the Chamber The Chief were seated The Mem 132142-32 Vice President. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of Supreme Court of the United States, preceded the marshal and clerk, entered the Chamber were seated in the area to the left of the President's desk. The Chief of Staff of the Army, the Chief Naval Operations, the Major General Comm dant of the Marine Corps, and the Command of the Coast Guard entered the Chamber and w seated in the area to the left of the Vice Preside desk. The Members of the House of Representati preceded by the Sergeant at Arms and the C and by the Speaker, entered the Senate Cham The Speaker was escorted to a seat on the lef the Vice President, the Sergeant at Arms and C were assigned to seats at the Secretary's desk, the Members of the House were given the s provided for them. ecited from the Episcopal burial ection and the life, saith the Lord. in Me, though he were dead, yet whosoever liveth and believeth die. y Redeemer liveth, and that He e latter day upon the earth, and be destroyed, yet shall I see God, for myself, and mine eyes shall nother. othing into this world and it is arry nothing out. The Lord gave ath taken away; blessed be the d. evening i For we co afraid at Thou h secret sin when Th bring our told. The da ten, and to fourso labor and are gone 0 teac apply ou Glory Holy Gh and ever |