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Elle fait la blessée, et va traînant de l'aile,
Attirant le chasseur et le chien sur ses pas,
Détourne le danger, sauve ainsi sa famille;

Et puis, quand le chasseur croit que son chien la pille, Elle lui dit adieu, prend sa volée, et rit

De l'homme qui, confus, des yeux en vain la suit.

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Un esprit vit en nous, et meut tous nos ressorts;
L'impression se fait : le moyen, je l'ignore;
On ne l'apprend qu'au sein de la Divinité;
Et, s'il faut en parler avec sincérité,

Descartes l'ignorait encore.

Nous et lui là-dessus nous sommes tous égaux:
Ce que je sais, Iris, c'est qu'en ces animaux

Dont je viens de citer l'exemple,

Cet esprit n'agit pas : l'homme seul est son temple.

[Du Discours à Madame de La Sablière, à la fin du livre IX; cf. fable 45.]


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NOTE. Nouns and other words used as nouns are indicated by m. or f.; verbs by to ; reflexive verbs by s' or se. 6699 means the word in the heading. Feminine forms of adjectives are given (when they differ from the masculine) thus: curieu-x, -se = curieux, curieuse; irregular verb-forms which might offer difficulty are referred to the infinitive; but the Vocabulary is not intended to take the place of a grammar.

ABBREVIATIONS: adj., adjective; adv., adverb: excl., exclamation; f., feminine; lit., literally; m., masculine; pl., plural; pr., pronounced: prep., preposition; pron., pronoun; sing., singular; conj., conjunction.

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de, to need; se tirer d'—, to get out of the difficulty. affiner, to refine, cheat. affreu-x, -se, dreadful.

afin de, in order to; afin que, in order that.

âge, m., age.

agile, agile, nimble.

agir, to act; faire —, to stir up, shake; s' de, to be a question of; il s'agit bien de chansons, as if songs were the important thing!

agiter, to agitate, stir up.
agneau, m., lamb.
agréable, agreeable.
aide, f., help.

aider, to help, assist.
aigle, m., eagle.
aile, f., wing.

ailé, -e, winged.

aille, from aller.

aimable, lovely.

aimer, to love; s' d'amour tendre, to love each other ten


aîné, m., elder son. aînesse, f., seniority. ainsi, thus, so; que, as well as. air, m., air, style; à l'—, up in the air.

aise, f., ease; à l'-, at ease, comfortably; adj., glad.

aisément, easily. ajouter, to add. alarme, f., alarm.

Alexandre, m., Alexander (king of Macedon, a famous warrior; died 323 B. C.). allécher, to allure. allégresse, f., gladness.

alléguer, to bring forward (as an argument).

aller, to go; to be about to; s'en

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son honneur de, his honor requires him to.

alors, then.

altérer, to alter, impair.

amant, m., lover.
amasser, to pick up.
ambition, f., ambition.
âme, f., soul, mind.
amener, to bring.
amertume, f., bitterness.
ami, m., friend.
amitié, f., friendship.
amour, m. or f., love.
ample, ample.

amuser (s'), to amuse one's self, pass the time.

an, m., year; par, by the year. ancien, -ne, ancient. âne, m., ass; le plus

of an ass.

animal, m., animal.

the most

animer, to animate, encourage. année, f., year.

annoncer, to announce.

apaiser, to calm.

apercevoir, to notice.

Apollon, m., Apollo (god of poetry and art).

apologue, m., apologue, fable. apparence, f., appearance. apparemment, evidently, apparently.

appartenir, to belong.

appât, m., bait, allurement. appeler, to call, name.

appétit, m., -s, m. pl., appetite. applaudir, to applaud. apporter, to bring.

apprendre, to learn, teach. apprêt, m., preparation. apprêter, to prepare.

approcher, to approach, bring near; s'— de, to approach. approfondir, to examine thoroughly.

approuver, to approve.

que, conj.,

appui, m., support.
après, prep., after;
aquatique, aquatic, of the water.
aquilon, m., north wind, cold and
violent wind.
araignée, f., spider.
arbalète, f., cross-bow.
arbitre, m., arbitrator.
arbre, m., tree.

arbuste, m., shrub, plant.
archipatelin, m., arch-deceiver.
argent, m., silver, money.
arme, f., weapon.

armée, f., army.

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de, prep., around.

autre, other; vous (nous) -S hommes, you (we, us) men. autrefois, formerly, once. autruche, f., ostrich.

autrui, another, other people. avaler, to swallow.

avancer, to advance, bring forward, hasten; s'—, to advance, be advanced.

avant, adv. or prep., before; bien à, far down in;

conj., before.

avarice, f., avarice, greed. avec, with.


avenir, to happen, happen to. avent, m., Advent. aventure, f., adventure; d'—, by chance; chercher - to seek adventures, seek one's fortune; tenter l'-, to try one's luck.

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