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Learners are to obferve, that all Adjectives and Participles. of the Preterite, which are annexed to any of the inflexions of this Verb, must be of the fame Gender and Number as the Pronoun or Subftantive that is adapted to them is of: as in the following Examples: Je fais content m, fing. je fuis contente t, fing. &c. Nous fommes punis m, plur. nous fommes punies f, plur. and fo on.


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Moft Verbs ending in or may the conjugated after this Model; for there are but four of that termination, which deviate from it, viz. Aller to Go, Envoyer to fend, Puer to Stink, Recouvren, to Recover; whole Irregularities, or different inflections, are difplayed in the Practical French Grammar, from p. 127, to p. 129.



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Je finiffe,

I might finish;

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Thou might' fi finish;
He might finish.

Nous finiffions, We might finish;
Vous finiffiez, You might finish;
They might finish.

Ils finiffent,

Compofé du Préf.

J'aie fini,

I may have finished;

Tu aies fini,

Thou may't have finished
Il ait fini,

He may have finibed;

Comp. de l'imp.

J'aurois fini,

I should have finished:
Tu aurois fiui,

Thou should't have finished;
Il auroit fini,

He should have finished ;

Comp. du Prét.

J'euffe fini,

I might have finished ;
Tu euffes fini,

Thou might't have finifbed;
Il eùt fini,

He might have finished:


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The Remark which Learners may make on the Verbs of this Conjugation is, that the Prefent and the Preterite of the Subjunctive Mood have nearly the fame inflections; as they only differ, with refpect to their terminations, in the third Perfon of the Singular Number; viz. il finiffe, in the Present, and il finit, in the Preter.

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