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ask for their immediate consideration.

The VICE PRESIDENT. The resolutions will be The resolutions (S. Res. 201) were read, c ered by unanimous consent, and unanim agreed to, as follows:

Resolved, That the Senate has heard with pr sorrow and deep regret the announcement death of Hon. WILLIAM J. HARRIS, late a Senato the State of Georgia.

Resolved, That a committee of fifteen Senat appointed by the Vice President to take ord superintending the funeral of the deceased S

Resolved, That the Secretary communicate resolutions to the House of Representatives and mit a copy thereof to the family of the decease Mr. GEORGE. Mr. President, at a later date ask the Senate to properly notice the passing distinguished colleague, but as a further m respect at this time I move that the Senate d adjourn.

he world we may be rescued by Thy in the light of Thy countenance y flee away.

mmon now the great resources of the
magination, faith, hope, love-that we
pre constantly in the companionship
-it of him whom Thou has called to
Thee. Deal tenderly, O Christ, with
ose grief and poignant sorrow we are
re; enfold them in Thy loving arms,
th the sense of Thy indwelling, give
ce which passeth understanding.
ad the aisles of earth, these homely
n life, make us to be as those who,
ne immortal body, now see the dear
hrough the larger other eyes of the
ve may find that garden of the soul
urst into bloom at the fall of an
dow, where Thou dost walk with
gup beneath Thy wounded feet.
en blossoming in gladness,

r flowers the earth too rudely prest.
l ye who droop in sadness,
and I will give you rest.

appoin for su shall t

a. m. Senate Res


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for superintending the funeral of Mr. HARRIS shall take place in the Senate Chamber at 11 a. m. on Wednesday, April 20, 1932, and Senate attend the same.

Resolved, That as a further mark of res remains be removed from Washington to Ce Ga., for burial in charge of the Sergeant a attended by the committee, who shall have fu to carry these resolutions into effect; and necessary expenses in connection therewith out of the contingent fund of the Senate.

Resolved, That the Secretary communica resolutions to the House of Representatives, a copy thereof to the family of the deceas invite the House of Representatives to att funeral in the Senate Chamber and to ap committee to act with the committee of the

Resolved, That invitations be extended to t ident of the United States and the members Cabinet, the Chief Justice and Associate Jus the Supreme Court of the United States, th matic Corps (through the Secretary of Sta Chief of Staff of the Army, the Chief of Nava tions of the Navy, the Major General Comma

ior Senator from Washington enior Senator from Tennessee › senior Senator from Pennsylhe junior Senator from Florida ne junior Senator from Michilenn], the senior Senator from Copeland], the senior Senator lenn], the senior Senator from Bratton], the senior Senator [Mr. Hatfield], and the senior ma [Mr. Black].

President, I ask unanimous conSenate concludes its business journ until 11 o'clock a. m.

ro tempore. In the absence of r will be entered.

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