True as the needle, homeward points his heart, When Morn first faintly draws her silver line, Her gentle spirit, lightly hovering o'er, Carved is her name in many a spicy grove, But lo, at last he comes with crowded sail ! -'Tis she, 'tis she herself! she waves her hand! Immota manet; multosque nepotes, Multa virûm volvens durando sæcula, vincit. - VIRG. ROUND thee, alas, no shadows move! From thee no sacred murmurs breathe! Yet within thee, thyself a grove, There once the steel-clad knight reclined, Then Culture came, and days serene; Father of many a forest deep, Wont in the night of woods to dwell, AA H 1 178 Thy singed top and branches bare TO TWO SISTERS. * WELL may you sit within, and, fond of grief, Changed is that lovely countenance, which shed Those lips so pure, that moved but to persuade, Yet has she fled the life of bliss below, And now in joy she dwells, in glory moves! * On the death of a younger sister. |