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135. Mobile, 'motive.'

Non avenus, 'null and void.'
Renfle, 'swells out.'

136. Fringants, 'spirited.'

Fourbus, foundered,' of a broken-down horse.


'broken-kneed'; with a

without hair at the knee.

137. Prendre, 'get into.'

Cigales, 'grasshopper.'

Domestique de place, 'guide.'


138. Semonce, 'summons,' nearly obsolete now; sommation is used instead.

Toutes; n. what part of speech this is; see

139. Essieux, 'axles' (axiculus).

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Calotte de champignon plissé, 'wrinkled mushroom head.'

140. Le Parvis, the space in front of a cathedral, especially Notre Dame at Paris; (der. from 'Paradisus.') Abside, 'apse.'

141. Encan, auction,' (der. from 'in quantum.') 142. Machinistes, 'scene-shifters.'

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Garçon d'accessoires, 'property-man,' who sees to the various small articles required in the action of the play.

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Dire que, to think that'; n. this use of the infinitive in exclamations, where it stands as the subject to

a verb unexpressed; here supply something like, serait insupportable; the words from que

inexorables, are merely an enlargement of the subject dire.

143. Bête, 'stupid.'

Je m'ennuie à crier, 'I am so bored, that I could scream' 'I am bored to death.'

144. À califourchon, 'astride.'

En encorbellements, 'jutting out,' resting on

Éteignoir, 'extinguisher' (éteindre).
Encoignures, 'corners.'

Pans coupés, angles cut off'; lit. the small wall
which cuts off the angle made by two others.
Découpés à jour, with open carving,' through which
the light can pass.


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Empennées, feathered.'

Tranchant, 'standing out.'

145. Que de=

combien de.

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Ébauchés, sketched out.'

Clairière, 'glade.'

L'auteur d'Atala: Chateaubriand.
Jeux; use the sing. in English.

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Banalités, common-places'; banal 'common,'


orig. applied to the oven, mill, &c., used by all those under the ban, or jurisdiction, of one lord.

146. L'emporte sur, 'carries off the palm from.'

147. Tournure, 'figure,'' appearance.'

Remonte, will be going up again directly.'
Filet, 'gleam.'

Coloriages d'autel, 'colours seen on the altar';
i. e. bright tints.

Éclaboussures, splashes' (éclat, boue).

En collerette, 'round his neck,' as a collar.

Échouée, 'left abandoned,' 'high and dry.'

Entonnoir, funnel.'

Sous-sol, 'basement.'

149. Phalène, ' moth.'

Barbotaient, dabbled.'

150. Louches, lit. squinting, transl. 'crazy.' Louche is derived from L. luscus, 'one-eyed.'

Lévites, 'long coats.'

Terne, 'dull.'

Baragouinant, 'gabbling,' derived from Breton,
bara, 'bread'; gwin, 'wine.'
Reîtres, horsemen ' (G. Reiter).
Éculées, 'down at heel.'

Éventrées, 'ripped open.'
Délabrée, 'dilapidated.'
Forçat, 'convict.'

Effiloquée, 'unravelled.'

151. Dentelures, 'carvings,' properly, 'toothed in shape.' Coupure lumineuse, 'gleam of light.'

Cercueil, coffin' (der. from sarcophagus).

Rasée de près, close to which we passed'; cf. 14.
Étoilé, &c., where a lamp shone as a star.'

152. Ruches,' hives.'

Loquet, latch'; a dim. form of O.F. loc, of same

derivation as 'lock.'

Dalles, slabs.'

153. Tirée au cordeau, 'perfectly straight.'

Portes bâtardes, 'small gateways'; between gateways and doorways in size.

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Brouillé, intertwined'; lit. confused.'

Devantures, 'fronts,' 'frames.'

Judas, 'peep-hole.'

Vermoulu, 'worm-eaten.'

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