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wall which takes place when the heart retires is denoted by a corresponding fall in the tube. The tube is supplied with a graduated

Fig. 1.



scale to denote the rise and fall with exactitude. The glass tube is provided at the top with some contrivance, such as a brass screw and collar, to prevent the egress of the liquid when the instrument is not in use, or a bulb with an orifice may be supplied. When employed, the glass tube is left open to permit of the passage of the air to and fro.

The sphygmoscope is mounted upon a stand. The chamber and tube are fitted to a horizontal arm, which is made to move up and down so as to carry the instrument to the desired height. The base is so made as to secure the requisite immobility.

The glass tube is a foot or more long, and the round bore is about the one-eighth part of an inch. If the bore be much larger, the movement will be inconsiderable; if much less, capillary attraction will interfere and prevent free motion.

When the instrument is to be employed, mounted upon its stand, it is placed upon a firm table with the chamber projecting beyond it. The person whose heart is to be examined is seated upon a firm chair, with his chest erect and free from motion. The protruding india-rubber wall of the chamber or chest-piece is delicately made to touch the fifth intercostal space so as to receive the blow of the apex

of the heart. The liquid in the tube is now observed to be in motion. With persons in ordinary health, the liquid rises and falls about an inch. This rise and fall, after taking place three or four times, is followed by a much longer rise and fall to the extent of three or four inches, due to the advancement and retirement of the wall of the chest during the acts of respiration. The shorter rise and fall are again repeated and are again followed by the longer rise and fall caused by the motions of the chest. During the longer rise and fall due to respiration, the beat and retreat of the heart are still to be recognized by brief interruptions in the rise and fall of the liquid. When difficulty is experienced in obtaining the shock of the heart sufficiently strong to give an appreciable rise and fall, the examinee should make a moderate expiration, and then hold his breath and incline the chest somewhat forward. When the action of the heart is feebly felt at the præcordial region, it may be necessary to apply the instrument to the naked chest; but this is not necessary in the great majority of cases, and it will generally suffice to make the shirt and waistcoat fit tight to the skin. In many trials the sphygmoscope has succeeded in indicating the movements of the heart through the tightly buttoned coat. Thin persons are very favourable for examination; on the other hand, the corpulent less readily affect the instrument.

The movements of the heart, though best indicated at the fifth intercostal space, are to be denoted at other parts of the chest, and in some examples of disease and of large and powerful heart, even in the epigastric region. The moving arm proves convenient in applying the instrument to these parts. In many persons with no very excited heart, it is sensibly acted on at the scapular and infra-dorsal regions.

By means of this instrument the observer can ascertain the frequency of the beats of the heart, but as this can be effected in most cases with accuracy at the radial artery, no particular advantage is gained from it in respect to this point.

The duration of the impulse of the heart upon the chest is well measured by this instrument: the time occupied by the rise, is the time occupied by the impulse. A slow rise after a rapid rise shows a slow beat after a rapid one, and vice versa, a slow fall after an ordinary fall, shows a slow retirement after an ordinary one. An

intermittent pulse is marked by an imperfect rise, followed by an ordinary fall, and then by a long rise. The rise is sometimes slower than the fall, which is occasionally found to be abrupt. This is observed when the heart, by reason of its great size, and of the somewhat bent back posture of the thorax, suddenly falls away from the walls of the chest.

The movements of the auricles under ordinary circumstances are not indicated by the sphygmoscope, though when it is placed over them, the liquid in the tube is moved upwards and downwards; but as these movements are synchronous with the movements upwards and downwards of another instrument placed at the apex, it may be inferred that the ventricle is the cause of them all. In some examples of greatly excited heart, as in phthisis, the instrument has revealed movements which seemed to proceed from the auricles ; but further observations are required to settle this point, as well as the question whether the movements of the aorta, in a state of excitement, communicate any influence to the instrument. The instrument, placed upon the heart, indicates strokes of that organ which are so feeble as to have no corresponding pulse at the wrist.

No pause whatever in the movement of the liquid has been at any time observed when the sphygmoscope has been carefully placed so as to receive the full beat, and fall back with freedom. This would go to show that the heart, however slow, is in constant motion, and, contrary to the belief of many physiologists, enjoys no pause. There is certainly no pause in the descent of the liquid, which takes place when the heart retires from the thoracic walls, in the middle of which movement it has been said a very short pause is to be observed in living animals having the heart exposed.

The force with which the heart beats at the fifth intercostal space may be ascertained by closing the upper extremity of the glass tube, and observing the extent to which the enclosed air is compressed.

When the heart is excited, the liquid in the sphygmoscope rises and falls more than usual; but the rise and fall of the excited enlarged heart is much the same as the rise and fall of the excited normal organ. For the most part the enlarged heart gives movements to the instrument when placed upon the ribs and sternum, whilst the

normally sized heart affects more exclusively when it is placed upon the fifth intercostal space.

The sphygmoscope indicates with exactitude both the absolute and the comparative influence upon the heart, of food, cordials, stimulants, and tonic medicines. It does the same in respect to depressing causes, such as hunger, cold, and sedatives.

With the aid of this instrument the fact is demonstrated, that the action of the heart may be great when the pulse is small,— that the heart may strike the instrument with force when the pulse scarcely affects the liquid of the hand-sphygmoscope. It affords a remarkable proof that the pulse is one thing and the heart's action another, and teaches that the pulse is only an approximate sign of the state of the heart. It is found also, that while cold at the surface and extremities may depress the pulse, the heart may remain little enfeebled, or even become excited, and that warmth and friction applied to the extremities may cause an excited pulse without there being any accompanying increased force of the heart.

The influence of respiration upon the action of the heart is manifested, in some degree, by the instrument placed over the region of the heart. If the breath be stopped after an ordinary expiration, the movement of the liquid is seen to be increased. If a very long and forcible inspiration be made and the breath then suspended, the movement is somewhat reduced; but when the respiration is again allowed to take its normal course, the movement is seen to be increased for a short time.

The sphygmoscope rises during the first sound of the heart and falls at the second.

The sphygmoscope reduced (fig. 2), deprived of its stand, having a level elastic wall instead of protruding one, and having a glass tube with an almost capillary bore, forms a remarkably delicate indicator of the pulse*. It is so delicate in its impressions that it

* Since this instrument was contrived, the author has learned that a sphygmometer of much the same construction was invented some twenty years ago by Mons. le Docteur Hérrison, and that a memoir upon it was presented to the Institute of France. The liquid employed was mercury-too heavy to indicate feeble impulses, and the moveable wall was of gold-beater's skin, which is inelastic. It may be added, that M. Magendie reported against the practical application of the invention.

is appreciably affected by the regurgitant wave in the jugu- Fig. 2. lar veins, and by the wave in arteries greatly smaller than the radial. From its nicety in manifesting the beat of the blood-wave, it is very valuable, and is called the handsphygmoscope.

By means of this hand instrument applied to the arteries, a comparison is readily made between the time of the beat of the heart and the rise of the arteries under the influence of the blood-wave. This instrument is much more delicate than the finger in such an inquiry. The impressions made upon the fingers of two hands fail to be conveyed with sufficient nicety to the mind to tell with certainty the relative time of the beat of the heart and arteries. Except in cases of extreme slowness, the sensations obtained from the two hands impressed at nearly the same time, do not admit of a distinct difference in respect to time being made out. It sphygmohas been to this very defect that the erroneous idea, that scope. the beat of the heart and the beat of the pulse are synchronous, or nearly so, has owed its origin and continuance.


The hand-sphygmoscope, placed upon the radial artery, shows a rise of the liquid while there is a fall in the sphygmoscope placed over the heart. As the liquid in the one instrument starts from below, the liquid in the other starts from above, and as the liquid in the one reaches the top of its ascent, the liquid in the other reaches the bottom of its descent, to renew their opposing course. The movements in the two instruments at the same instant are always opposed, and the whole time occupied in the movement of one instrument in one direction appears to be occupied by the movement of the other in the opposite direction. The movements alternate with as much apparent exactitude as the arms of a well-adjusted balance. When the lapse of time between the beat of the heart and the pulse at the wrist was first observed, suspicion of disease of the aorta was entertained, but the subsequent examination of many persons proved that this alternation was natural. In some twenty persons subjected to examination, the complete alternation has been made out without the shadow of a doubt. These persons were of all ages above childhood, and had the pulse of different degrees of rapidity from 60 to 100.

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