P. 123, 1. 4. Read ancient books, or dream inspiring dreams; The reader will here remember that passage of Horace, Nunc veterum libris, nunc somno, &c. which was inscribed by Lord Chesterfield on the frieze of his library. P. 123, 1. 5. And, when a sage's bust arrests thee there, Siquidem non solum ex auro argentove, aut certe ex ære in bibliothecis dicantur illi, quorum immortales animæ in iisdem locis ibi loquuntur: quinimo etiam quæ non sunt, finguntur, pariuntque desideria non traditi vultus, sicut in Homero evenit. Quo majus (ut equidem arbitror) nullum est felicitatis specimen, quam semper omnes scire cupere, qualis fuerit aliquis. PLIN. NAT. HIST. Cicero speaks with pleasure of a little seat under Aristotle in the library of Atticus. "Literis sustentor et recreor; maloque in illa tua sedecula, quam habes sub imagine Aristotelis, sedere, quàm in istorum sella curuli!" Ep. ad Att. iv. 10. Nor should we forget that Dryden drew inspiration from the "majestic face" of Shakspeare; and that a portrait of Newton was the only ornament of the closet of Buffon. Ep. to Kneller. Voyage à Montbart. In the chamber of a man of genius we Write all down: Such and such pictures; there the window; the arras, figures, Why, such and such. P. 123, 1. 9. Which gathers round the Wise of every Tongue, Quis tantis non gaudeat et glorietur hospitibus, exclaims Petrarch.-Spectare, etsi nihil aliud, certè juvat. Homerus apud me mutus, imò verò ego apud illum surdus sum. Gaudeo tamen vel aspectû solo, et sæpe illum amplexus ac suspirans dico: O magne vir, &c. Epist. Var. lib. 20. P. 123, 1. 22. As her fair self reflected seems to rise! Wild Winter ministers his dread controul These eyelids open to the rising ray, Your bed-chamber, and also your library, says Vitruvius, should have an eastern aspect; usus enim matutinum postulat lumen. Not so the picture-gallery; which requires a north light, uti colores in ope, propter constantiam luminis, immutata permaneant qualitate. This disposition accords with his plan of a Grecian house. P. 124, 1. 15. Like those blest Youths, See the Legend of the Seven Sleepers. GIBBON, с. 33. P. 125, 1. 8. Catch the blest accents of the wise and great. Mr. Pope delights in enumerating his illustrious guests. Nor is this an exclusive privilege of the poet. The Medici Palace at Florence exhibits a long and imposing catalogue. "Semper hi parietes columnæque eruditis vocibus resonuerunt." P. 126, 1. 14. Sheds, like an evening-star, its ray serene, At a Roman supper statues were sometimes employed to hold the lamps. -aurea sunt juvenum simulacra per ædes, LUCR. ii. 24. A fashion as old as Homer! Odyss. vii. 100. On the proper degree and distribution of light we may consult a great master of effect. Il lume grande, ed alto, e non troppo potente, sarà quello, che renderà le particole de' corpi molto grate. Tratt. della Pittura di LIONARDO DI VINCI, c. xli. Hence every artist requires a broad and high light. Hence also, in a banquet-scene, the most picturesque of all poets has thrown his light from the ceiling. Æn. i. 726. And hence the "starry lamps" of Milton, that yielded light As from a sky. P. 126, 1. 24. Beyond the triumphs of a Loriot's art. At the petits soupés of Choisy were first introduced those admirable pieces of mechanism, afterwards carried to perfection by Loriot, the Confidente and the Servante; a table and a side-board, which descended, and rose again covered with viands and wines. And thus the most luxurious Court in Europe, after all its boasted refinements, was glad to return at last, by this singular contrivance, to the quiet and privacy of humble life. Vie privée de Louis XV. ii. 43. Between 1. 24. and 1. 25. were these lines, since omitted : Hail, sweet Society! in crowds unknown, Though the vain world would claim thee for its own. Still where thy small and cheerful converse flows, Be mine to enter, ere the circle close. When in retreat Fox lays his thunder by, And Wit and Taste their mingled charms supply; They were written in 1796. P. 127, 1. 3. So thro' the vales of Loire the bee-hives glide, An allusion to the floating bee-house, which is seen in some parts of France and Piedmont. P. 127, 1. 10. Caught thro St. James's groves at blush of day; After 1. 10. in the MS. Groves that Belinda's star illumines still, P. 128, 1. 8. And, with the swallow, wings the year away! It was the boast of Lucullus that he changed his climate with the birds of passage. How often must he have felt the truth here inculcated, that the master of many houses has no home! |