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AIR, velocities of currents of, in vertical
tubes, 177; quantity of, inspired during
the day and night, and under the influ-
ence of exercise, food, &c., 451; tem-
perature of a body moving slowly
through, 556.

Airy (G. B.), pendulum experiments in
Harton Colliery for determining the
mean density of the earth, 13; sup-
plement, 58.

account of the construction of the
new national standard of length, and
of its principal copies, 530.
Alcohols, new class of, 33, 511.
Alison (Dr. S. S.) on a new sphygmoscope,

an instrument for indicating the move-
ments of the heart and blood-vessels,
Alkaloids, optical characters of certain,
associated with quinine, 340.
Ammonia and its analogues, new series
of compounds derived from, 502.
Andrews (Dr. T.) on the density of ozone,

Annelids, reproductive organs of the, 371.
Anniversary Meeting, Dec. 1, 1856, 239.
Annual Meeting for election of Fellows,

Antimony-bases, contributions towards
the history of the, 500.

Aqueous vapour, action of, in disturbing
the atmosphere, 421.

Arsenic-bases, contributions towards the
history of the, 500.

Arthur's Seat, deflection of plumb-line at,

Aurora, 214.

Bakerian Lecture.-On the electro-dy-
namic properties of metals, 50.-On
the relations of gold and other metals
to light, 356.

Barlow (W.H.) on an element of strength

in beams subjected to transverse strain,
named the resistance of flexure, 432.
Barometer, on the construction of a stand-
ard, 214.

Bate (S.) on the development of Carcinus
Manas, 544.


Beams, element of strength in, 432.
Beechey (Rear-Admiral F. W.), obituary
notice of, 283.

Blood, microscopical examination of the
circulation of the, in the vessels of the
iris, &c., 229.

Boole (G.) on the comparison of trans-
cendents, with certain applications to
the theory of definite integrals, 461.
Booth (Rev. J.) on the application of
parabolic trigonometry to the investi-
gation of the properties of the common
catenary, 443.

Bowerbank (J. S.) on the anatomy and
physiology of the Spongiada, 573.
Brachiopoda, organization of the, 463.
Brain, researches on the intimate structure
of the, 577.

Brooke (H. J.) on the geometrical iso-
morphism of crystals, 187.
Brown-Séquard (Dr. E.) on the action of
certain parts of the solar spectrum
upon the iris, 233.

experimental researches on the
spinal cord as a leader for sensibility
and voluntary movements, 591.

on the resemblance between the
effects of the section of the sympathetic
nerve in the neck, and of a transverse
section of a lateral half of the spinal
cord, 594.

-, experimental researches on the in-
fluence of efforts of inspiration on the
movements of the heart, 596.

on the influence of oxygen on the
vital properties of the spinal cord,
nerves and muscles, 598.

on the power possessed by motor
and sensitive nerves of retaining their
vital properties longer than muscles,
when deprived of blood, 600.
Buckland (Rev. W.), obituary notice of,


Buckton (G. B.) on the action of sul-

phuric acid upon the amides and nitriles,
with remarks on the conjugate sulpho-
acids, 158.

Buff (H.L.) on some compounds of ethyl-
ene, 188.
2 z

[blocks in formation]

Camera obscura, phenomenon of relief of
the image formed in the ground glass of
the, 569.

Canada, serpentines of, 423.

Carcinus Manas, development of, 544.
Carpenter (W.), researches on the Fora-
minifera, Part II., 205.
Caustics, memoir on, 110.
Cayley (A.), third memoir on quantics, 76.
memoir upon caustics, 110.

memoir on curves of the third
order, 310.

memoir on the resultant of a system
of two equations, 322.

on the symmetric functions of the
roots of certain systems of two equa-
tions, 322.

memoir on the symmetric functions
of the roots of an equation, 323.

memoir on the conditions for the
existence of given systems of equalities
among the roots of an equation, 324.

tables of the Sturmian functions
for equations of the second, third,
fourth and fifth degrees, 325.

-on a class of dynamical problems, 506.
supplementary researches on the
partition of numbers, 573.
Challis (Rev. J.) on the problem of three
bodies, 117.

Chambers (Dr. W. F.), obituary notice of,

Chemical rays, optical and chemical ex-
tinction of the, 516.

Chili, analyses of silver ores from, contain-
ing iodine, bromine and chlorine, 496.
Chowne (Dr. W. D.) on the velocities of
currents of air in vertical tubes, due to
the presence of aqueous vapour in the
atmosphere, 177.

Chronometer compass,description ofa,416.
Church (A. H.) on some new colouring
matters, 48.

Clarke (J. L.) on the nervous system of
Lumbricus terrestris, 343.

researches on the intimate structure

of the brain; human and compara-
tive. Part I. The medulla oblongata,

Claudet (A.) on various phenomena of re-
fraction through semi-lenses or prisms,
producing anomalies in the illusion of
stereoscopic images, 104.

on the phenomenon of relief of the
image formed on the ground glass of
the camera obscura, 569.

Coal, boghead, products of distillation of,
at low temperatures, 119, 338.
Colour blindness, 172.
Colouring matters, new, 48.
Cook (Rev. W.) on the theory of the
gyroscope, 437.

Cooper (E. J.) on the perihelia and nodes
of the planets, 543.


Copernicus," notes on the drawing of,

Copley Medal awarded to H. Milne-
Edwards, 252.

Crichton (Sir A.), obituary notice of, 269.
Crookes (W.) on the photography of the
moon, 363.

Croonian Lecture.-On the cause of the
rhythmic motion of the heart, 473.
Crystals, geometrical isomorphism of, 187;
magnetic induction of, 448.
Ctenostomatous polyzoon from the Au-
stralian coast, 383.

Currey (F.) on the fructification of certain
sphæriaceous Fungi, 588.

Curves of the third order, 310.
Cysticercus cellulose, structure and de-
velopment of the, 422.

Daphnia, account of the two methods of
reproduction in, 352.

Davy (Dr. J.) on the vitality of the ova

of the Salmonidæ of different ages, 27.
Definite integrals, on the determination
of unknown functions which are in-
volved under, 146, 376; comparison of
transcendents, with certain applications
to the theory of, 461.

De la Rue (Warren), chemical examination
of Burmese naphtha, or Rangoon tar,

Dentinal tubes, presence of fibrils of soft
tissue in, 63.

Determinants, better called eliminants,

Diamond (Dr. H. W.) on the application
of photography to the physiognomic
and mental phenomena of insanity, 117.
Donkin (W. F.) on the equation of La-
place's functions, &c., 307.

Duppa (F. B.) on the bromide of titanium,


Dynamical problems, class of, 506.

Earth, mean specific gravity of the, 45;
secular changes of the magnetical sys-
tem of the, 49; figure, dimensions and
mean specific gravity of the, 111; sta-
bility of loose, 185.

Earth's mean density, causes of the great
variation among the different measures
of the, 295.

Earthwork, mathematical theory of the
stability of, 60.

Elasticity, elements of a mathematical
theory of, 85.

Electric conductivity of nickel and iron,
546; copper, 550.

Electric currents, peristaltic induction of,

Electric telegraph, on rapid signalling by
the, 299, 303.

Electricity, statical, on quantitative mea-
surement in, 166.

Electro-physiological researches, 209.
Elephant, placenta of the, 471.
Ellis (G. V.), researches into the nature

of the involuntary muscular fibre, 212.
Equations, symmetric functions of the
roots of certain systems of two, 322,
323; resultant of a system of two, 322;
conditions for the existence of given
systems of equalities among the roots
of, 324.

Ethylene, on some compounds of, 188.
Excrements, human, immediate principles
of, 413.

Fallopian tube conception, existence of

the decidua around the ovum within
the Fallopian tube, in four cases of,


Faraday (M.) on the relations of gold and
other metals to light, 356.
Field (F.) on the existence of silver in
sea-water, 292.

on the separation of iodine, &c.,
and the comparative affinity of these
elements for silver, &c., 496.
Flexure, resistance of, 432.
Fluids, alterations of temperature ac-
companying changes in pressure in, 564.
Fluids in motion, thermal effects of, 41,
178, 556.

Foraminifera, researches on, 205.
Frankland (E.), researches on organo-
metallic bodies:-third memoir, 198.

on a new series of compounds de-
rived from ammonia and its analogues,

Fungi, fructification of certain sphæri-
aceous, 588.

Gall-bladder, on the functions of the
mucous membrane of the, 133.

Gasteropoda, natural affinities and classi-
fication of, 384.

Glaciers, observations on, 331; plasticity
of ice, as manifested in, 455.
Gold and other metals, relations of, to
light, 356.

Gomes de Souza (J.) on the determination
of unknown functions which are in-
volved under definite integrals, 146;
addition to the memoir, 376.

Gosse (P. H.) on the diœcious character
of the Rotifera, 66.
Gravatt (W.), elementary considerations
on the subject of rotatory motion, 76.
Guthrie (G. J.), obituary notice of, 272.
Gyroscope, theory of the, 437.

Haidinger (K.), elected foreign member,

Hancock (A.) on the organization of the
Brachiopoda, 463.

Hansteen (C.) on the secular changes of the

magnetical system of the earth, &c., 49.
Harley (Dr. G.) on the condition of the
oxygen absorbed into the blood during
respiration, 78.

Harris (Sir W. S.) on quantitative mea-
surement in statical electricity, and on
some new phenomena of electrical
force, 166.

Heart, cause of the rhythmic motion of
the, 473; experimental researches on
the influence of efforts of inspiration
on the movements of the, 596.
Heat, on the existence of multiple pro-
portion in, 4, 211.
Herapath (Dr. W. B.) on the detection
of strychnia by the formation of iodo-
strychnia, 149.

on the optical characters of certain
alkaloids associated with quinine, and
of the sulphates of their iodo-com-
pounds, 340.

Hernia of the ovaries, history of two cases
of, 377.

Hobarton, evidence of the existence of the
decennial inequality in the solar-diurnal
variations, &c. at, 314.

Hodgkinson (Eaton), experimental re-
searches on the strength of pillars of
cast iron, 318.
Hofmann (A. W.) on insolinic acid, 1.
on some of the metamorphoses of
naphthalamine, 10.

on a new class of alcohols, 33, 511.
on a new mode of forming triethyl-
amine, 489.

contribution towards the history of
thialdine, 491.

on the action of sulphuric acid upon
anisic and salicylic acids, 494.

Hofmann (A. W.), contributions towards
the history of the phosphorus-, arsenic-
and antimony-bases, 500, 523.
Hopkins (T.) on the action of aqueous
vapour in disturbing the atmosphere,


Hopkins (W.), experimental researches on
the conductive powers of various sub-
stances, with the application of the
results to the problem of terrestrial
temperature, 535.

Hunt (T. S.) on the serpentines of Canada
and their associated rocks, 423.

on the part which the silicates of
the alkalies may play in the meta-
morphism of rocks, 458.

Huxley (T. H.), observations on glaciers,

Ice, plasticity of, 455.

Induction, phenomena of photo-chemical,

Inflammation, early stages of, 581.

Insanity, on the application of photography
to the physiognomic and mental phe-
nomena of, 117.

Insolinic acid, 1.

Iron, strength of pillars of cast, 318.

Jacob (Captain W. S.) on the causes of
the great variation among the different
measures of the earth's mean density,

Jago (J.), ocular spectres, structures and
functions, mutual exponents, 603.
James (Lieut.-Col.), observations and
computations made to ascertain the
amount of the deflection of the plumb-
line at Arthur's Seat, and the mean
specific gravity of the earth, &c., 45.

on the figure, dimensions, and mean
specific gravity of the earth, as derived
from the Ordnance Trigonometrical Sur-
vey of Great Britain and Ireland, 111.
Joule (J. P.) on the thermal effects of
fluids in motion, 41, 178, 556.

-, letter in reference to Dr. Woods'
paper read on Jan. 10th, 62.

on the thermo-electricity of ferru-
ginous metals, and on the thermal
effects of stretching solid bodies, 355.

on the thermal effects of longitudinal
compression of solids, 564.

Kemp (Dr.) on the functions of the mu-

cous membranes of the gall-bladder,
with reference to the conversion of
hepatic into cystic bile, 133.

Kew Observatory, verification of baro-
meters at the, 214.

King (Rear-Admiral P. P.) on the specific

[blocks in formation]

Laplace's functions, &c., equation of, 307.
Lee (Dr. R.) on the existence of the
decidua around the ovum within the
Fallopian tube, in four cases of Fallo-
pian tube conception, &c., 534.
Light, on the magnetic and helicoidal
rotatory effects of transparent bodies
on polarized, 150; measurement of the
chemical action of, 234; relations of
gold and other metals to, 356.

Lister (Joseph) on the early stages of in-
flammation, 581.

Lubbock (J.), an account of the two
methods of reproduction in Daphnia,
and of the structure of the "Ephip-
pium," 352.

Lumbricus terrestris, nervous system of,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Martyn (Dr. P.) on the function of the
thyroid body, 315.
Masonry, mathematical theory of the
stability of, 60.

Matteucci (C.), electro-physiological re-
searches.-Tenth Series, Part I., 209.
Medulla oblongata, 577.

Metals, thermo-electricity of ferruginous,
355; electro-dynamic qualities of, 546.
Metamorphism of rocks, part which the
silicates of the alkalies may play in the,
Miller (W. H.) on the construction of the
imperial standard pound, and its copies
of platinum; and on the comparison of
it with the Kilogramme des Archives,
Part I., 87; Part II., 144.
Milne-Edwards (H.), Copley Medal
awarded to, 252.

Moon, photography of the, 363.
Muscular fibre, researches into the nature
of the involuntary, 212.

Naphtha, Burmese, chemical examination
of, 221.

Naphthalamine, metamorphoses of, 10.
Nautilus, further observatious on the
anatomy and physiology of, 380.
Nerves, on the vagus and spinal accessory,

Nerves, motor and sensitive, retain their
vital properties longer than muscles,
Newman (F.) on determinants, better
called eliminants, 426.

Numbers, partition of, supplementary re-
searches on the, 573.

Pasteur (M.), Rumford Medal awarded
to, 254.

Pendulum experiments in Harton Colliery,
13, 58.

Perkin (W. H.) on some new colouring
matters, 48.

Phillips (John), notes on the drawing of
"Copernicus," 73.

Phillips (Reuben) on the aurora, 214.
Phosphorus-bases, contributions towards
the history of the, 500; researches on
the, 523.
Photo-chemical induction, phenomena of,

Photo-chemical researches, Part I., 235;
Part II., 326; Part III., 516.
Photography, on the application of, to
the physiognomic and mental phe-
nomena of insanity, 117.
Photography of the moon, 363.
Planets, perihelia and nodes of the, 543.
Plücker (Julius) on the magnetic induc-
tion of crystals, 448.

Pole (W.) on colour blindness, 172.
Polyedra, autopolar, 217.

Polygon and polyace, k-partitions of a,

Polypes, asteroid, anatomical description
of a species of, 417.

Pound, on the construction of the impe-

rial standard, and its comparison with
the Kilogramme des Archives, 87, 144.
Problem of three bodies, 117.

Quantics, third memoir on, 76.
Quinine, on the optical character of cer-
tain alkaloids associated with, 340.

Observatory of the Collegio Romano, de- Rainey (G.) on the structure and develop-

scription of the, 83.

Ocular spectres, &c., 603.

Oldham (Dr. H.) on two cases of hernia
of the ovaries, &c., 377.
Organic acids containing nitrogen, new
series of, 198.

Organo-metallic bodies, researches on,


Ovaries, history of two cases of hernia of
the, 377.

Owen (R.) on the Scelidothere (Scelido-
therium leptocephalum, Owen), a large
extinct terrestrial sloth, 312.

- on the placenta of the elephant, 471.
Oxygen, on the condition of the, absorbed
into the blood during respiration, 78;
influence of, on the vital properties of
the spinal cord, nerves and muscles, 598.
Ozone, density of, 498.

ment of the Cysticercus cellulosæ, as
found in the pig, 66, 422.

Rangoon tar, chemical examination of,


Rankine (W. J. M.) on the mathematical
theory of the stability of earthwork and
masonry, 60.

on the stability of loose earth, 185.
Reeder (R.), description of a chronometer-
compass, 416.

Refraction, on various phenomena of,

through semi-lenses or prisms, 104.
Rendel (J. M.), obituary notice of, 279.
Resolution of Council respecting abstracts
of papers received during the recess, 221.
Richardson (Sir J.), Royal Medal awarded
to, 257.

Roscoe (H. E.), photo-chemical re-
searches, Part I., 234; Part II., 326;
Part III., 516.

Paget (J.) on the cause of the rhythmic Rotatory motion, elementary considera-

motion of the heart, 473.

tions on the subject of, 76.

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