!"

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Bedloe, Epithalamium on the Marriage of Capt. William
Bedloe, Funeral Tears upon the death of Capt. William
Beggar-Wench turned into a Devil, The

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quoted, 562

quoted, 254

quoted, 484

sub-title, 242


mentioned, 388

164, 174

165, 211
sub-title, 20
sub-title, 74

mentioned, 162



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