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Origines, an important book, in four volumes, was developed from a series of articles in the Revue des deux Mondes, and the Revue Contemporaine.

36. P. 341.-Amiel had just received at the hands of his doctor the medical verdict, which was his arrêt de mort.

37. P. 355.-Compare this paragraph from the Pensées of a new writer, M. Joseph Roux, a country curé, living in a remote part of the Bas Limousin, whose thoughts have been edited and published this year by M. Paul Mariéton (Paris: Alphonse Lemerre)

'Le verbe ne souffre et ne connait que la volonté qui le dompte, et n'emporte loin sans péril que l'intelligence qui lui ménage avec empire l'éperon et le frein.'

38. P. 367.—Ximénès Doudan, born in 1800, died 1872, the brilliant friend and tutor of the De Broglie family, whose conversation was so much sought after in life, and whose letters have been so eagerly read in France since his death. Compare M. Scherer's two articles on Doudan's Lettres and Pensées in his last published volume of essays.

39. P. 388.-Compare La Bruyère—

'Entre toutes les differentes expressions qui peuvent rendre une seule de nos pensées il n'y en a qu'une qui soit la bonne; on ne la rencontre pas toujours en parlant ou en écrivant: il est vray néanmoins qu'elle existe, que tout ce qui ne l'est point est foible, et ne satisfait point un homme d'esprit qui veut se faire entendre.'

40. P. 394.-Amiel's expression is Les Parnassiens, an old name revived, which nowadays describes the younger school of French poetry represented by such names as Théophile Gautier, Leconte de Lisle, Théodore de Bauville, and Baudelaire. The modern use of the word dates from the publication of Le Parnasse Contemporain (Lemerre,1866).

41. P. 424.-Victor de Laprade, born 1812, first a disciple and imitator of Edgar Quinet, then the friend of Lamartine, Lamennais, George Sand, Victor Hugo; admitted to the Academy in 1857 in succession to Alfred de Musset. He wrote Parfums de Madeleine, 1839; Odes et Poèmes, 1843; Poèmes Evangéliques, 1852; Idylles Héroiques, 1858, etc. etc.

42. P. 428.-Madame Necker de Saussure was the daughter

of the famous geologist, De Saussure; she married a nephew of Jacques Necker, and was therefore cousin by marriage of Madame de Staël. She is often supposed to be the original of Madame de Cerlèbe in Delphine, and the Notice sur le Caractère et les Écrits de Mdme. de Staël, prefixed to the authoritative edition of Madame de Staël's collected works, is by her. Philanthropy and education were her two main interests, but she had also a very large amount of general literary cultivation, as was proved by her translation of Schlegel's Lectures on Dramatic Literature.

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Le Christianisme et ses Origines, Montégut, Emil, 101.


Hegel, 7, 364.

Phenomenology of Mind, 145.

Heim, Charles, 225.

Heine, 244.


Lichtstrahlen, 250.

Hirn, 244.

Hobbes, 188.

Hugo, Victor, 113.

Les Contemplations, 126.
Les Misérables, 133.
Légende des Siècles, 137.
Paris, 381.

Humboldt, Alex. von, 11, 293.


Pensées, 8.

Correspondance, 9.

KANT, 256, 369.

Kollach, 15.

Krause, 305.

Urbild der Menschheit, 28.


La Fontaine, 369, 385, 386.
Lamartine, 253.

Jocelyn, 127.

Préludes, 348.

Lamennais, 164, 244.

Laprade, de, 424.


L'Avenir Religieux, 370.
Leconte de Lisle-

Translation of Eschylus, 315.


Nos Fils et nos Filles, 413.
Littré, 101.


Geschichte der Aesthetik in
Deutschland, 214.

Luther, 292.


Mendelssohn, 11.

Mérimée, 467.

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