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the minuter the accuracy to be attained the greater the labour, of course. You must not imagine that I suggest, as a thing of practical engineering, the attainment of minute accuracy in the solution of a problem thus arbitrarily proposed; but it is interesting to know that there is no limit to the accuracy to which this ideal problem may be worked out by the methods which are actually used every day by engineers in their calculations and drawings.

If we wish

The modern method of the " calculus of variations," brought into the perfect and beautiful analytical form in which we now have it by Lagrange, gives for this particular problem a theorem which would be very valuable to the draughtsman if he were required to produce an exceedingly accurate drawing of the required curve. The curvature of the curve at any point is convex towards the side on which the price per unit length of line is less, and is numerically equal to the rate per mile perpendicular to the line at which the Neperian logarithm of the price per unit length of the line varies. This statement would give the radius of curvature in fraction of a mile. to have it in yards we must take the rate per yard at which the Neperian logarithm of the price per unit length of the line varies. I commend the Neperian logarithm of price in pounds, shillings and pence to our Honorary Secretary, to whom no doubt it will present a perfectly clear idea; but less powerful men would prefer to reckon the price in pence, or in pounds and decimals of a pound. In every possible case of its subject the "calculus of variations" gives a theorem of curvature less simple in all other ca es than in that very simple case of the railway line of minimum first cost, but always interpretable and intelligible according to the same principles.

Thus in Dido's problem we find by the calculus of variations that the curvature of the enclosing line varies in simple proportion to the value of the land at the places through which it passes; and the curvature at any one place is determined by the condition that the whole length of the ox-hide just completes the enclosure.

The problem of Horatius Cocles combines the railway problem with that of Dido. In it the curvature of the boundary is the sum of two parts; one, as in the railway, equal to the rate of variation perpendicular to the line, of the Neperian logarithm of the cost in time per yard of the furrow (instead of cost in money per yard of the railway); the other varying proportionally to the value of the land as in Dido's problem, but now divided by the cost per yard of the line, which is constant in Dido's case. The first of these parts, added to the ratio of the money-value per square yard of the land to the money-cost per lineal yard of the boundary (a wall suppose), is the curvature of the boundary when the problem is simply to make the most you can of a grant of as much land as you please to take provided you build a proper and sufficient stone wall round it at your own expense. This problem, unless wall-building is so costly that no part of the offered land will pay for the wall round it, has clearly

a determinate finite solution if the offered land is an oasis surrounded by valueless desert. It has also a determinate finite solution even though the land be nowhere valueless, if the wall is sufficiently more and more expensive at greater and greater distances from some place where there are quarries, or habitations for the builders.

The simplified case of this problem, in which all equal areas of the land are equally valuable, is identical with the old well-known Cambridge dynamical plane problem of finding the motion of a particle relatively to a line of reference revolving uniformly in a plane: to which belongs that considerable part of the "Lunar Theory" in which any possible motion of the moon is calculated on the supposition that the centre of gravity of the earth and moon moves uniformly in a circle round the sun, and that the motions of the earth and moon are exactly in this plane. The rule for curvature


which I have given you expresses in words the essence of the calculation, and suggests a graphic method for finding solutions by which not uninteresting approximations to the cusped and looped orbits of G. F. Hill† and Poincare can be obtained without disproportionately great labour.

In the dynamical problem, the angular velocity of the revolving line of reference is numerically equal to half the value of the land per square yard; and the relative velocity of the moving particle is numerically equal to the cost of the wall per lineal yard in the land question.

But now as to the proper theorem of curvature for each case; both Dido and Horatius Cocles no doubt felt it instinctively and were guided by it, though they could not put it into words, still less prove it by the "calculus of variations." It was useless knowledge to the bees, and, therefore, they did not know it; because they had only to do with straight lines. But as you are not bees I advise you all, even though you have no interest in acquiring as much property as you can enclose by a wall of given length, to try Dido's problem for yourselves, simplifying it, however, by doing away with the rugged coast line for part of your boundary, and completing the enclosure by the wall itself. Take forty inches of thin soft black thread with its ends knotted together and let it represent the wall; lay it down on a large sheet of white paper and try to enclose the greatest area with it you can. You will feel that you must stretch it in a circle to do this, and then, perhaps, you will like to read Pappus (Liber V. Theorema II. Propositio II.) to find mathematical demonstration that you have judged rightly for the case of all equal areas of the enclosed land equally valuable. Next try a case in

Kelvin, "On Graphic Solution of Dynamical Problems." Phil. Mag.' 1892 (2nd half-year).

Hill," Researches in the Lunar Theory," Part 3. National Academy of Sciences, 1887.

Méthodes Nouvelles de la Mécanique Céleste,' p. 109 (1892).

which the land is of different value in different parts. Take a square foot of white paper and divide it into 144 square inches to represent square miles, your forty inches of endless thread representing a forty miles wall to enclose the area you are to acquire. Write on each square the value of that particular square mile of land, and place your endless thread upon the paper, stretched round a large number of smooth pins stuck through the paper into a drawing-board below it, so as to enclose as much value as you can, judging first roughly by eye and then correcting according to the sum of the values of complete squares and proportional values of parts of squares enclosed by it. In a very short time you will find with practical accuracy the proper shape of the wall to enclose the greatest value of the land that can be enclosed by forty miles of wall. When you have done this you will understand exactly the subject of the calculus of variations, and those of you who are mathematical students may be inclined to read Lagrange, Woodhouse, and other modern writers on the subject. The problem of Horatius Cocles, when not only the different values of the land in different places but also the different speed of the plough according to the nature of the ground through which the furrow is cut are taken into consideration, though more complex and difficult, is still quite practicable by the ordinary graphic method of trial and error. analytical method of the calculus of variations, of which I have told you the result, gives simply the proper curvature for the furrow in any particular direction through any particular place. It gives this and it cannot give anything but this, for any plane isoperimetrical problem whatever, or for any isoperimetrical problem on a given curved surface of any kind.


Beautiful, simple, and clear as isoperimetrics is in geometry, its greatest interest, to my mind, is in its dynamical applications. The great theorem of least action, somewhat mystically and vaguely propounded by Maupertuis, was magnificently developed by Lagrange and Hamilton, and by them demonstrated to be not only true throughout the whole material world, but also a sufficient foundation for the whole of dynamical science.

It would require nearly another hour if I were to explain to you fully this grand generalisation for any number of bodies moving freely, such as the planets and satellites of the solar system, or any number of bodies connected by cords, links, or mutual pressures between hard surfaces, as in a spinning-wheel, or lathe and treadle, or a steam engine, or a crane, or a machine of any kind; but even if it were convenient to you to remain here an hour longer, I fear that two hours of pure mathematics and dynamics might be too fatiguing. I must, therefore, perforce limit myself to the two-dimensional, but otherwise wholly comprehensive, problems of Dido and Horatius Cocles. Going back to the simpler included case of the railway of minimum cost between two towns, the dynamical analogue is this:For price per unit length of the line substitute the velocity of a

point moving in a plane under the influence of a given conservative system of forces, that is to say, such a system that when material particles not mutually influencing one another are projected from one and the same point in different directions, but with equal velocities, the subsequent velocity of each is calculable from its position at any instant, and all have equal velocities in travelling through the same place whatever may be their directions. The theorem of curvature, of which I told you in connection with the railway engineering problem, is now simply the well-known elementary law of relation between curvature and centrifugal force of the motion of a particle.

The motion of a particle in a plane is, as Liouville has proved, a case to which every possible problem of dynamics involving just two freedoms to move can be reduced. But to bring you to see clearly its relation to isoperimetrics, I must tell you of another admirable theorem of Liouville's, reducing to a still simpler case the most general dynamics of two-freedoms motion. Though not all mathematical experts, I am sure you can all perfectly understand the simplicity of the problem of drawing the shortest line on any given convex surface, such as the surface of this block of wood (shaped to illustrate Newton's dynamical theory of the elliptic motion of a planet round the sun) which you see on the table before you. I solve the problem practically by stretching a thin cord between the two points, and pressing it a little this way or that way with my fingers till I see and feel that it lies along the shortest distance between them. And now, when I tell you that Liouville has reduced to this splendidly simple problem of drawing a shortest line (geodetic line it is called) on any given curved surface every conceivable problem of dynamics involving only two freedoms to move, I am sure you will understand sufficiently to admire the great beauty of this theorem.

The doctrine of isoperimetrical problems in its relation to dynamics is very valuable in helping to theoretical investigation of an exceedingly important subject for astronomy and physics-the stability of motion, regarding which, however, I can only this evening venture to show you some experimental illustrations.

The lecture was concluded with experiments illustrating

1. Rigid bodies (teetotums, boys' tops, ovals, oblates, &c.) placed on a horizontal plane, and caused to spin round on a vertical axis, and found to be thus rendered stable or unstable according as the equilibrium without spinning is unstable or stable.

2. The stability or instability of a simple pendulum whose point of support is caused to vibrate up and down in a vertical line, investigated mathematically by Lord Rayleigh.

3. The crispations of a liquid supported on a vibrating plate, investigated experimentally by Faraday; and the instability of a liquid in a glass jar, vibrating up and down in a vertical line, demonstrated mathematically by Lord Rayleigh.

4. The instability of water in a prolate hollow vessel, and its

stability in an oblate hollow vessel, each caused to rotate rapidly round its axis of figure,* which were announced to Section A of the British Association at its Glasgow meeting in 1876 as results of an investigation not then published, and which has not been published up to the present time.

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Nature,' 1877, vol. 15, p. 297, ‘On the Precessional Motion of a Liquid.'


Friday May 19, 1893.

BASIL WOODD SMITH, Esq. F.R.A.S. F.S.A. Vice-President, in the



Poetry and Pessimism.

[No Abstract.]

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