| Royal Institution of Great Britain - Science - 1896 - 758 pages
...ordinary death as of a hearty exploit, and draws his figure* from lives of adventure and toil : — " Under the wide and starry sky Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I lire and gladly die. And I laid me down with a will. This be the verse you grave for me : Here he lie»... | |
 | William Makepeace Thackeray - Electronic journals - 1915 - 878 pages
...Nottingham curtains were pinned back, and just inside the window a throaty baritone was singing : " Home is the sailor, home from the sea ; And the hunter, home from the hill." Across the Street, the man smiled grimly. Home ! For perhaps an hour Joe Drummond had been wandering... | |
 | 1919 - 902 pages
...slope to take up again their daily tasks, of the requiem and epitaph by Robert Louis Stevenson : " Under the wide and starry sky Dig the grave and let...from the sea, And the hunter home from the hill.' " A MANY-SIDED MAN No report is possible of the great host of mourners in every part of the United... | |
 | Mary Mapes Dodge - Children's literature - 1906 - 598 pages
...within sound of God's great wind " that bloweth all day long." Under the wide and starry sky, # * # # Here he lies where he longed to be; Home is the sailor,...home from the sea, And the hunter home from the hill. "AN AHK1L GIRL." DKAWN BY AMY OTIS. THE CRIMSON SWEATER. BY RALPH HENRY HARBOUR. CHAPTER XII. HARRY... | |
 | American Street Railway Association. Meeting - Electric railroads - 1893 - 1022 pages
...unambitious mule. I think this moribund car horse may well say, in the language of Robert Louis Stevenson: " Under the wide and starry sky Dig the grave and let me lie. Sad did I live and gladly die." (Applause.) The technical press will constantly herald and will continue... | |
 | Robert Louis Stevenson - History - 1887 - 204 pages
...wild, From your whole life, O fair and true Your flowers and thorns you bring with you ! XXI REQUIEM UNDER the wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and let...where he longed to be ; Home is the sailor, home from sea, And the hunter home from the hill. XXII . THE CELESTIAL SURGEON IF I have faltered more or less... | |
 | Edward Livermore Burlingame, Robert Bridges, Alfred Sheppard Dashiell, Harlan Logan - American periodicals - 1922 - 1000 pages
...an extra stanza, placed be^i . r •'• tween the two ever-famuiar verses. XX Requiem , , • , , , "Under the wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and...live and gladly die And I laid me down with a will. Here shall be rest for evermo, And the heart for aye shall be still This be the verse you grave for... | |
 | Francis Fisher Browne - American literature - 1888 - 352 pages
...Such a passage is surely the following "Requiem " : " Under the wide and starry sky, Dig the grave und let me lie. Glad did I live and gladly die, And I...grave for me: Here he lies where he longed to be; Some is the sailor, home from sea, Atul the hunter home from the hill." The greater number of these... | |
 | Halkett Lord, Richard Halkett - American literature - 1888 - 572 pages
...pretentious lyrics, and volumes and cycles of lyrics, have long gone silent ?— Under the wide and starrr sky, Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live...gladly die. And I laid me down with a will. This be the verge you grave for me: Here he Пев where he l-nged to be; Borne is the sailor, hnme from sea, And... | |
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