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is accented; as, considero, I consider; amas, you love; tienen, they have.

Except the first and third persons singular of the perfect indicative, the last vowel of which is always accented; as, consideré, I considered; consideró, he considered.

2. Verbs have the accent on the first vowel of the termination,t if this consist of more than one vowel; as, consider-ába, I considered; consider-ábamos, we considered; consider-áramos; consider-ásemos.

Except the future indicative, which has the accent always on the second vowel of the termination; as, consider-aré; am-arás; consider-arémos.

3. If the termination of a verb contain an i, either alone, or immediately followed by an a, or an 8, the accent is on the i; as, correspondí; correspondia-n; preservar-iais; atormentar-iais; sufr-is.

4. Verbs ending in d, or r, are always long; considerad, corresponded, venid; correr, conseguir.

No vowels upon which the stress is laid in the tenses of verbs, will be marked with the acute accent, but those in the following tenses:

1. The first and second persons plural of the imperfect indicative, will have the vowel, upon which the stress happens to be laid, marked with the accent; as, amábamos; escribíamos; confesábais; construíais.

2. All the persons of the preterite, the first person plural excepted; as, amé, sacáste, convido, vendimos, consumisteis, enterneciéron.

* We shall then give rules which will show the persons that require the accented vowel marked.

†The termination of a verb is the syllable or syllables added to its radicals, see pages 101 to 108.

3. All the persons of the future indicative; as, adoleceré, concluirás, celebrará, sorprenderémos, contendréis, lisongearán.

4. The first and second persons plural of the three imperfects, and of the future, of the subjunctive; as, anduviéramos, tendrían, amaríamos, partiéremos, comprehendiéreis.

[After very mature reflection, we have decided to write the versification in Spanish. The reasons which have prevented us from presenting this treatise in English, are explained at the end of this grammar, where it has been deemed expedient to place this second part of Prosody.]



To act as, hacer de; as, "He acted as a teacher during the voyage," hizo de maestro durante el viage.

To afford, estar ó hallarse en estado de, tener los medios; as, "How many things would one buy if he could afford it;" cuantas cosas no compraria uno si tuviese los medios.

To agree, speaking of eating, is rendered by sentar bien; as, "Chocolate does not agree with me,” el chocolate no me sienta bien. Speaking of climates and seasons, by acomodar; as, "The climate of Havana does not agree with me," el clima de la Havana no me acomoda.

Amiss if, when it is followed by not to be, is rendered by no ser fuera del caso; as, "It would not be amiss if you went thither," no seria fuera del caso que vmd. vaya allá.

To answer, corresponder, in such expressions as the following. "This year's crop does not answer our expectations," la cosecha de este año, no corresponde á nuestras esperanzas.

To answer for, (i. e. to stand security for,) salir fiador; as, “I will answer for him," yo saldré fiador por él.

Answer, hacer or acomodar, "I have a pair of shoes which will answer you," tengo un par de zapatos que le acomodarán.

To avail one's self of an opportunity, valerse de la


To become, hacerse; "He became rich after his mother's death," se hizo rico despues de la muerte de su madre.

To become, meterse; he became a priest, a soldier, &c. &c., se metió sacerdote, soldado, &c.

To become, speaking of dress, is translated caer, or sentar; as, "This coat does not become you well," esta casaca no le cae bien.

To become, is translated ser, in such expressions as, "What will become of my father?" que será de mi padre?

To become, ir á parar, hacerse; as, "What has become of my hat?" que se ha hecho de mi sombrero? "If such maxims and such practices prevail, what is become of national liberty?" si tales mácsimas y tales costumbres prevalecen, á donde ha ido á parar la libertad nacional?

To be the dupe, engañar, quedar burlado; "Rome was the dupe of the manner in which Nero began to reign," los principios del reinado de Neron, engañáron á los Romanos.

To be in the right, tener razon; to be in the wrong, no tener razon; "He is in the right to complain," tiene razon de quejarse.

To be obliged, quedar agradecido á uno; as, “I am very much obliged to you," le quedo mui agradecido.

To be near, estar á pique de, or por poco; as, "I was very near falling," por poco me caí, or, estuve á pique de caerme.

To be fond, gustar á uno; as, “I am fond of reading," á mí me gusta el leer.

To be sure not, guardarse bien de; as, "Carry this letter to him, but be sure not to tell him who sent you," llévale esta carta, pero guárdate bien de decirle quien te embió.

To be within musket-shot, gun-shot, &c. estar á tiro de fusil, de cañon, &c.; as, "The two fleets were within gun-shot, and very near beginning the engagement, when we left them," las dos escuadras estaban tiro de cañon, y á punto de empezar la funcion, cuando las dejámos.

To be well off, estar bien, or rico.

To be in great favour with some one, privar con alguno.

To be very near to, or upon the brink, estar á punto de. "I was very near falling down," estaba á punto de


To be, in such expressions as the following, is translated ir; as, "The abdication was nothing to the subjects," nada les iba á los vasallos en la abdicacion.

To be to blame for, tener la culpa de; as, “Am I then to blame for his cruelties?" ¿pues que tengo yo la culpa de sus crueldades?

To be even, estar or quedar en paz; "I shall pay you this bill, and we shall be even,” le pagaré esta cuenta, y quedarémos, ó estarémos en paz.

To be easy, or to do without, pasarse; "When I have wine I drink it, but when I have none, I am easy without it," cuando tengo vino le bebo, pero cuando no tengo, me paso.

To be so kind as, or so good as, tener le bondad de; as, "Be so kind as to write to your friend that I enjoy a perfect health," tenga vmd. la bondad de escribar á su amigo que yo gozo de perfecta salud.

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