Could crystallize this sacred treasure ! Long should it glitter near my heart, A secret source of pensive pleasure. The little brilliant, ere it fell, Its lustre caught from CHLOE'S eye ; Then, trembling, left its coral cell — The spring of Sensibility... Poems - Page 181by Samuel Rogers - 1834 - 295 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Books and bookselling - 1793 - 550 pages
...ilow-confuniing victim wept. Pointing, and grinning, like a wither 'd ripe: About her throat, the afp Detraction More calmly clear, more mildly bright, Than any gem that gilds the mine. Benign reftorer of the foul, Who ever fly'll to bring relief. When firlt {he feel? the rude controul The fagc's... | |
 | English literature - 1791 - 684 pages
...The fpring of Senfibility ! Sweet drop of pare and pearly light ! In thee the rays of Virtue (hiñe More calmly clear, more mildly bright, Than any gem that gilds the mine. Benign reftorer of the foul ! Who ever fly'ft to bring relief, When firft (he feels the rude controul Of Love... | |
 | Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - Periodicals - 1791 - 612 pages в i L i т Y ! Sweet drop of pure and pearly light ! In thee the rays efVi RTUE (hiñe Мэге calmly clear, more mildly bright, Than any gem that gilds the mine. Benign reftorer of the foul ! Who ever fly'ft to bring relief, When fiift ßie feels the rude controul Of... | |
 | English poetry - 1792 - 724 pages
...luftre caught from Chloe's eye ; Then, trembling, Itft its coral cell— The fpring of fenfibility ! Sweet drop of pure and pearly light ! In thee the rays of virtue fliine More calmly clear, more mildly bright, Than »ny gem that gilds the mine. Benign rcftorer of... | |
 | 1792 - 794 pages
...fpring of fenfibility ! Sweet drop of pure and pearly light ! In thee the rays of virtue mine JHore calmly clear, more mildly bright, Than any gem that gilds the mine. Benign reftorer of the fodl ! Who ever fly 'ft tobring relief, ^Vhen firft uie feels the rude controul Of... | |
 | Early English newspapers - 1793 - 712 pages
...cell— The fpring of Senfibiiity ! Sweet drop of pure and pearly light! Inthee the rays of Virtue (bine; More calmly clear, more mildly bright, Than any gem that gilds the mine. Benign reftorer of the foul, Who ever fly'ft to bring relief, When firft fhe feels the rude coiilronl Of Love... | |
 | Samuel Rogers - 1793 - 136 pages
...luftre caught from CH LOE'S eye ; Then, trembling, left its coral cell — The fpring of Senfibility! Sweet drop of pure and pearly light ! In thee the rays of Virtue fliine ; More calmly clear, more mildly bright, Than any gem that gilds the mine. i Benign reftorer... | |
 | Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1799 - 222 pages
...The fpring of Senfibility ! Sweet drop of pure and pearly light! in thee the ray* of Virtue fhirie j More calmly clear, more mildly bright, Than any gem that gilds the mine. Benign reftorer of the foul! Who ever fly'ft to bring relief, When firft fhe feels the rude controul Of Love... | |
 | Apollo - 1800 - 224 pages
...caught from CHLOE'S eye; Then, trembling, left its coral cell — i The fpring ofsEvsiBtLiTY! Svepf drop of pure and pearly light! In thee the rays of VIRTUE Ihine ; More calmly clear, more mildlv bright, . Than any gem that gilds the mme. Benign reflorer of... | |
 | Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1801 - 222 pages
...lustre caught from CHLOE'S eye; Then, trembling, left its coral cell — The spring of Sensibility ! Sweet drop of pure and pearly light ! In thee the...soul! Who ever fly'st to bring relief, When first she feels the rude controul Of Love or Pity, Joy or Grief. 160 The sage's and the poet's theme, In... | |
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