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Then came the parting hour, and what arise
When lovers part-expressive looks, and eyes
Tender and tearful-many a fond adieu,

And many a call the sorrow to renew.

Adieu, adieu! my native shore

Fades o'er the waters blue;

The night-winds sigh, the breakers roar,

And shrieks the wild sea-mew.

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Crabbe, Tales.

Farewell awhile to him and thee,

My native land-good night.

ADMONITION-see Advice.

Byron, Ch. H. 1. 13.

Sum up at night what thou hast done by day;

And in the morning what thou hast to do.

Dress and undress thy soul. Watch the decay,
And growth of it. If with thy watch, that too
Be down, then wind both up. Since we shall be

Most surely judged, make thy accounts agree. Herbert, Temp.

What could I more ?

I warn'd thee, I admonish'd thee, foretold

The danger, and the lurking enemy

That lay in wait; beyond this had been force,


And force upon free-will hath here no place. Milton, VII. 77.

Be wise with speed;

A fool at forty is a fool indeed.


Young, Sat. 11. 282.

Byron, Don Juan, 1. 63.

What men call gallantry, and gods adultery,

Is much more common where the climate's sultry.

ADVERSITY-see Affliction.

'Tis strange how many unimagin'd charges

Can swarm upon a man, when once the lid

Of the Pandora box of contumely

So noble a master fallen! all gone! and not

One friend, to take his fortune by the arm,

Is open'd o'er his head.

Shakespeare, Poems.

Such a house broke!

Sh. Timon, II. 2.

Sh. Timon, v. 3.

And go along with him.

This is in thee a nature but affected;

A poor unmanly melancholy, sprung

From change of fortune.

The great man down, you mark his favourite flies,

The poor advanced makes friends of enemies. Sh. Ham. 111.2.

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Sh. A. Y. II. 1.

Sweet are the uses of adversity,
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head;
And this our life, exempt from public haunt,
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything.
Where you are liberal of your loves and counsels,
Be sure you be not loose; for those you make friends,
And give your hearts to, when they once perceive
The least rub in your fortunes, fall away
Like water from ye, never found again
But where they mean to sink ye.

Sh. H. VIII. 11. 1.

Farewell, a long farewell, to all my greatness!
This is the state of man; to-day he puts forth

The tender leaves of hope-to-morrow blossoms,
And bears his blushing honours thick upon him;
The third day comes a frost, a killing frost;

And when he thinks, good easy man, full surely

His greatness is a ripening, -nips his root,

And then he falls as I do.

Sh. H. VIII. 111. 2.

I have touch'd the highest point of all my greatness;

And, from that full meridian of my glory,

I haste now to my setting. I shall fall

Like a bright exhalation in the evening,

And no man see me more.

By adversity are wrought

Sh. H. VIII. 111. 2.

Daniel, E. of South.
is spent,
Herrick, Aph. 144.

The greatest works of admiration,
And all the fair examples of renown,
Out of distress and misery are grown.
Love is maintained by wealth; when all
Adversity then breeds the discontent.
Adversity, sage useful guest,
Severe instructor, but the best,
It is from thee alone we know
Justly to value things below.
I am not now in fortune's power:
He that is down, can fall no lower.
Who has not known ill fortune, never knew
Himself, or his own virtue.

Affliction is the wholesome soil of virtue;
Where patience, honour, sweet humanity,
Calm fortitude, take root and strongly flourish.


Butler, Hud.

Mallet, Alfred.

Mal. Alfr.




The gods in bounty work up storms about us,
That give mankind occasion to exert

Their hidden strength, and throw out into practice
Virtues that shun the day, and lie conceal'd

In the smooth seasons and the calms of life. Addison, Cato.

Where is the hero who ne'er found his equal?
Or which the nation that can boast a chief
Who still return'd victorious from the field?

To exult,

Even o'er an enemy oppressed, and heap
Affliction on the afflicted, is the mask

And the mean triumph of a dastard soul.

In this wild world the fondest and the best,
Are the most tried, most troubled, and distress'd.

Frowde, Sa.

Smollett, Reg.


I have not quailed to danger's brow

When high and happy-need I now ?

Byron, Giacur.

Of all the horrid, hideous notes of woe,
Sadder than owl-songs on the midnight blast,
Is that portentous phrase, "I told you so,"
Utter'd by friends, those prophets of the past,
Who 'stead of saying what you now should do,
Own they foresaw that you would fall at last,
And solace your slight lapse 'gainst "bonos mores,"

With a long memorandum of old stories.

Byron, Don J.

And fellow countrymen have stood aloof

In aught that tries the heart, how few withstand the proof!

Byron, Ch. H.

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Corruption wins not more than honesty.

Sh. Hen. VIII. 111. 2.

Rogers, Jacqueline.

Love thyself last; cherish those hearts that hate thee;

Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace,

To silence envious tongues.

Give thy thoughts no tongue,

Nor any unproportion'd thought his act.
Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.
The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel :
But do not dull thy palm with entertainment
Of each new-hatch'd, unfledged comrade.

Sh. Ham. 1. 3.

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Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice;

Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.

Ib. 1. 3.

Love all, trust a few,

Do wrong to none: be able for thine enemy
Rather in power than use; and keep thy friend
Under thy own life's key: be check'd for silence,

But never tax'd for speech.

A wretched soul, bruis'd with adversity

We bid be quiet, when we hear him cry;

Sh. All's W. 1. 1.

But were we burden'd with like weight of pain,

As much, or more, we should ourselves complain.

I pray thee, cease thy counsel

Which falls into mine ears as profitless
As water in a sieve.

Sh. Com. E. II. 1.

Sh. Much A. v. 1.

Learn to be wise, and practise how to thrive:
That would I have thee do; and not to spend
Your coin on every bauble that you fancy,
Or every foolish brain that humours you.
I would not have you to invade each place,
Nor thrust yourself on all societies,
Till men's affections, or your own desert,
Should worthily invite you to your rank.
He that is so respectless in his courses,
Oft sells his reputation at cheap market.

Ben Jonson.

Know when to speak for many times it brings
Danger, to give the best advice to kings. Herrick, Aph. 245.

Take sound advice, proceeding from the heart
Sincerely yours, and free from fraudful art.
When things go ill, each fool presumes to advise,
And if more happy, thinks himself more wise;
All wretchedly deplore the present state,
And that advice seems best which comes too late.



Learn to dissemble wrongs, to smile at injuries,
And suffer crimes thou wanst the power to punish :
Be easy, affable, familiar, friendly :
Search, and know all mankind's mysterious ways;
This is the way, this only, to be safe
In such a world as this.

Rowe, Ulysses.




No part of conduct asks for skill more nice,
Though none more common, than to give advice;
Misers themselves in this will not be saving,
Unless their knowledge makes it worth the having;

And where's the wonder when we will obtrude

A useless gift, it meets ingratitude.

The assuming wit, who deems himself so wise,
As his mistaken patron to advise,

Let him not dare to vent his dang'rous thought

A noble fool was never in a fault.

The worst men give oft the best advice.




Bailey, Festus.

Gentle to me, and affable hath been
Thy condescension, and shall be honoured ever

With grateful memory.


Milton P. L. VIII. 248.

Sh. Two G. 1. 2.

Maids, in modesty, say No to that
Which they would have the profferer construe, Ay.
Fie, fie; how wayward is this us foolish foolish love,
That like a testy babe will scratch the nurse,
And presently, all humbled, kiss the rod!
Why Affectation-why this mock grimace ?
Go, silly thing, and hide that simpering face!
Thy lisping prattle, and thy mincing gait,
All thy false mimic fooleries I hate;
For thou art Folly's counterfeit, and she
Who is right foolish hath the better plea:
Nature's true idiot I prefer to thee!

There affectation, with a sickly mien,


Shows in her cheek the roses of eighteen. Pope, R. L. IV. 31.

In man or woman, but fear most in man,

And most of all in man that ministers
And serves the altar, in my soul I loathe
All affectation; 'tis my perfect scorn;
Object of my implacable disgust.

AFFECTION-see Friendship, Love.

Cowper, Task, 11. 415.

Why, she would hang on him,

As if increase of appetite had grown
By what it fed on.

Sh. Ham. 1. 2.

Affection is a coal that must be cool'd,
Else, suffer'd, it will set the heart on fire.

Sh. Poems.

Excellent wretch! perdition catch my soul
But I do love thee! and when I love thee not

Chaos is come again.

Sh. Oth. 111. 3.

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