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on the train with the horses. The rebels came up and asked him which the General's horse was, and he replied falsely that he did not know. They then asked him which was a certain other officer's horse; to which question he made a like reply. They then commenced to select them out on their own judgment, and happened to get the General's mare among them. They were obliged to jump them from out of the cars on to the ground, and this feat of coming up right in front of the fort, all the while under a very hot fire, was spoken of as a very brave deed. They also rummaged the General's car, taking from it his coat, and a number of articles of baggage belonging to the members of his staff, and tried to set it on fire, but in this they did not succeed.

Throughout the fight General Sherman maintained his position in the centre of the fort, giving every move his personal superintendence, as calm and unconcerned as though he was standing in a ball-room, instead of in the most exposed position in the works, and by his example infusing coolness and courage into all around him. The conductor on the train said to me: "I was somewhat frightened at first, but when I saw such a great man as he, so unconcerned amid all the balls flying around him, I did not think it worth while for me to be scared."

A house close by the fort, filled with commissary stores, obstructed the range and gave shelter to the enemy. "Sixty days' furlough for the man who sets it on fire," said General Sherman; and one of the Sixty-sixth Indiana did it. I wish I knew the brave fellow's name.

. One of his staff, Lieutenant James, his acting ordnance officer, whom I have seen passing into the depot yard on business connected with his department, every day, for several days past, was very severely injured-shot through the breast, while doing his utmost, with a musket.

But to return to the culverts. We found three of them burned-two small and one large oneand returned and reported the facts. Colonel Anthony furnished a detail to mend the former, and with my two companies we repaired the latter, and by seven o'clock in the morning had the road again in running order to Colliersville. General Sherman told us that we had done so well, that he now wished us to go to Lafayette, with the construction train which had just arrived, and repair the road to that point; after which we might return, according to our orders, to Memphis.

We did so; mending the telegraph wire in four places where it had been cut, and replacing one rail which the rebels had taken up and carried off some one hundred yards and hid among some weeds, and at Lafayette found the road and telegraph in good working order the rest of the way to Corinth.

On my return to Colliersville, General Sherman proceeded with his train on his way to Corinth, leaving us deeply impressed with his qualities as a gentleman and an officer.

As we were backing down again to Memphis, we struck with the tender and ran over a young heifer; without, however, throwing any thing off

the track, which completed our adventures on this expedition. The force of the enemy was estimated at two thousand five hundred; ours was about six hundred. Your affectionate son, E. O. HURD,

Captain Company B, Thirty-ninth O. V. I.,
Commanding Detachment.

Doc. 195.


HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIELD. MARSHALL, MO., October 13, 1863.) GENERAL: I have the honor to report that, after following the enemy through Cole Camp, Syracuse, and Boonville, skirmishing with his rear all the distance, he was forced to make a stand at Merrill's Crossing of Salt Fork, a point eight miles south-west of Arrow Rock, and about the same distance from Marshall, and commenced a skirmishing fight at six o'clock on the evening of the twelfth, in the midst of a cold, driving rain. We fought him as long as we could see, and lay down on our arms in the rain during the night.

At three o'clock this morning I detached Lieutenant-Colonel Lazear, with about nine hundred men, with orders to move to the south, avoiding the route of the enemy, and intercept him, if possible, at Marshall, and bring on an engagement, while I followed him (the enemy) with the balance of my command. The result was as I had hoped-Lieutenant-Colonel Lazear drove in the advance of the enemy, and an engagement commenced at eight o'clock A.M. The enemy had possession of the ford on my arrival, and checked my advance for a few moments, but by making a detour to the left, I found one of these crossings and gained position in their rear, on the bank of the creek along which they were formed. They soon gave way, and broke through the dense timber and brush which for a mile and a half fringed the borders of the creek. By throwing a force through their centre their forces were divided, part being driven east toward Arrow Rock, and part, under Shelby, to the northwest-both bodies pursued by our victorious troops.

I was misinformed when I reported to you by telegraph to-day that the enemy's artillery had been captured. We got his best gun, an iron ten-pounder, (Parrott pattern,) originally in Bledsoe's battery; but he succeeded in getting away with one piece, a brass six-pounder, (since captured,) that was captured at Springfield on the eighth of January.

I am unable to give you a correct account of the killed and wounded. Ours, including all our losses from Cole Camp to the place and the fight of to-day, will not exceed thirty. Of the enemy, I am officially advised that fifty-three dead have been found in the brush, and seventy wounded, who have been left at the hospitals here and at the houses on the road in the vicinity. They

lost a considerable number in the different attacks we made on the march. At Merrill's we found sixteen dead in the morning after the skirmish. At Lamine Crossing they lost nine killed. We have taken a number of prisoners, and they are coming in hourly. A portion of their train was captured. I think they are effectually broken up, and I shall not give them time to rally or concentrate. The pursuit and fighting have been done by the M. S. M. and the E. M. M. I can only point to the result of their efforts as the best commentary on their gallantry and endurance. For the past three days they have followed and engaged the enemy night and day in the rain without subsistence, except that gathered by the wayside, or protection from the


The enemy numbered nearly two thousand men. My own force was about one thousand six hundred. I am, very truly, your obedient servant, E. B. BROWN, Brigadier-General Volunteers, Commanding. To Major-General J. M. SCHOFIELD, Commanding Department of the Missouri, St. Louis.

Doc. 196.



Sunday, October 11, 1863.

FOR Some days past it has been evident that this army would not long remain in the vicinity of Culpeper, and every one who knows any thing of our own and the rebel forces, understood that it would be impossible for us to advance. Hence, the only question for General Meade to solve was how to get his immense trains and stores away in safety.

On Wednesday, the seventh instant, General Meade received information that led him to believe that an extensive rebel raid was contemplated upon his right and rear-information since verified. It was also ascertained that on Thursday night the rebel cavalry under Stuart, and infantry under Ewell, were crossing the Rapidan in the vicinity of Robertson's River, and making toward Springville, via James City, and I presume it was this information which led to the strategy of the last two days.

General Meade was fully apprized of the rebel strength, and knew that by making a demonstration on their right and centre he would compel them to abandon their enterprise in order to protect their lines of communication with Gordonsville and Richmond.

Consequently a strong force of cavalry, under Buford, appeared at daylight on Saturday at Germania Ford, ten miles below Raccoon Ford, while infantry and cavalry appeared in force at the fords in the vicinity of Cedar Mountain. Kilpatrick was also sent out to the right to attract and engage the advance of the enemy at James City, ten miles south-west of Culpeper. It is said that General Buford crossed at Germania Ford.

On Friday night the First and Sixth corps, who had been encamped along the base of the Cedar Run Mountains and extending down to Raccoon Ford, built fires and advanced their lines to the river. They had previously been strengthened by two divisions; so that at the break of day on Saturday a most formidable array of Union soldiers appeared, ready to cross the river at several points simultaneously. General Kilpatrick had also during Friday night moved to the right, and at daylight on Saturday morning engaged the enemy at James City. He was instructed not to bring on a general engagement, as the plan was to lure the rebels back to their right and centre by the demonstrations in those quarters - a plan which would be thwarted by bringing on a general engagement upon our right. Consequently, after a half hour's skirmishing, he fell back in the direction of Culpeper, and took position near Bethel Church, where a support of infantry was posted, and to which place they were followed by the rebels. Here a part of our cavalry dismounted and deployed as infantry, and for a short time the fight was brisk indeed; but the rebel force proving too strong, or abiding by his orders, Kilpatrick fell still further toward the main body of the corps, posted two miles west of Culpeper. In this movement a part of the One Hundred and Twentieth New-York volunteers was captured; but they did not long remain prisoners, for, watching their opportunity, a brigade of our cav alry, of which the Fifth New-York and Fifth Michigan were a part, dashed upon the guard having the captives in charge, and rescued all but some twelve or fifteen.

The ruse of threatening to cross the river by the First and Sixth corps had its desired effect. Immediately upon the discovery of our forces by the rebels, signals were displayed, calling upon the infantry to come back to check our advance. Accordingly Ewell recrossed the river during the forenoon, and took up his line of march toward the Orange and Alexandria railroad, where they had a series of works, leaving only Stuart to demonstrate upon our right, north of the river.

This, then, was the position of the forces on Saturday night at dark, with every prospect of a bloody fight on the coming day. Buford was at Germania, the First and Sixth corps extending from Raccoon Ford to Cedar Run; Kilpatrick, supported by the Second and Third corps, to the west of Culpeper, from three to four miles distant. Ewell had moved back from his position in the morning, and faced Newton and Sedgwick, while Stuart fronted French, Warren, and Kilpatrick in the vicinity of Bethel Church.

On Sunday morning at two o'clock our infantry force, both at the Rapidan and west of town, commenced moving toward the Rappahannock, their trains having all been sent back the night before, leaving the entire cavalry of Pleasanton to cover the retreat. Gregg had come up by forced marches during Saturday; so our cavalry force was by no means insignificant. Our infantry all reached their present camping ground in excel

lent order during the day, their pace accelerated a trifle perhaps by the sound of cannon in the direction of the town they had left in the morning.

But not so fortunate the cavalry; for they had a day of skirmishing by which to remember the inauguration of the second annual race over the Centreville course.

After the infantry had all passed over Mountain Run, a small stream just north of Culpeper, and the roads had become cleared, Kilpatrick and Gregg took up their line of march, and, skirmishing the while, advanced in the direction the infantry had taken. Kilpatrick came up by the way of Culpeper, while Gregg took the road toward Sulphur Springs. I do not learn that Gregg met with any enemy on the line of his march; but Kilpatrick did, and in his encounters with them confirmed his old reputation for dash and daring.

Kilpatrick retreated slowly from Bethel in the morning, Stuart's men showing themselves continually, and annoying him with their welldirected fire; but he met them with "tender in kind," until he had crossed Mountain Run, where the rebels ceased to trouble him. Here, at about twelve o'clock, he heard for the first time in the day heavy firing of artillery off to the eastward, in the direction of Germania Ford, and he knew that Buford was being hotly engaged. He immediately sent out scouts to open up communication with Buford, and learned that a junction was expected to be formed before night at Brandy Station, whither he bent his way, taking along his trains of ambulances leisurely, and not anticipating further molestation.

and with shot and shell poured upon the retreating rebels a very demoralizing testimonial of their high regard for the tools of this rebellion.

In this charge we lost a few in killed and wounded, and a few are missing; but we know also that the rebel surgeons will have to use the trepanning and amputating instruments, and will have to bury quite a number of their patients. Our own wounded are being brought in to-night, and are being sent to Washington per rail. HEADQUARTERS, October 12-6 A. M.

The trains have all come in in safety, and in excellent order. Kilpatrick and Buford have also arrived at the river, and are in line of battle. Our forces are now in position to contest the further advance of the enemy, who appear in force south of the river. I do not think a general engagement will take place to-day, but in this I may be mistaken.


WASHINGTON, October 14, 1863. The whole of Gregg's division was ordered from Bealton Station on Saturday toward Culpeper, and arrived at Culpeper at four o'clock P.M. From thence the Second brigade of the Second division was ordered to Fox Mountain to support Kilpatrick, but finding that Kilpatrick did not need reënforcements, the brigade left them on Sunday morning and rejoined the division at Culpeper. On Sunday night Gregg moved to Sulphur Springs, arriving about nine o'clock.

The last-named regiment encountered a large force of the enemy just beyond Amosville, and were surrounded, but gallantly cut their way out, and crossed the river at Waterloo Ford, about twelve miles above Sulphur Springs.

On Monday morning two regiments — the But upon reaching the hill just south of Bran- Fourth and Thirteenth Pennsylvania-were sent dy he discovered that a division, at least, of the forward to Jefferson, about five miles from enemy had slipped in between the rear of the Sulphur Springs, and the First Maine were sent infantry and his advance, and was strongly post-out toward Little Washington to reconnoitre. ed, waiting his coming. He halted but a moment, just long enough to take in the whole scene, when he shouted - and the word was carried back along the line, not a poetic burst or a devotional exclamation, but one suited to the times and the feelings of the rough, brave men he commanded "Boys, yonder are the cusses." Turn-advanced on the Fourth and Thirteenth Penning to the Michigan brigade, who led his advance, and who glory not in euphonious appellatives, he called out, "Come on, you wolverines; now give them hell!" and, suiting his own action to his precept, he sprang to the head of his column and led such a charge as one does not see often, even in this age of valor.

About ten o'clock Monday morning, the enemy

sylvania, which were at Jefferson, with cavalry, showing heavy infantry supports in their rear, when our cavalry, seeing that they were being overpowered, fell back slowly, contesting the ground, to a large forest this side of Jefferson, where Gregg, who led these regiments in person, dismounted a portion of his men and sent them out as skirmishers, their horses having been sent back to Sulphur Springs.

Three regiments of rebels were drawn up by companies across the road, twelve platoons deep, flanked by a regiment on either side. It was After stubbornly contesting the ground for upon this strongly posted force, directly at the nearly two hours, they were ordered to fall back centre, that our horsemen charged, while ex- slowly, and as they were doing so a heavy inposed upon the front and flank to a most mur- fantry force of the enemy was discovered on derous fire; but on they went, shouting, sabring, each flank, and at the same time three regiments and trampling down the enemy with the fury of cavalry, having made a wide detour, attacked of demons. To withstand such a charge was them in the rear. At this time the Tenth Newsimply impossible, and the rebels broke in con-York was sent to the support of Gregg, and fusion and scattered in all directions. When Reed's battery (M, Second United States artillery) once through the main body, our forces turned, opened on the rebel cavalry, but owing to the

short range of the guns, (which were brass Napoleons,) no serious damage was inflicted on the enemy by them.

tacked, and a portion of the line forced back upon the reserves; at the same time my scouts informed me that the enemy was moving in heavy column toward my right; this report was confirmed by deserters. In anticipation of an attack by the enemy at daybreak, I ordered my entire command to be saddled at three A.M. on the tenth. At daylight the enemy began by cautiously feeling my line; but seeing his inabil

The Fourth and Thirteenth were now pressed severely in the front and our centre broken, and at the same time they were attacked on each flank and in the rear. Our men cut their way through and escaped across the river with heavy loss. The Eighteenth Pennsylvania was now dis-ity to surprise us, he contented himself with obmounted and thrown out along the river-bank as skirmishers, whilst the Eighth was also dismounted, and ordered to support the battery, which had only four short-range guns, and the enemy opened on us with some twenty pieces of artillery, but our troops gallantly held the ground for several hours, repulsing the charges of the enemy, and gradually fell back on the Fayetteville road, the enemy following, but keeping at a respectable distance.

Colonel Gregg had but two aids with himLieutenants Martin and Cutler-and both were wounded; the former severely and the latter slightly. Lieutenant Adams, Fourth Pennsylvania; Major Wilson, Eighth Pennsylvania; Lieutenant-Colonel Kettler, First New-Jersey; Major Russell, First Maryland, were wounded; and the loss of the Second brigade, it is thought, will amount to about four hundred and fifty men in killed, wounded, and missing, the Fourth and Thirteenth Pennsylvania regiments suffering most severely.

Colonel Gregg is highly spoken of for the manner in which he fought his men, and it was owing to his skill and bravery that the Fourth and Thirteenth fought their way out of a precarious situation. He was at the head of his men in the thickest of the fight, and in several charges he took the lead.

During the engagement the rebels charged the battery and captured one of the guns; but the First New-Jersey cavalry gallantly charged back and recaptured the piece, which was immediately turned on them with good effect.

Our cavalry yesterday held the enemy in check, and there was some little skirmishing, one man being wounded while on picket last evening.

Doc. 197.



October 24, 1863.

Captain L. G. Estes, A. A. G. Third Division: In compliance with instructions received from the General commanding the division, I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command, from October ninth to October twenty-third, 1863:

On the night of October ninth, my picket line, which extended along the north bank of Robertson River, in the vicinity of James City, was atVOL. VIL-Doc. 36


taining possession of Cedar Mountain, which
point he afterward used as a signal station. At
one P.M. I received orders from the General com-
manding the division, to report with my com-
mand at James City. The head of my column
arrived in the vicinity of that point at three P.M.
The enemy had already obtained possession of
the town, and had brought several guns to bear
upon the position I was ordered to take. Bat-
tery M, Second United States artillery, under
command of Lieutenant Pennington, was un-
limbered, and succeeded in shelling the enemy
out of the woods on the right of the town.
the same time, Colonel Alger, of the Fifth Michi-
gan cavalry, who held the extreme left of my
line, moved forward with one battalion of his reg-
iment under the gallant Major Clark, and charged
the battery. The charge, although daring in the
extreme, failed for want of sufficient support. It
was successful so far, however, as to compel the
enemy to shift the position of his battery to a
more retired point. Night setting in, prevented
us from improving the advantage we had gained.
Most of my command rested on their arms dur-
ing the night. Early in the morning I retired on
the road leading to Culpeper, which point I
reached without molestation from the enemy.
It was not until the rear of my column was
leaving the town that the enemy made his ap-
pearance, and attempted, unsuccessfully, to har-
ass my rear-guard. On the hills north of the
town I placed my command in position to receive
an attack. The enemy not feeling disposed to
accept the invitation, I retired on the road lead-
ing to Rappahannock Station. My column had
scarcely begun to march before the officer com-
manding the rear-guard-Colonel Mann, of the
Seventh Michigan cavalry-reported the enemy
to be pressing him closely. At the same time a
strong column was seen on my outer flank, evi-
dently attempting to intercept our line of march
to the river. The vigorous attacks now being
made upon my rear-guard compelled me to place
my battery at the head of the column, and to
employ my entire force to keep the enemy from
my guns. My advance had reached the vicinity
of Brandy Station, when a courier hastened back
with the information that a brigade of the en-
emy's cavalry was in position directly in my
front, thus cutting us completely off from the
river. Upon examination I learned the correct-
ness of the report. The heavy masses of the
rebel cavalry could be seen covering the heights
in front of my advance. When it is remembered
that my rear-guard was hotly engaged with a
superior force, a heavy column enveloping each

from the stream, I threw out my pickets, and ordered my men to prepare their dinner. From the inhabitants of Buckland I learned that the forces of the enemy with whom we had been engaged were commanded by General J. E. B. Stuart in person, who, at the time of our arrival at that point, was seated at the dinner-table, eating; but, owing to my successful advance, he was compelled to leave his dinner untouched-a circumstance not regretted by that portion of my command into whose hands it fell. The First brigade took the advance. At this point I was preparing to follow, when information reached from the direction of Greenwich. I had scarcely time to place my command in position to resist an attack from that direction before the enemy's skirmishers appeared. Pennington's battery opened upon them, while the Sixth Michigan cavalry, under Major Kidd, was thrown forward and deployed as skirmishers. One gun of Pennington's battery, supported by the First Vermont cavalry, was placed on my extreme left. The First Michigan cavalry, under Major Brewer, acted as a reserve, and as a support for the remaining five guns of the battery. The Fifth Michigan cavalry, under Colonel Mann, were engaged in the woods on my right. At first I was under the impression that the skirmishers were composed of dismounted cavalry, but later developments convinced me that it was a very superior force of infantry that now confronted me. After completing his dispositions for attack, the enemy advanced upon me. In doing so, he exposed a line of infantry of more than a mile in extent; at the same time he opened a heavy fire upon me from his artillery. Pennington's battery, aided by the Sixth Michigan cavalry, poured a destructive fire upon the enemy as he advanced, but failed to force him back. A desperate effort was made to capture my battery. Pennington continued to fire until the enemy was within twenty yards of his guns. He was then compelled to limber up and retire to the north bank of Broad Run. The other portions of the command fol lowed. The First Michigan cavalry was intrusted with the duty of covering the movement-a task which was gallantly performed. My command being very exhausted, I retired to the vicinity of Gainesville, where I encamped for the night. Major Clark, Fifth Michigan cavalry, was detached from his regiment with one battalion. When the command retired to the north bank of Broad Run, he, with a small portion of his battalion, became separated from the rest of the command, and were captured by the enemy, Computing my losses from the ninth instant, I

flank, and my advance confronted by more than double my own number, the perils of my situation can be estimated. Lieutenant Pennington at once placed his battery in position and opened a brisk fire, which was responded to by the guns of the enemy. The Major-General commanding the cavalry corps at this moment rode to the advance; to him I proposed, with my command, to cut through the force in my front, and thus open a way for the entire command to the river. My proposition was approved, and I received orders to take my available force and push forward, leaving the Sixth and Seventh Michigan cavalry to hold the force in rear in check. I formed theme that the enemy was advancing on my left Fifth Michigan cavalry on my right, in column of battalions; on my left, I formed the First Michigan in column of squadrons. After ordering them to draw their sabres, I informed them that we were surrounded, and all we had to do was to open a way with our sabres. They showed their determination and purpose by giving three hearty cheers. At this moment, the band struck up the inspiring air, "Yankee Doodle," which excited the enthusiasm of the entire command to the highest pitch, and made each individual member feel as if he was a host in himself. Simultaneously, both regiments moved forward to the attack. It required but a glance at the countenances of the men to enable me to read the settled determination with which they undertook the work before them. The enemy, without waiting to receive the onset, broke in disorder and fled. After a series of brilliant charges, during which the enemy suffered heavily, we succeeded in reaching the river, which we crossed in good order. From the eleventh to the fifteenth instant, my command was employed in picketing and guarding the flank and rear of the army. On the afternoon of the fifteenth, the brigade being posted on the Bull Run battle ground, I detailed Major Kidd with his regiment, the Sixth Michigan cavalry, to reconnoitre the position and strength of the enemy in the vicinity of Gainesville. The reconnoissance was entirely satisfactory, and showed the enemy to be in considerable force at that point. Sunday, the eighteenth instant, at three P.M., the entire division was ordered to move on the pike leading from Groveton to Warrenton. The First brigade moved on the pike, the Second moved on a road to the left of and parallel to the pike, but soon encountered the enemy, and drove him as far as Gainesville, where the entire command bivouacked during the night. The First Vermont cavalry, under Colonel Sawyer, deserves great credit for the rapidity with which they forced the enemy to retire. At daybreak on the morning of the nineteenth, my brigade took the advance and skir-find them to be as follows: mished with the enemy's cavalry from Gainesville to Buckland; at the latter point I found him strongly posted upon the south bank of Broad Run. The position for his artillery was well chosen. After a fruitless attempt to effect a crossing in his front, I succeeded in turning his left flank so completely as to force him from his position. Having driven him more than a mile



Officers. Men. Total.







8 154 163


Before closing my report, I desire to make honorable mention of the highly creditable manner in which both officers and men of my coin

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