1. I will extol thee, my | God, O| King; And I will bless thy | name for- | ever and | ever 2. Every day.. will I | bless thee: And I will praise thy | name for- | ever ..and | ever. 3. Great is the Lord, and | greatly to be | praised; And his | greatness | is un- | searchable. 4. One generation shall praise thy | works. to a- | nother. And shall de- | clare thy | mighty | acts. 5. I will speak of the glorious | honor of thy | majesty, And of thy wondrous | works. 6. And men shall speak of the might of thy | terri.. ble | acts; And | I will de- | clare thy | greatness. 7. They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great | goodness. And shall | sing of thy | righteous- | ness. 8. My mouth shall speak the | praise of the | Lord. (Hallelujah.) 21. The Lord preserveth | all them that | love him; dim. But all the | wicked will | he de- | stroy. (short pause.) 22.f My mouth shall speak the I praise . of the | Lord: And let all flesh bless his holy | name for- ever..and | ever. (Hallelujah.) And let all flesh bless his holy | name for-ever and | ever. (Hallelujah 1. ( Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place A In all gene- | rations. 2. (Before the mountains were brought forth.A Or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to ever | lasting | Thou art | God. 3. (Thou turnest man to destruction; And sayest, Return, ye | chil-dren of | men. 4. For a thousand years in thy sight Are but as yesterday when it is past, A And as a watch in the | night. 5. (Thou carriest them away as with a flood, A b |