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THERE is a certain bird in the West Indies, which has the faculty of mimicking the notes of every other songster, without being able himself to add any original strains to the concert. As one of these Mock-birds was displaying his talent of ridicule among the branches of a venerable wood: ""Tis very well," said a little warbler, speaking in the name of all the rest, we grant you that our music is not without its faults: but why will you not favour us with a strain of your own ?"


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A LITTLE Boy playing in the fields, chanced to be stung by a Nettle, and came crying to his father: he told him, he had been hurt by that nasty weed several times before; that he was always afraid of it; and that now he did but just touch it, as lightly as possible, when he was so severely stung. "Child," says he, "your touching it so gently and timorously is the very reason of its hurting you. A Nettle may be handled safely, if you do it with courage and resolution; if you seize it boldly and gripe it fast, be assured it will never sting you: and you will meet with many sorts of persons, as well as things in the world, which ought to be treated in the very same manner.”


There are certain persons who require to be treated rather with spirit and resolution, than either tenderness or delicacy.

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A COUNTRY Mouse invited a City Sister of her's to a collation, where she spared for nothing that the place afforded; as mouldy crusts and cheese-parings. The City Dame was too well bred to find fault with her entertainment; but yet represented, that such a life was unworthy of a merit like her's; and letting her know how splendidly she lived, invited her to accompany her to town. The Country Mouse consented, and away they trudged together, and about midnight got to their journey's end. The City Mouse shewed her friend the larder, the pantry, the kitchen, and other offices where she laid her stores; and after this carried her into the parlour, where they found, yet upon the table, the relics of a mighty entertainment of that very night. The City Mouse carved her companion of what she liked best,

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