THAT, during a period of distress which has been severe upon all, but which has fallen upon the working classes and the literary world with double weight, the disposition of intelligent Mechanics to read, and to support by their valuable contributions, our well-meant, but unpretending publication, is a proof that its plan is good, and that its utility is felt; and we, as Publishers, having in an especial manner, devoted ourselves to the working classes, feel that we should be wanting in our duty to them, were we not to acknowledge the great favours they have conferred upon us, and offer them our most hearty gratitude for the same. To those ardent and enquiring minds who have made our pages the means of laying their projects and discoveries before the Public, we feel most peculiar obligation, and we hesitate not to say that, but for them, our efforts, instead of having carried us with triumph to the termination of a Fifth Volume, and opened to us the prospect of a series of future volumes, constantly increasing in interest, of which we can see no termination, would have failed at the very commencement. At the time when the idea of a Mechanics' Magazine was suggested, had it not been for us, that Magazine would have been a work of a very different nature, and of very inferior utility; for it was suggested that it should be a mere literary miscellany; and although the gentleman who, at the first, joined us in the projecting of it (we WY EMERSON, BORN 14TH MAY 1701, DIED 21ST MAY 1782. Empaved for the Mechanics Magagné l'ol from the only (rigenal Painting. which is now in the presiesion of D. Chontasty, of Darlington Published June 1826 by Knight & Lacey, Paternoster Row. MECHANICS' MAGAZINE. VOLUME FIFTH. "The Mechanics' Magazine has, from its establishment, had an extensive circulation; and it LONDON: KNIGHT AND LACEY, PATERNOSTER ROW; AND WESTLEY AND TYRRELL, DUBLIN. M.DCCCXXVI. |