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Occasion, [when it implies necessity] necessidad; as "I shall have no occasion to buy these books now, shall I?" Yo no tendré necessidad de comprar estos libros ahora, zes verdad?

Old, [when applied to the age of a person] edad; as, "How old are you," ¿que edad tiene vmd.? and it might also be rendered by, cuantos años tiene vmd. literally, how many years have you.

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Out of, por or de, in such expressions as these; "He did it out of mercy," lo hizo de lástima. ship,” por amistad.

To own, [when implies acknowledgment] confesar, [when implies possession] ser; as, "he owns it,” él lo confiesa. "He owns it," [i. e. he possesses it] es

de él.

To part with, deshacerse de; as, "I would not part with this library for all the world," no me desharia de esta librería por todo el mundo.

To pass one's word for another, empeñar uno su palabra por otro.

Το pay

the tribute of nature, morir. 'To perform one's promise, cumplir uno con su palabra.

To play, [when applied to musical instruments] tocar; as, "I have been told you play very well on the violin," me han dicho que vmd. tòça el violin mui bien.

To play the fool, hacer el tonto.

To please, dar gusto, agradar; as, "I would do every thing to please you," todo lo haria para agradarle.

To please, [when implies request] servirse; as, "Please to come soon to-night," sírvase vmd. venir temprano esta noche.

To put to death, matar.

To put up, aguantar sufrir.

To rap, or knock at the door, tocar á la puerta. To revenge an affront, vengarse de una afrenta. To right one's self, tomar la justicia por su mano. To stand in need of, hacer falta á uno; as, “I stand in need of some Spanish books,” á mí me hacen falta algunos libros españoles.

To search a house, registrar una casa.

To stand security, salir fiador por otro.

To sell for cash, or ready money, vender de contado. To sell on credit; vender al fiado, ó á plazos.

To sell by auction, almonedear.

To settle disputes, componer pendencias.

To settle accounts, ajustar cuentas.
Short of money, escaso de dinero.

To sink a mine, cavar una mina.

To sleep soundly, dormir á pierna suelta.

To smell of, or like, oler á; as, "They all smelled of gunpowder," todos olian á pólvora.

To snuff the candle, despavilar la vela.

Soon, in such expressions as the following, should be translated tardar, to stay long; as, "How soon will your father be back, dear Charles? ¿cuanto tardará tu padre en volver? querido Carlos.

To spare, [when implies omission] perdonar; "He spared no labour to become learned," no perdonó fatiga para llegar á ser erúdito.

To spend, [when applied to time or seasons] pasars as, "how delightful it is to spend the summer in the country," cuan delicioso es, pasar el verano en el campo. To speak to the purpose, hablar al caso.

To split with laughing, reventar de risa, literally to burst with laughter.

To spoil, hechar á perder; as, "Boys generally spoil their books before they have learned what they contain," los niños generalmente echan á perder los libros ántes de haber aprendido lo que contienen.

To stand upon an end, erizarse.

To stop one's mouth, tapar la boca.
Strange face, cara desconocida.

To succeed, salir bien, acertar, lograr uno su intento; as "I wish you may succeed," me alegraré, que vmd. ácierta, ó que le salga bien. "It is almost impossible for poets to succeed without ambition," es cuasi impossible que los poetas logren su intento sin ambicion.

Sweets of life, las delicias de la vida.

To take amiss, llevar á mal; as, "I hope you won't take amiss what I say," espero que vmd. no lleverá á mal. lo que digo.

To take, or make a tour, viajar.

To take for granted, dar por supuesto.

To take care not to do a thing, guardarse bien de hacer algo; "Take care not to discover me," guárdate bien de descubrirme.

To take an oath, jurar ó hacer juramento.

To take in, engañar, estafar.

To taste of, or like, saber á; as, "This wine tastes

of, or like vinegar,” este vino sabe á vinagre.

To think one's self an honest man, a great mathematician, &c. "Tenerse por hombre honesto, por gran

matemático, &c."

Thus far, or so far, hasta aquí.

To give or put into any trouble, molestar; as, "I am

sorry, to put you into, or to give you any trouble," siento molestarle.

Upon pain, sopena; as, "No person shall desert upon pain of death," nadie desertará sopena de muerte.

To wear out, or to exhaust one's patience, hacer perder la paciencia.

To wind up a watch, dar cuerda á un reloj.

Witty saying, chiste.

To wonder, is not translated in Spanish in such expressions as the following: as, "I wonder whether these complaints will ever end?" sí se acabarán jamas estas quejas. "I wonder whether we shall see land to-day," si verémos tierra hoi?

To word a letter, dictar uno carta.

If, in common conversation, the verb is repeated in English in the affirmative, when the sentence is in the negative; and vice versa, in the negative, when the sentence is in the affirmative; to render, as it is presumed, the interrogatory more expressive, the words ges verdad? [it is true?] ¿no es verdad? [is it not true?] are used in Spanish: Example; "You have seen my father; have you not? Vmd. ha visto á mi padre ¿no es verdad? "He will not travel much;-will he?" El no viajará mucho es verdad! "you would go there, if permitted; wou'dn't you?" Si se lo permitiesen, Vmd. iria allá ¿no es verdad?


Aquí, Acá.

Acá, means here, or hither, as well as aquí, with this difference, that acá applies more forcibly to this place, here; for instance: come here, [the very spot which is marked] venga, vmd. acá; I live here, [i. e. in this house, mansion, country seat, &c.] aquí vivo.

Ahí, Allí, Allá.

Their equivalents in English are, there, thither, or that place, but they can, by no means, be indiscriminately used. Ahí always denotes a place near at hand, and generally supposes it close to the person addressed; as, "Examine, O man! thy heart, thou wilt there see the motives of thy actions," ecsamina, hombre, tu corazon, ahí verás los motivos de tus acciones. Alli and allá both denote a remote place, but the latter should always be used for, to that place; as, "I shall go there (to that place) to-morrow," yo iré allá mañana. "Do you not see there, on that rock, how many men there are," no ves allí, or allá sobre aquella peña, que de hombres hai.

Luego que, Despues que.

As both these adverbs may be rendered in English by after, it must be observed, that the former circumscribes the time within determined boundaries, and consequently equivalent to so soon as; example: "After he arrived, he came to see me," despues que llegó; (some time after, me vino á ver. "Luego que llegó;" (immediately after,) me vino á ver.

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