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Friday, March 21, 1893.

SIR FREDERICK BRAMWELL, Bart. D.C.L. LL.D. F.R.S. Honorary Secretary and Vice-President, in the Chair.

The Right Hon. LORD RAYLEIGH, M.A. D.C.L. LL.D. F.R.S. M.R I. Interference Bands and their Applications.


THE formation of the interference bands, known as Newton's Rings, when two slightly curved glass plates are pressed into contact, was illustrated by an acoustical analogue. A high-pressure flame B (Fig. 1) is sensitive to sounds which reach it in the direction EB, but is insensitive to similar sounds which reach it in the nearly perpendicular direction AB. A is a "bird-call," giving a pure sound



FIG. 1.

(inaudible) of wave-length (A) equal to about 1 cm.; C and D are reflectors of perforated zinc. If C acts alone the flame is visibly excited by the waves reflected from it, though by far the greater part of the energy is transmitted. If D, held parallel to C, be then brought into action, the result depends upon the interval between the two partial reflectors. The reflected sounds may co-operate, in which case the flame flares vigorously; or they may interfere, so that the flame recovers, and behaves as if no sound at all were falling upon it. The first effect occurs when the reflectors are D close together, or are separated by any multiple of 2.λ; the second when the interval is midway between those of the above-mentioned series, that is, when it coincides with an odd multiple of √2.λ. The factor 2 depends upon the obliquity of the reflection.

The coloured rings, as usually formed between glass plates, lose a good deal of their richness by contamination with white light reflected from the exterior surfaces. The reflection from the hindermost surface

is easily got rid of by employing an opaque glass, but the reflection from the first surface is less easy to deal with. One plan, used in the lecture, depends upon the use of slightly wedge-shaped glasses (2)

so combined that the exterior surfaces are parallel to one another, but inclined to the interior operative surfaces. In this arrangement the false light is thrown somewhat to one side, and can be stopped by a screen suitably held at the place where the image of the electric arc is formed.

The formation of colour and the ultimate disappearance of the bands as the interval between the surfaces increases, depends upon the mixed character of white light. For each colour the bands are upon a scale proportional to the wave-length for that colour. If we wish to observe the bands when the interval is considerable-bands of high interference as they are called—the most natural course is to employ approximately homogeneous light, such as that afforded by a soda flame. Unfortunately, this light is hardly bright enough for projection upon a large scale.

A partial escape from this difficulty is afforded by Newton's observations as to what occurs when a ring system is regarded through a prism. In this case the bands upon one side may become approximately achromatic, and are thus visible to a tolerably high order, in spite of the whiteness of the light. Under these circumstances there is, of course, no difficulty in obtaining sufficient illumination; and bands formed in this way were projected upon the screen.


The bands seen when light from a soda flame falls upon nearly parallel surfaces have often been employed as a test of flatness. flat surfaces can be made to fit, and then the bands are few and broad, if not entirely absent; and, however the surfaces may be presented to one another, the bands should be straight, parallel, and equidistant. If this condition be violated, one or other of the surfaces deviates from flatness. In Fig. 2, A and B represents the glasses to be tested, and C is a lens of 2 or 3 feet focal length. Rays diverging from a soda flame at E are rendered parallel by the lens, and after reflection from the surfaces are recombined by the lens at E. To make an observation, the coincidence of the radiant point and its image must be somewhat disturbed, the one being displaced to a position a little beyond, and the other to a position a little in front of, the diagram.

The eye, protected from the flame by a suitable screen, is placed at the image, and being focused upon A B, sees the field traversed by bands. The reflector D is introduced as a matter of convenience to make the line of vision horizontal.

These bands may be photographed. The lens of the camera takes the place of the eye, and should be as close to the flame as possible. With suitable plates, sensitised by cyanin, the exposure required may vary from ten minutes to an hour. To get the best results, the hinder surface of A should be blackened, and the front surface of B should be thrown out of action by the superposition of a wedge-shaped

The theory is given in a paper upon "Achromatic Interference Bands," Phil. Mag. Aug. 1889.

plate of glass, the intervening space being filled with oil of turpentine or other fluid having nearly the same refraction as glass. Moreover, the light should be purified from blue rays by a trough containing solution of bichromate of potash. With these precautions the dark parts of the bands are very black, and the exposure may be prolonged much beyond what would otherwise be admissible.

The lantern slides exhibited showed the elliptical rings indicative of a curvature of the same sign in both directions, the hyperbolic bands corresponding to a saddle-shaped surface, and the approximately parallel system due to the juxtaposition of two telescopic "flats," kindly lent by Mr. Common. On other plates were seen grooves due

FIG. 2.



to rubbing with rouge along a defined track, and depressions, some of considerable regularity, obtained by the action of diluted hydrofluoric acid, which was allowed to stand for some minutes as a drop upon the surface of the glass.

By this method it is easy to compare one flat with another, and thus, if the first be known to be free from error, to determine the errors of the second. But how are we to obtain and verify a standard? The plan usually followed is to bring three surfaces into comparison. The fact that two surfaces can be made to fit another in all azimuths proves that they are spherical and of equal curvatures, but one convex and the other concave, the case of perfect flatness not being excluded. If A and B fit another, and also A and C, it follows that B and C must be similar. Hence, if B and C also fit one

another, all three surfaces must be flat. By an extension of this process the errors of three surfaces which are not flat can be found from a consideration of the interference bands which they present when combined in three pairs.


But although the method just referred to is theoretically complete, its application in practice is extremely tedious, especially when the surfaces are not of revolution. A very simple solution of the difficulty has been found in the use of a free surface of water, which, when protected from tremors and motes, is as flat as can be desired.* In order to avoid all trace of capillary curvature it is desirable to allow a margin of about 1 inch. The surface to be tested is supported horizontally at a short distance (or inch) below that of the water, and the whole is carried upon a large and massive levelling stand. By the aid of screws the glass surface is brought into approximate parallelism with the water. In practice the principal trouble is in the avoidance of tremors and motes. When the apparatus is set up on the floor of a cellar in the country, the tremors are sufficiently excluded, but care must be taken to protect the surface from the slightest draught. To this end the space over the water must be enclosed almost air-tight. In towns, during the hours of traffic, it would probably require great precaution to avoid the disturbing effects of tremors. In this respect it is advantageous to diminish the thickness of the layer of water; but if the thinning be carried too far, the subsidence of the water surface to equilibrium becomes sur

FIG. 3.

prisingly slow, and a doubt may be felt whether after all there may not remain some deviation from flatness due to irregularities of temperature.

With the aid of the levelling screws the bands may be made as broad as the nature of the surface admits; but it is usually better so to adjust the level that the field is traversed by five or six approximately parallel bands. Fig. 3 represents bands actually observed from the face of a prism. That these are not straight, parallel, and equidistant is a proof that the surface deviates from flatness. The question next

* The diameter would need to be 4 feet in order that the depression at the circumference, due to the general curvature of the earth, should amount to λ.

arising is to determine the direction of the deviation. This may be effected by observing the displacement of the bands due to a known motion of the levelling screws; but a simpler process is open to us. It is evident that if the surface under test were to be moved downwards parallel to itself, so as to increase the thickness of the layer of water, every band would move in a certain direction, viz. towards the side where the layer is thinnest. What amounts to the same, the retardation may be increased, without touching the apparatus, by so moving the eye as to diminish the obliquity of the reflection. Suppose, for example, in Fig. 3, that the movement in question causes the bands to travel downwards, as indicated by the arrow. The inference is that the surface is concave. More glass must be removed at the ends of the bands than in the middle in order to straighten them. If the object be to correct the errors by local polishing operations upon the surface, the rule is that the bands, or any parts of them, may be rubbed in the direction of the arrow.

A good many surfaces have thus been operated upon; and although a fair amount of success has been attained, further experiment is required in order to determine the best procedure. There is a tendency to leave the marginal parts behind; so that the bands though straight over the greater part of their length, remain curved at their extremities. In some cases hydrofluoric acid has been, resorted to, but it appears to be rather difficult to control.

The delicacy of the test is sufficient for every optical purpose. A deviation from straightness amounting to of a band interval could hardly escape the eye, even on simple inspection. This corresponds to a departure from flatness of of a wave-length in water, or about of the wave-length in air. Probably a deviation of od could be made apparent.

For practical purposes a layer of moderate thickness, adjusted so that the two systems of bands corresponding to the duplicity of the soda line do not interfere, is the most suitable. But if we wish to observe bands of high interference, not only must the thickness be increased, but certain precautions become necessary. For instance, the influence of obliquity must be considered. If this element were absolutely constant, it would entail no ill effect. But in consequence of the finite diameter of the pupil of the eye, various obliquities are mixed up together, even if attention be confined to one part of the field. When the thickness of the layer is increased, it becomes necessary to reduce the obliquity to a minimum, and further to diminish the aperture of the eye by the interposition of a suitable slit. The effect of obliquity is shown by the formula

[blocks in formation]

The necessary parallelism of the operative surfaces may be obtained, as in the above described apparatus, by the aid of levelling. But a much simpler device may be employed, by which the experimental

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