Cornucopia-Pride of Dress-A Reproof-A Lesson. "So I will," replied the boy, "if you will hold one of the loaves the while." Pride of Dress.-The Rev. John Harrison, a dissenting minister at Denton, had two daughters who were much too fond of dress, which was a great grief to him. He had often reproved them in vain and preaching one sabbath day on the sin of pride, he took occasion to notice among other things pride in dress. After speaking some time on this subject he suddenly stopped short, and said with much feeling-"But you will say look at home. My good friends I do look at home till my heart aches." A Reproof-The Duke of Grafton being fox-hunting one day, a Quaker, at some distance upon an eminence, pulled off his hat and gave an halloa! The hounds immediately ran to him, and being drawn off the scent, were consequently at fault, which so enraged the Duke, that galloping up to the offender, he asked him in an angry tone," Art thou a Quaker?"-" I am friend,” replied the man.- Well then," rejoined his grace, as you never pull off your hat to a christian, I will thank you in future not to pay that compliment to a fox.” A Lesson. A sage was asked, what was the most valuable piece of information that he had ever acquired? He replied, "I learned from a blind man, not to lift a foot till I had previously, with my stick, ascertained the nature of the ground on which I was to put it down again." What a lesson to logicians, and all engaged in philosophical enquiries ! A Retort. A young man visiting his sweet-heart, met a rival who was somewhat advanced in years, and wishing to rally him, enquired how old he was?" I can't exactly tell," replied the other; "but I can inform you that an ass is older at twenty than a man at sixty." Pulpit Bull.-A clergyman preaching a sermon on death, concluded with the following apostrophe: "But even death, my brethren, so well deserved by mankind through their sins, the wisdom of providence has, in its paternal kindness, put at the end of our existence; for only think what would life be worth if death were at the beginning!" Grave of Robert Bruce-Signs of the Times. Monthly Register. Dunfermline, Nov. 5.—This day the grave of Robert Bruce was opened and inspected in the presence of the Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron, the Hon. Baron Clerk Rattray, Henry Jardine, Esq., King's Remembrancer, and a numerous assemblage of persons of distinction, of both town and country. It was clearly ascertained that the body had been embalmed, agreeable to historical record; for part of the sternum or breastbone was found, that had been separated to facilitate the removal of the heart, which was farther confirmed by the discovery near the grave of an oblong leaden box, which in all likelihood contained the entrails. The lead that inclosed the body was laid open, so as to expose to full view the whole skeleton; of the length of which, as well as of the several parts exact measurements were taken. The body was five feet ten inches in length; which when in life might have been upwards of six. The head attracted principal notice. It was disjoined from the body, and held up to the admiring gaze of the spectators ; during which it was pleasing to observe a solemn stillness reign, betokening the feelings of reverential awe, awakened by the recollection of the noble spirit that once animated it; contrasted with the present humiliation of its mortal tenement. The skull was quite entire, and perfectly firm. The teeth on the under jaw were all remaining, but a few on the upper were wanting. It was properly cleaned, and two excellent casts taken from it, which will afford materials for the craniological enquirer, as well as gratify the curiosity of thousands who had not an opportunity of seeing the lifeless original. Every necessary inspection being made by the medical gentlemen, and the head replaced, the body was raised from the spot on which it had reposed undisturbed for near five centuries; and together with the box before alluded to-the different coins of the realm-the Edinburgh Directory, and Almanack, Life of Bruce, History of Dunfermline, a copy of all the newspapers printed in Edinburgh the week previous, &c., were inclosed in lead, put into a new leaden coffin prepared for the purpose, which was returned to its original position. The coffin was then completely filled with hot pitch to exclude the air, and promote the preservation of the bones. On the lid of the coffin was this simple inscription-ROBERT BRUCE, 1329. 1819.-The Barons it is understood mean to erect an elegant sarcophagus with a suitable inscription over the scite of the grave-exhibiting in conspicuous letters "King Robert the Bruce," with other corresponding ensigns of royalty, will tend to perpetuate the remembrance of this illustrious hero, statesmen and patriot. SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Among the prophecies long familiar among the Scottish people, and popularly attributed to Thomas the Khymer, was one-" That when a Shirts without Seams-Shocking Occurrence-Rival Coaches. thistle should be seen to grow from the top of the fountain well in Edinburgh (a stone building of the old fashion), salt would become dearer than meal." In the course of time a thistle was seen to grow from the top of this building, and ere the season of its appearance had elapsed, Mr Pitt introduced his famous tax on salt; by which the prophecy was even more than realized. Swift has a prophecy somewhat of the same description respecting the annus mirabilis, and which to all appearance is as near about its fulfilment ;-"When the dragon on the top of Bow Church shall visit the grasshopper on the Royal Exchange it will show that tremendous transmutations are to be expected." These two ancient emblems are now actually lying in social contact in a builder's yard, behind Broad street, London. SHIRTS WITHOUT SEAMS. Thomas Hall, an ingenious linen weaver in Ireland, has lately finished a shirt eptirely in his loom. It is woven throughout without seams, is very neatly and accurately gathered at the neck, shoulders, and wrists. The neck and wrist bands are double stitched; there is a regular salvage on each side of the breast-the shoulder straps and gushets are neatly stitched, as well as the wrists. In short it is perfectly finished as made by an expert semstress. This shirt has been exhibited to several gentlemen of the linen trade, who have completely satisfied themselves that it is actually the production of the loom without any assistance from the needle. David Anderson of the Glasgow Damask Factory, Deanside Brae, about five years ago finished a shirt answering in every respect the description of the above, with this addition, that the breast is ornamented with the Glasgow Arms, in the Damask style, and the buttons of the neck and wrist bands are woven in the loom-and likewise the button holes have not only salvages, but are wrought with button stitch. He has another shirt of this description just now in progress, which is intended as a present to the Hunterian Museum. SHOCKING OCCURRENCE. On the 28th ult. Mrs Francis Farish, at Howgill, near Annan having occasion to leave her house a few moments, on some very pressing business, left an infant child, only four months old, lying in the cradie. In her absence however a swine unperceived entered the house, and shocking to relate, had actually eaten off the child's left cheek, and was proceeding in the most voracious manner wholly to devour it when the mother entered, and providentially saved her child from inevitable destruction. The brute was instantly destroyed, and the child's wounds though most disfiguring and severe, are nevertheless not considered imminently dangerous, and the greatest hopes are entertained of its recovery.-Dumfries Journal. RIVAL COACHES. Such is the spirit of opposition between the proprietors of two rival coaches in a neighbouring town, that one lately advertised to carry passengers to Liverpool at the following fares:-Inside what you please! Births-Marriages-Deaths. Outside ditto! This seemed to carry the matter as far it would go ! but the other party were not to be discouraged; and in a short time they issued out placards, stating that their coach would take passengers at the following rates: Inside nothing at all, a bottle of wine included! Outside, ditto, ditto !-Leeds Mercury. LONGEVITY. There is now living in Omagh, county of Tyrone, a worthy old man aged 108 years, named John O'Neil. He has lived 90 years in the respectable family of the Campbells. Capt. Campbell, the representative of that family has settled a decent annuity on that ancient personage. On last Halloween, he sang some cheerful songs, with a good clear voice. His son a venerable old man aged 81, sang second--and a numerous progeny of grandchildren and great-grand-children joined in chorus. The old man can walk about firmly, and actively, but he cannot read small print so well as formerly, and lately expressed some surprise at this circumstance. BIRTHS. Oct. 27. At Saltcoats the lady of William Kennier Esq. of a son and heir. Nov. 14. At Riccarton Manse, Mrs. Moodie of a son. At Glenariff, near Bantry, a poor woman the wife of a labouring man, was safely delivered of four children, three sons and a daughter, who are all likely to live and do well. At Mentz, a woman aged 62, was lately delivered of her first child, after being married 27 years! MARRIED At Kilmarnock, on the 22d instant, Mr. Alexander Hood, Surgeon, to Mrs. M'Dougal. DEATHS. Oct. 19. At Bourdeaux, Mr. Francis Johnstone, Writer in Ayr, son of Q. Johnstone, Esq. of Trolerg. 20. At Glasgow, Mr. John Stewart, Writer, Ayr. 24. At Ayr, Mrs. Frances Ann Logie, widow of the late Mr. W. Reid of the Customs there. 27. At Maybole, John Goudie, Esq. 51. At Kilmarnock, Miss Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. William Muir, Merchant. Nov. 7. At Riccarton, Miss Jean, daughter of Mr. James Gregg, Town Clerk, Kilmarnock. 13. At Glasgow, Mr. John Steven, Bookseller. 14. At Irvine, Capt. John Farrie. 16. At Ayr, Miss Jacobina Linton. Lines-Verses written in Carron Hermitage. Poetry. LINES, BY THE LATE WILLIAM MUIR, CAMPSIE; INTENDED TO BE PUT UP IN THE ROOM WHERE BURNS WAS BORN. Here Burns was born:-to watch his natal hour, " VERSES WRITTEN IN CARRON HERMITAGE, "Thus let me live, unseen, unknown, Here, Innocence might safely smile, Might raise to heaven the heart-felt strain. Might even forget his cause of pain, Or here (more blessed) calmly die. Here might the wandering Poet find New transports with the changing year. |