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and they were not only to lose what they had, by
their daring valor, gained, but there was a fair
prospect of being cut off; the enemy were closing
in upon them near the railroad, and to escape
they had to pass between two sections of artillery
and a cross-fire of carbines. The position was
taken in at a glance—a dash was made toward
one of the batteries, as if to take it, when on a
sudden a detour was made, and the whole com-
mand passed around the rebels and rejoined the
The section of artillery captured by
this regiment could not be taken away, but the
horses were all killed.

gun battery so as to rake the position, and the over the hill; and on they rode for about three rebels were forced to retire into the woods, when quarters of a mile beyond where the regiment The was again formed. Here was another critical poour men again got possession of the guns. enemy was again reënforced, and another despe-sition; there was no one coming to their support, rate conflict was had over the guns. One had burst, and another was rendered useless by a ball being rammed home in the excitement without a cartridge. Nearly all of the horses had been killed by the rebel sharp-shooters, and it was impossible to drag the remaining two guns away by hand. The enemy, again reënforced, made a final and succeeded in holding charge upon guns, the position. In this mêlée-one of the most exciting and desperate that has occurred during the whole war-the sword, for the most part, was the only weapon used. Col. Wyndham, more conspicuous than the rest of the officers who mingled in the fight, by his dress and general appearance, was evidently recognized and made a target of, both by swordsmen and carbineers. He escaped with a ball in the calf of his right leg.


The several divisions then fell back toward Kelly's Ford, united and moved up the right of the Rappahannock, across the railroad, until the left of General Buford's command was reached some time during the afternoon. The fact that the rebels did not make a step toward following the command, though vastly superior in numbers, indicates very clearly that they had had quite enough of the Yankees for one day.

During the afternoon, the main object of the reconnoissance having been accomplished, our forces gradually recrossed the river at Beverly Ford-two miles above the Orange and Alexandria Railroad bridge-the rear covered by the Eighth Illinois cavalry and Fifty-sixth Pennsylvania infantry. The enemy kept up a desultory fire, but little damage was done. The troops retired at their leisure and in good order-every man, though fatigued, feeling fully satisfied with the result of the contest.

Just at dark, a rebel regiment made its appearance near the Rappahannock Railroad Station. One regiment crossed the river to see what they wanted, but the enemy ran away so fast they did not ascertain the special object of the untimely visit.

Gen. Gregg and staff advanced and ordered Col. Kilpatrick to support Col. Wyndham on the right. As the first regiment, Tenth New-York, LieutCol. Irvine, emerged from the woods, they charged upon the rebels formed near the railroad, and were closely followed by the Harris Light cavalry, (Second New-York,) Lieut-Col. Davies. They met with such firm resistance that they became somewhat scattered, and were ordered back-only a At portion of them having crossed the railroad. this juncture, the First Maine cavalry, commanded by Col. C. S. Douty, came upon the field. It A line of skirmishers was a critical moment. had been advanced to the railroad, a section of artillery thrown forward on the right; a superior force of the rebels had driven our forces from the hill on the left so gallantly taken by the Second brigade, the Tenth being on the left of the First brigade the whole command rising in echelon, was ordered to charge and drive the enemy from the hill and hold it, when the whole line was It was here Col. threatened by a superior force. This being really the first cavalry fight in force Col. Davies, of the HarIrvine was seen to fall. ris Light cavalry, was ordered to attack the enemy which has been indulged in during the present in flank-their movements were checked by two war, it becomes a matter of interest to all to know columns of the enemy just beyond the railroad- how our troopers thus massed conducted themAs one who travelled quite extensively and both regiments were thrown into some con- selves. It over the extended field while the troops were the fusion, and they were called back to rally. was just at this point that Colonel Douty emerged most hotly engaged-from five o'clock A.M. until from the woods, when he was made aware of the one o'clock P.M.-I can say with pleasure that I neiattitude of affairs, and was called upon to charge ther saw myself or heard of any thing but what the enemy in flank-the two previous attempts was creditable alike to their manhood and the having proved failures. The force in front out- cause in which they were engaged. In two innumbered ours two to one-but onward the sons stances, squadrons were broken while charging In one of these cases, two thirds of Maine swept, with drawn sabres and plumes and suddenly and unexpectedly coming upon suwaving in the air-a grander sight was seldom perior forces. ever witnessed; across the railroad they dashed of the men engaged were recruits, and had never and drove every thing before them, and in a very been in a fight before. In the other instance, few minutes the hill at the rear of Stuart's head- they were momentarily thrown into a panic by quarters was carried; two cannon, a flag, and a the death of their leader. Both of these commands As quickly rallied, and subsequently, by their gallant large number of prisoners were captured. the First Maine arrived at Stuart's quarters, the conduct, wiped away whatever stigma any one first battalion, under Lieut.-Col. Smith, passed might consider as having been attached to them for to the left of the house, and Major Boothby, with previous conduct. One or two regiments also got the second battalion, swept round to the right somewhat scattered after a charge, but they were

speedily in line again, and a few moments after-mishers on the extreme left, directly in front of ward fully retrieved their previously well-earned reputation. These exceptions are always to be met with on every battle-field, and are liable to occur with the most experienced troops.

Of individual acts of gallantry I could write columns, if time permitted. One of the most remarkable, perhaps, was a dash made by Major Martin, of the Ninth New-York cavalry, in Gen. Buford's command. In front of their line were two belts of timber, extending from the main forest, the whole of which was occupied by the enemy in force, the line of skirmishers extending from one point of woods to the other. Major Martin was ordered to sweep in this line of skirmishers. He did so by making one of the most brilliant and daring dashes on record. First sending a detachment, commanded by Capt. Hanley, to clear one point of the woods of the enemy's carbineers, Major Martin, with three companies, dashed across the open space, in rear of the skirmishers, and forced in as prisoners nearly the whole line of rebel skirmishers, extending across the open space between the two belts of timber. The spot was covered by artillery and the carbines of an immense rebel force. Major Martin had two men killed and several wounded. He escaped with a severe flesh-wound in the right shoulder. Capts. Ayres and Dickson, and Lieutenants Burroughs, Bailey, and Herrick, who participated in this attack, were not injured.

the Sixth Pennsylvania cavalry. He was making some excellent shots when the Pennsylvania boys concluded to put a stop to him. One man fired while another stood ready to shoot the negro as he raised to fire again. The plan succeeded, and the negro was killed.

In a previous letter the noble conduct of Lieut. Parsons in avenging the death of Col. Davis, of the Eighth New-York, was recorded. A similar case occurred in the death of Captain Foot, of the Eighth New-York. A skirmisher had fired three shots at the Captain, the third striking his horse. He dismounted to see how much the animal was injured, and had just placed one foot in the stirrup to remount, when the same man fired again. The ball this time struck the Captain in the back, he raised one hand and fell to the ground dead. A private in Capt. Foot's company, named Cruthers, watched his opportunity and killed the man who had shot his captain.

Among the captures was a rebel flag, belonging to a North-Carolina regiment. Corporal Drew, company A, First Maine, captured a rebel battleflag in the fight near the house occupied by Stuart.

A negro servant in the Sixth New-York cavalry got hold of a gun and fought valiantly in a line of skirmishers. The loss sustained by Gen. Gregg's command, so far as at present ascertained, will not exceed two hundred and twenty-five. In addition to the casualties already forwarded, I send you the following:

Capt. Davis, Sixth New-York cavalry-killed.
Lieutenant Halliday, Sixth New-York cavalry--

Major Gasten, of the First Pennsylvania cavalry, attached to Gen. Gregg's staff, was captured, and his captors, while taking him to the rear, commenced to draw lots for his clothing and equip-missing. ments. His horse being a fast walker, he got a little ahead of his captors, when he turned about, bid them good day, and escaped.

Men often resort to curious expedients to escape being captured. A sergeant of the Harris cavalry got within the enemy's lines. To escape being captured he climbed a tree, and remained there until the enemy had fallen back. A little bugler attached to the First Maine was captured, but during the night escaped and regained his regiment, then across the river.

A member of company M, First Maine, captured a mounted rebel, fully armed. In making the capture, he pointed an empty pistol at the head of Mr. Reb, who surrendered at discretion. On the way to the rear the same man took another rebel prisoner in the same way.

Lieut. Taylor, company M, First Maine, captured a man on foot. The rebs pursued, and he made the man run before his horse. When the man gave out he made him take hold of his horse's tail and run along. He saved himself and pri


In no single instance during the day did a rebel stand in single combat. The moment one of our men approached one of the enemy standing alone, invariably the enemy fled. This is no vain boasting, but a fact which was illustrated in my presence a number of times, and can be vouched for by hundreds of persons engaged in the conflict.

A negro held a position in the rebel line of skir

Major Maurice, Sixth New-York cavalry—prisoner.

J. W. Ross, Third Virginia (rebel)-wounded in thigh.

David Lowes, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth New-York volunteers-ankle.

Thos. Lee, Sixth United States cavalry-right



Soloman Grath, Fifty-sixth Pennsylvania-left

O. D. Hess, Eighth Illinois cavalry-arm.
O. Richard, Sixth Pennsylvania cavalry-back.
C. Oleus, Fifth United States cavalry-back.
Lieut. Wade, Sixth United States cavalry-
head, slight.

Lieut. Flynn, Second United States cavalryslight.

Licut. Phillips, Sixth New-York-right leg amputated.

Major Robins, one of General Pleasanton's staff, had two horses shot under him.

Capt. Sawyer, of the First New-Jersey cavalry,
is missing; as also Major Forbes, commissary of
Colonel Kilpatrick's brigade.


You are already informed of the cavalry battle
which took place between General Pleasanton's


into Maryland and Pennsylvania; also many other valuable papers were captured and secured. This squadron, led by Major Russell, was repeatedly charged upon by squads of rebels; but by charging them in return and ordering reënforcements with loud voice (although none were very near) their overwhelming numbers were checked, or else they would have annihilated it. With the remainder of the squadron Major Russell and Lieutenant Norwood captured thirty-five prisoners, and in bringing them to the rear were entirely cut off by the advance of two rebel regiments, who retook twenty-two of the prisoners. Major Russell and Lieutenant Norwood made their way around the right flank of the enemy with the remaining thirteen prisoners. Major Russell here met the Hon. John Minor Botts, and

The first squadron, commanded by Captain J. Hancock, and composed of companies F, G, and L, proceeded, by order of Colonel Wyndham, on the road to Germania Ford. When they came within a mile of the Culpeper and Fredericksburgh roads, they met the rebel pickets, and learned that since the sixth instant no force had passed up from Fredericksburgh. Captain Hancock, after a general reconnoissance, returned safely with his squadron, and joined in other useful operations Part of company A, in charge of on the road. Lieutenant Charles R. Bankard, by order of Major Russell, patroled the Fredericksburgh road, and the balance, with Lieutenant John Axer, who commanded the first platoon of the fourth squadron, took part in the charges toward Brandy Station.

and Stuart's cavalry, at Beverly Ford, on the ninth instant, but it must certainly be of great interest to know how Maryland was represented by the behavior of its First regiment of cavalry, now commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel James Deems. Let me tell you what part this gallant regiment played. The regiment, a part of the Second brigade, commanded by Colonel Wyndham, of the Third cavalry division, commanded by General Gregg, left Warrenton Junction on the eighth instant, and crossed Kelly's Ford at three o'clock A.M., on the ninth instant. Continual cannonading was heard on our right ever since five o'clock; it was at Beverly's Ford, where General Buford had engaged parts of FitzHugh Lee's and Wade Hampton's divisions. After crossing the ford the whole division marched rapidly on the road leading to the right to Cul-shook hands with him. peper, and was near Brandy Station within an hour and a half. Coming out of the woods the enemy had placed several guns to the right of the road behind an embankment, and at once commenced shelling our column with great precision and in rapid succession. Their cavalry, supporting the artillery, was stationed behind several ruins of old farm-houses and the gardens and bushes surrounding them, close in rear of their A section of the Sixth New-York artillery guns. was immediately brought up, placed opposite, and opened a rapid succession of shells, but their firing, although effective, was not very precise. After a short artillery duel of this kind, the order was given to charge, and Colonel Deems at once ordered his squadrons forward. The men, eager for the fight, would have rushed on with fury, Company B, belonging to the second squadron, but he quieted them, and gave them orders to walk, draw sabre, then a slow trot, and finally a commanded by First Lieutenant Henry Appel gallop charge, and on went our brave Maryland and Second Lieutenant C. E. Lyman, behaved boys, jumping two fences, and not one shrinking with great valor throughout the whole engageThis company, like company D, is comColonel Deems and all the ment. back or wavering. officers most bravely ahead charged and met the posed entirely of Germans from the city of BalThe timore. They behaved very gallantly, and really enemy on the other side of the defences. sabre was to decide, not the pistol; and, although deserve praise. Company D, commanded by First the rebs fired their volleys in rapid succession, Lieutenant Henry C. Erich, formed the centre of the cold steel blade decided. They were driven the second squadron, commanded by Captain back. Following the retiring foe, their allies John K. Buckley. Every member was at his rushed out of the woods by thousands, and our post from the beginning to the end of the fight. brave boys retired. At the time the charge was Our forces suffering severely from a battery on a All acted with coolness and gallantry made the enemy was trying to run off a railroad hill near Brandy Station, the attempt was made train, wagons, and ambulances. Colonel Deems to take it. at once ordered the third squadron, composed of to the last of the fight. The rebels tried hard to companies H, E, and K, Lieutenant R. Norwood, take the flag from the color-bearer, Corporal Miof company K, commanding, toward Brandy chael Karman, but the brave German defended it Station. When about a hundred yards distant, most furiously, now sticking its point into the Colonel Deems commanded a gallop, and accom- enemy, then knocking one over the head with it, panied the squadron a short distance beyond the changing into the other hand, hitting with the station, where he halted with six men and sent butt one on the other side; and although huneleven prisoners, captured by the squadron, to dreds of shots were fired at him, he remained the rear. The remainder of the squadron, led by unhurt, and the flag was carried off by him in Major Russell, charged gallantly out the different triumph. The wounded in this company were roads leading from the station after the flying comparatively few. Mortally wounded was priThey were too late for the trains; but vate John Aich-a ball from a shrapnel struck rebels. our gallant Major Russell, with a few men, cap- his breast. Lieutenant Henry C. Erich received tured an ambulance with General Stuart's plan of two light wounds from pistol-balls, and his horse the intended raid which was to have been made was shot through the mouth. He was near be

ing killed by a rebel who approached him in the were recaptured. Colonel Wyndham then gave rear, and he was just about splitting his head the order to retire, but in retiring the gallant with a sabre when private Klein, of company B, company I brought twenty prisoners off the field. shot the rebel through the heart; he dropped the While they were falling back Sergeant Hiseshew, sabre, and falling back, his horse galloped off whose horse had been wounded, was captured. with the dying man. Corporal Richard Klein and A rebel officer raised his pistol to shoot him, when, private Daniel Gnord, of this company, are re-seeing his gray trowsers he said: "Oh! you are all ported missing. right, give them." "Indeed I will," said the Sergeant, and he charged with the officer, and kept on charging until he reached our lines. Sergeant Embry was captured, and escaped by virtue of a gray blouse. Bugler S. W. Long received two sabre-cuts on the head whilst bravely fighting. The gallant bearing of Lieutenant Kimble throughout the whole affair cannot be too highly lauded.

Captain John K. Buckley, of company C, commanding second squadron, composed of companies B, C, and D, was ordered by Colonel Wyndham to charge upon and take a battery on the hill facing the railroad. Captain Buckley ordered "draw sabre," and onward they went. As soon as the rebels saw our men charge, they pulled the guns out of their position, and a brigade of rebel cavalry moved quickly in front of their guns, Here I cannot forbear mentioning that when meeting our second squadron with drawn pistols. Major Russell captured General Stuart's ambuThe fury with which our men charged broke the lance, he and Corporal Brown Austin, of comrebel line and turned the whole of their column, pany H, were charging neck and neck. The Corand drove them from the top of the hill, our men poral succeeded in getting back to the regiment holding it for fifteen minutes. Captain Buckley in time to join in the second charge, when again was first on top of the hill, and waving his sabre the dashing soldier pierced the rebel lines, firing cheered the men on, who bravely followed their in all directions, and wheeling his horse, he charggallant commander. Lieutenant-Colonel Broad-ed through their lines again and joined the regierick, of the First New-Jersey, charged immedi- ment in perfect safety, although hundreds of bulately, following with three squadrons on the left of our second squadron; but the enemy then brought up new forces, and, by overwhelming numbers, made our men retire, when they fell back on our battery, which was unsupported. Following our men, they took Captain Buckley and Colonel Deems prisoners, but both soon made their escape, our men having in the intermediate as possible. time rallied, and re-charged the enemy. As a strange instance it is worth mentioning that the sabre taken from Captain Buckley was an hour afterward recaptured by some colonel and handed back to the Captain.

Corporal James A. Campbell deserves great credit for charging on the rebels with his guidon, which he used as a lance, dealing severe blows on the enemy after he was twice severely wounded. Exhausted from the loss of blood, clasping his guidon, he finally fell from his horse, and has not been heard from since.

To company I was assigned the duty of supporting the brigade battery, which it did nobly, standing unflinchingly under a heavy artillery fire. After all the rest of the regiment had charged, and were being forced back by the very weight of men and horses brought against them, Colonel Wyndham ordered this company to charge the pursuing foe. The gallant and lamented Frank M. Creager led them, and they drove the enemy back until a fresh regiment was hurled against them. They fell back and rallied for a second charge with drawn sabres. Just as they were about to charge, Captain Creager fell, pierced by a bullet in the left breast. The command then devolved on Second Lieutenant R. J. Kimble. He fearlessly led them into the second charge; they were forced back. Again he rallied and led them to their third and last charge, on which they lost two privates killed, six wounded, and eight taken prisoners. Those of the latter

lets were discharged at him, and notwithstanding all these perils, our friend Brown still maintained his dignity. Although I might mention a number of instances of personal bravery, I forbear. In conclusion I wish to mention our excellent surgeon, T. J. Dunott, who did his best to care for our wounded and make them as comfortable


To General S. Cooper:

CULPEPER, June 9, 1863.

morning at five o'clock, at the various fords from
The enemy crossed the Rappahannock this
Beverly's to Kelly's, with a large force of caval-
a severe contest, till five P.M., General Stuart
ry, accompanied by infantry and artillery. After
drove them across the river.
R. E. LEE.


LYNCHBURGH, June 11. The forces engaged on our side were Generals W. H. F. Lee's, Hampton's Legion, Jones's and Robertson's brigades, with the Beauregard battery from this city, and one other company of artillery. Our total force numbered about four thousand. The enemy had, it is estimated, about ten thousand cavalry, seven regiments of infantry, and six batteries, the whole under command of General Pleasanton.

The enemy commenced to cross the Rappahannock simultaneously at Beverly's and Kelly's Fords, and at other intermediate points, about daylight on Tuesday morning, both of their main columns pushing forward toward Brandy Station, five miles below Culpeper Court-House, with the design of getting in the rear of our forces, who were between the court-house and station. They captured our pickets, and thus prevented early


intelligence of their movements being reported. forming, with guns and pistols not yet loaded. The fight commenced at seven o'clock, and about Taking them at this advantage, they pierced and ten o'clock our forces were all brought in posi- broke our line, and forced our men to fall back tion, and from that time until two o'clock the They gained so much ground as to capture Genefight raged with terrific fierceness, our men grad-ral Stuart's headquarters, near Brandy; also ually driving the enemy before them toward the Brandy Station, and, we understand, some stores Rappahannock bridge. About two o'clock the there. enemy commenced retreating up the Rappahannock, when Colonel Munford, commanding Fitz Lee's brigade, whose camp was near Oak Shade, crossed the Hazel River and attacked them in their front. The fight continued to rage until six o'clock, when the discomfited enemy effected a recrossing of the Rappahannock at Beverly's and fords adjacent.

Our men, recovering from their surprise, now These were driven, rapidly came forward and threw themselves, sabre in hand, upon the enemy. in their turn, nearer to the river, with the loss of a number of prisoners, beside the killed and wounded.

The fight fluctuated throughout the day, lasting from five to five-twelve long hours. It was The scene lay chiefly on the The enemy fought hand to hand for a time, but doubtless the severest and most extensive cavalrelied principally upon their cavalry, dismounted ry fight of the war. and used as infantry, and their artillery. Our farm owned by the late John S. Barbour, Sen. brave troops made many desperate charges, and The enemy made much use of their sharp-shootwere often driven back by sheer force of num-ers, who, from the shelter of the adjacent timber, bers. They as often rallied, and finally succeeded in forcing the enemy to commence to retreat, leaving many of their dead and wounded in our hands.

Our losses are heavy, and among them some We took a large number of of our best officers. prisoners, three hundred and thirty-six of whom have already arrived, including two majors. Thirty prisoners also arrived at Richmond from Winchester. These were captured by the forces of General Albert G. Jenkins.


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RICHMOND, June 12. The cars on yesterday evening brought down three hundred and two prisoners of war, cavalrymen and artillerymen, captured by Stuart's cavalry in the fight near Brandy Station on Tuesday. Twelve of the number were commissioned officers-including one colonel, one major, and sundry captains and lieutenants. Twenty prisoners, captured in the Valley, accompanied those above named.

The bodies of Colonel Hampton, of Hampton's cavalry brigade, and Colonel Williams of SouthCarolina, were received by the same train, and escorted by the Virginia State Guard to the capitol. It is to be conveyed South for sepulture. The gallant Colonel was one of the slain in the battle. From passengers and other sources of information, we present the following details :

The cavalry of the enemy numbered, it is supposed, eight thousand to ten thousand. It was accompanied and supported by two thousand or three thousand dismounted men and artillery.

The enemy's force crossed in one place, it is said, at a ford prepared by them for the occasion. They thus eluded our pickets, got in their rear and captured them, and pressed on rapidly to our camps. This was at an early hour in the morning.

The First South-Carolina and Fourth Virginia, which were on picket, lost many men captured in these early operations.

The enemy's column next fell on General Jones's brigade, which they found in the act of

did us considerable damage. But the hand-tohand encounters of cavalry and the crossing of sabres were the principal features of the fight. Many of our own wounded bear the evidence of this on their persons; while the slain and wounded of the enemy prove it still more conspicuously. Our being caught with unloaded fire-arms, left them, indeed, no other resource at first.

During the conflict the enemy charged and captured our horse artillery; but it was quickly recaptured by the desperate determination of our troops. We learn that we amply retaliated afterward by capturing and holding a battery of four or five guns belonging to the enemy.

The battle at last settled decisively in our faThe enemy, repulsed and driven at all vor. points, fell back to the Rappahannock, and recrossed it.

We captured from them in the fight and on Beside these, bethe retreat three hundred and two prisoners, already received in this city. tween fifty and sixty more were brought to Culpeper Court-House yesterday morning, and they were still coming.

Our own loss is variously stated. The information at the provost's office at Culpeper CourtHouse, yesterday morning, was that about two hundred of our men were prisoners. Our killed and wounded are supposed to reach several hundred. Some put the figures higher and some lower.

The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded is believed to be considerably greater than ours. This is usually the case with the army that is defeated.

Among our slain are Lieutenant-Colonel Hampton of General Hampton's brigade, and Colonel Saul Williams of the Second North-Carolina regiment.

Colonel Butler of South-Carolina had his foot shot off, and has suffered amputation. General W. H. F. Lee received a painful but not dan gerous flesh-wound in the thigh. He came down yesterday to Colonel Wickham's in Hanover. Colonel A. W. Harman of the Twelfth Virginia cavalry was wounded, but not seriously, in the neck.

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