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§ 133. Beyond (v. D. 626.), jenseits, darüber hinaus: We reside beyond the river. I even went a step beyond Whiston. My little ones were kept up beyond the usual time. Beyond doubt. Beyond measure (description). Beyond the reach.

§ 134. By (v. D. 628.) bezeichnet 1) das Mittel oder Werkzeug, durch: He had not resolution enough to give any man pain by a denial. By taking the current a little farther up, the rest of the family got safely over. He died by an arrow. (Dagegen of consumption, of a fever, for want of food.) By all means, auf jeden Fall, durchaus. By no means, feinesweges. By heart, auswendig. 2) Bei passiven Verben das als Werkzeug gedachte Subjekt der aktiven Thätigkeit, von: My orchard was often robbed by schoolboys. I was called out by one of my relations. He was killed by the fright. 3) Eine leitende Richtschnur, nach, gemäß: The girl was, by her directions, called Sophia. It is four o'clock by my watch. I found by their looks they had met with a thousand misfortunes. I was by (von) nature an admirer of happy human faces. By estimation. He was by trade a butcher. 4) Eine Zeitbestimmung: By (nicht später als) sunrise we all assembled in our common apartment. The floods, I hope, by to-morrow will be found passable. 5) Die Nähe eines Ortes, an, bei: All our adventures were by the fireside. We put up for the night at an obscure inn, in a village by the way. Our tranquillity was disturbed by the report of a gun just by us. He sat down by my youngest daughter (by her side). 6) Einen Zwischenpunkt des Weges: We went to Prague by (über, via) Dresden. He entered by the door, zur Thüre herein. 7) By vermittelt die Vergleichung zweier Größenverhältnisse: A carpet six yards by two. He is older by ten years than I (oder, den Komparativ nachsetzend: He is ten years older than I). 8) By drückt den Anhaltspunkt aus: He addressed me by my name. They shook him heartily by the hand. 9) By entspricht bei Beschwörungen dem deutschen bei: By Jove. By my soul. By my coal-mines in Cornwall. 10) By bezeichnet die Weise der Aufeinanderfolge: I resolved to return home by easy journeys of ten miles a day. My wife undertook to give the children the gingerbread by letters, buchstabenweise. By dozens, dußendweise. By the pound, pfundweife. The men drank beer by the gallon, and eat cheese by the hundred weight. By degrees. One by one. By turns, wechselweise. Year by year. 11) By mit einem Reflexiv: I like to sit by myself, für mich. 12) By sea. By land. By day. By night. By moon light. 13) By way of, anstatt. By virtue of. By dint of (kraft, vermittelst). By reason of, wegen.

By als Adverb, vorüber: We saw a stag bound nimbly by. Close by, hard by, dicht daneben. By the by, im Vorbeigehen, nebenher gesagt.

By and by, nach und nach. (v. D. 580.)

§ 135. Despite (v. D. 630.), in spite of, (v. D. 703.) troß: Despite my earnest entreaties, he persisted in going.

§. 136. Down, (v. D. 631.) hinab, hinunter in: He fell down a precipice. Their hair hung down their backs. Come down stairs. (Vergl. § 117, Angl.) Gewöhnlich ist down Adverb: I'll lay me down and die. (v. D. 580.)

§ 137. During (v. D. 632.), während: Nor did he offer a single syllable more during the whole entertainment.

Anm. Der Anfänger verwechsele_nicht_die_Präposition during, während, mit der Konjunktion while, während: We shook him heartily by the hand, while little Dick officiously reached him a chair. (v. D. 745.)

§ 138. For (v. D. 635. 636.) entspricht 1) dem deutschen für, d. h. im Interesse einer Person oder eines Gegenstandes: His departure only prepared the way for our own. The day appointed for the ceremony. I intended him for one of the learned professions. I wrote a similar epitaph for my wife. It is for men's health to be temperate. I allowed half an hour for this meal. Thou art going to fight for thy country. Daran schließt sich: Will you get it down for me (mir). For my part, meinerseits. I go there for (zu) my amusement. He sewed skins for clothing. That's a fellow for you. 2) Dem deutschen für in Verbindung mit dem Verb to be, sein: Are you for a walk or a game at cards? Are you for managing it analogically or dialogically? 3) Dem deutschen für, wenn dasselbe eine Stellvertretung oder den Preis bezeichnet: I took him for his brother. He quitted his profession for that of poetry. The silver rims alone will sell for double the money. A fig for the silver rims. For love or money, für Geld und gute Worte. I thought he had changed for the better, sich zur Bessern bekehrt. I cannot for my life. 4) Dem deutschen für bei dem Berb to take for, für Etwas halten, und einigen anderen von ähnlicher Bedeutung: We take a falling meteor for a star. I know thee for a man of learning. They left him for dead. 5) Dem deutschen nach, um, zu, bei den Ausdrücken des Strebens und Trachtens: It inspired her with a passion for fame. Olivia wished for many lovers, Sophia (add: wished) to secure one. He longed for rest. He prays for deliverance. To ask for a thing. To send for a person. 6) Dem deutschen nach (frz. pour), das Ziel einer Bewegung ausdrückend, bei den Verben depart, embark, set sail etc.: George was to depart for town next day. The two ladies were that day set out for London. A ship bound for America. 7) Dem deutschen wegen und in Beziehung auf: He was to be whipped through the town for dog-stealing. She chose her wedding-gown, not for a fine glossy surface, but for such qualities as would wear well. The only uneasiness I felt was for my family. Mr. Burchell was famous for singing them (the children) ballads. They came to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had great reputation. I looked upon this as a masterpiece both for argument and style. The inhabitants suffered both for provisions and fuel. Eben so for this reason, aus diesem Grunde. Ueber for mit nachfolgendem Partizip, den deutschen mit dafür daß und weil beginnenden Nebensäßen entsprechend, vergl. § 333, A. 2. 8) Die Bedeu= tung von for bei der Bestimmung von Zeit, Raum und Reihenfolge entnehme man aus folgenden Beispielen: I have often seen them exchange characters for a whole day (einen ganzen Tag lang) together. A young gentleman came forward, and for a while regarding us.. stopped short. He has been much excited for two days past (these two days). His whole family had lived there for three generations.

We put up for the night at an obscure inn. He generally came for a few days into our neighbourhood once a year. Thou hast made a poor creature wretched for life. We were to disperse for the first time. They followed us for some miles (einige Meilen weit). Vergl. § 163. He has translated the poem line for line. 9) For bei Ausrufungen: For God's sake, for heaven's sake. For shame! pfui! Alas! for the instability of human nature! Oh! for an hour of blind old Dandolo! Get you gone, for a simpleton, o du Einfaltspinsel! A curse on her for a fanatical jade. 10) For (ungeachtet) all his swearing. They departed for all I could say. For aught I know, so viel ich weiß. He might have been asleep for any sign of consciousness he gave. 11) For, as for, as to, was anbetrifft: As for me. She has not her equal for beauty in all Germany. As for breeding, there were few country-ladies that could show more. As to the spiritual concerns of the family, I took them entirely under my own direction. You may for me, meinetwegen. 12) But for, ohne, wenn es nicht gewesen wäre, wäre es nicht um u. f. w.: I would have proceeded but for the interruption of a servant from the Squire. This task would have been more difficult but for our recent calamity.

§ 139. From (v. D. 637. 638.) bezeichnet den Ort, von welchem Etwas ausgeht (vergl. § 125, Anm.), und entspricht im Ganzen dem deutschen von oder aus. Daraus erklären sich folgende Anwendungen: 1) Raum= bestimmung, Ort, Punkt, von dem Etwas ausgeht: All our migrations were from the blue bed to the brown. A letter from my agent in town soon came with a confirmation of every particular. Water issues from the earth in springs. Light proceeds from the sun. A lamp is suspended from the ceiling (hängt von der Decke herab). A parson gives instructions from the pulpit. 2) Zeitbestimmung: Let us from this moment give up all pretensions to gentility. From time to time. From morning till night. He has never known nearer relation from a child, von Kindheit an. 3) Herleitung: From him I learned that there were not two men in the whole university who understood Greek. We concluded from his stern looks that something had happened. From this motive. From hate (rage, necessity, reluctance). Olivia was often affected, from too great a desire to please; Sophia even repressed excellence from her fears to offend. From his own feeling. Dahin ge= hört die Angabe der Abstammung, des Vorbildes und der Richtschnur: We are descended from ancestors that knew no stain. The temper of a woman is generally formed from (in Uebereinstimmung mit) the turn of her features. To judge from (nach) the number of the bones. An old man, who from his dress, seiner Kleidung nach, seemed to have been a soldier. 4) Trennung: They were remote from the polite. He was three steps from me. Deshalb wird from angewendet, um Schuß vor, Befürchtung vor auszudrücken: I have no asylum from my father's arbitrary designs. He is at rest from his sufferings. May he keep their innocence from the temptations of want. Here we are protected from the rain. Hide your blushes from the world. I will secure thee from danger. She thought herself safe from his pursuit. I was under

no apprehension from throwing him naked into the amphitheatre of life.

Anm. 1) From wird häufig mit Ortsadverbien oder anderen Präpositionen verbunden: from above, von oben herab; from beneath, von unten her; from behind, von hinten; from before me, vor mir weg; from amidst, mitten aus; from within, von innen; from without, von außen; from beyond, von jenseits; from out, aus; from under, darunter hervor; from far, von ferne; from among them, unter ihnen heraus; from between them, zwischen ihnen heraus. (v. D. 717.)

2) Dem from entgegengesetzt sind to, till, towards. From und to erwecken die Vorstellung der beiden Endpunkte einer gezogenen Linie: From London to Paris. From the beginning to the end. Bei den hierher gehörigen Zeitbestimmungen kann statt to auch till gesetzt werden: From morning till (to) night. From six till (to) nine o'clock. Towards erweckt, dem from entgegen gesetzt, die Vorstellung einer noch nicht vollendeten Linie: From the mouth towards (nach der Richtung hin) the head of a river. Man merke noch to and fro, hin und her.

§ 140. In (v. D. 639. 640.) dient zur Bezeichnung eines Raumes, innerhalb dessen sich ein Gegenstand befindet. Dem entsprechend sind auch die nicht räumlichen Beziehungen, welche durch diese Präposition ausgedrückt wer= den. 1) Raumbestimmung: I took shelter in the next alehouse that offered. We had an elegant house situated in a fine country. Eben so: He lives in the country, auf dem Lande. There were not two men in the whole university, who understood Greek. A cloud (star) in the sky, am Himmel. He was injured in the foot. My wife had the most lucky dreams in the world. 2) Zeitbestimmung: He had married, in his youth, a very worthy woman. In the night. Eben so: In the morning, afternoon, evening, in the day time. In the mean time. Eben fo: I have deceived wiser men than you in my time. Eben so: in time, bei Zeiten, frühzeitig, zu rechter Zeit, im Verlauf der Zeit, mit der Zeit. 3) The year was spent in moral or rural amusements. I felt a secret pleasure in doing my duty without reward. To delight (take part) in some thing. She places her hope in your zeal. We believe in God. Eben so: Finery is very unbecoming in us. I solemnly protest I had no hand in it, dabei im Spiel. 4) He is well versed in literature. No man is superior to him in knowledge. All were earnestly employed in one pursuit, that of pleasure. 5) I found him standing in this posture. Water issues from the earth in springs. Messengers were sent in various directions. In the following manner. To reply in the affirmative (negative). 6) He has not left a shilling in (auf) the pound. Ten in (von oder unter) a hundred. An inch in diameter. In proportion as he became contemptible to others, he became despicable to himself. In size. 7) In (in oder an) his place. In case, in oder für den Fall. In his favour, zu seinen Gunsten. In the fact, auf frischer That. In behalf of, zum Behufe. (v. D. 699.) In spite of, trot. (v. D. 703.) In regard of, mit Rücksicht auf. 8) In appearance, dem Anscheine nad. In all likelihood. In my opinion. 9) In some measure, ge= wissermaßen. In vain, vergebens. In return (exchange), dafür. In short, furzum. In fact, in der Thot. (v. D. 585.)

Anm. In und at. Der Ort, an welchem etwas stattfindet, wird entweder als mehrere Dimensionen habend, oder als ein Punkt aufgefaßt; das Erste geschieht burch in (im Deutschen in mit dem Dat.), das Lettere durch at (eine

Präpofition, welche der deutschen Sprache fehlt, und die deshalb durch an, auf, bei, zu 2c. vertreten wird). Daß troß der llebereinstimmung in der lokalen Grundbedeutung in und in nicht immer einander entsprechen, geht aus den Beispielen § 125 und § 140 hervor. Während in vor den Namen von Ländern und Hauptstädten im Allgemeinen durch in zu übersetzen ist, wird dieselbe Präposition vor den Namen kleiner Städte 2c. durch at übersetzt: He lives in London (England). She resides at (in, zu) Montpellier.

§ 141. Into (v. D. 641.) bezeichnet, dem deutschen in mit dem Akkusativ entsprechend, den Ort, in dessen Umfang Etwas versetzt wird. Daraus erklären sich folgende Anwendungen: 1) My uncle Toby put his pipe into his mouth. He plunged his knife into the bosom of Caesar. To go into (auf) the country. He generally came into our neighbourhood once a year. He desired to be introduced into the family. They fell into the hands of their enemies. Deliver me into the power of the tormentors. We entered into conversation, consultation (dagegen to enter a room). A window looking into (nach) the street (dagegen the room opened on the lawn). You shall have that into the bargain, in den Kauf. 2) To run into a thousand errors. They persuaded her into a passion. The hag burst into an infernal laugh. The sorceress had thrown her into a trance. The fire burst out into a blaze, loderte hoch auf. 3) These gowns may be altered into something of a plainer cut. A suit of mourning has transformed my coquet into a prude. The rivulet had swollen into a torrent. Amber is often made into (zu) ornaments. 4) Let us translate this story into German. To multiply numbers into (mit) one another. To divide into. 5) He inquired into the nature of my journey to Paris (dagegen to inquire after a person). A thorough examination into characters.

§ 142. Notwithstanding (v. D. 646.), ungeachtet: Notwithstanding all his ease, he seemed perfectly sensible of the distance between us. Notwithstanding, ungeachtet, als Konjunktion: I love her, notwithstanding our tempers do not exactly agree. (§ 204.)

§ 143. Of (v. D. 648. 649.) entspricht im Allgemeinen dem deutschen Genitiv oder der Präposition von.

1) Die Anwendung von of zur Verknüpfung eines Substantivs mit seinem attributiven Komplement ist in § 293-295 behandelt. Daran schließt sich die im § 296 erwähnte Anwendung von of nach Zahlwörtern und dem Superlativ.

2) Die Anwendung von of zur Verknüpfung eines Verbs mit seinem Komplement findet statt bei den Verben: befreien (freisprechen, be= rauben), anklagen, überführen. Ferner bei den Verben, durch welche eine Aussage über einen Gegenstand erfolgt (in Kenntniß sezen von, urtheilen über, sprechen von; ebenso denken an): It had quite deprived him of any appetite for eating. They would talk of nothing but high life. You may judge yourself of the importance of this business. Daran schließe man folgende Verba, deren Rektion vom Deutschen abweicht: to become of, werden aus; beware of, sich hüten vor; consist of, bestehen aus; despair of, verzweifeln an; die of, sterben an; dispose of, verfügen über; doubt of, verzweifeln an; partake of, Theil haben an; remind of, erinnern an; smell of, riechen nach; taste of, schmecken nach.

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