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William Rushton, therewith, who told me, he had received new Inftructions, which he shew'd me in Writing, and were to this Effect:

That Sir Edmundbury Godfrey was a Gentleman who had often attempted to destroy himfelf; that he did really hang himself in his own Silk-girdle, in his Chamber at the Bed's Feet: which being discovered, two of his Servants acquainted his Brothers therewith; who, coming thither, contrived his taking-down, and the carrying him to the Place where he was found; where they run his Corps through, on Purpofe to throw it on the Papists, thereby to fave the Eftate to themselves, and from being forfeited to the King: And that the two Servants had Fifty Pounds a-piece given them to keep it private. He also faid, that one of them, which was a Maid-Servant, did offer to discover this Contrivance to his Majefty and Council, but that he was by them rejected: Neverthelefs, for all this, at the fame Time, Rushion did own to me, that he was murthered by the Papists, but by what Hands he knew not; and further, he seemed much concerned that it was done; withing it had never been done, because it would make the Murther of the King the N. B. more difficult to be performed.

Robert Bolron.


Custom House for Sin.



DONS for Villainies and Wickedneffes of various

Kinds, &c. With the feveral Sums of Money given, and to be paid for them.



Sometimes Confeffor-General of the Kingdom of IRELAND, who was both a Spectator of, and Actor in, those horrible Abuses, before his Converfion to the Proteftant RELIGION.

And now Reprinted for the Benefit of fuch, as either have themselves, or would induce others to have, too favourable Thoughts of POPERY.

To which is now added an earnest Diffuafive from Romish Idolatry and Superstition: wherein other Gross Enormities are clearly detected.


Printed for JOHN MARSHALL, at the Bible in GracechurchStreet, JOSEPH MARSHALL, at the Bible in NewgateStreet, and FERD, BURLEIGH in Amen Corner. 1715.


THE following TABLE having been formerly published by one, who a great Part of his Life, wandered in the dark Mists and Fogs of POPERY; and was (as he himself assures us) both a Spectator of, and Actor in, those horrible Abuses, which he there exposed to public View: ventures to come-forth again, in Hopes of producing the same good Effects, which the Author, (come to himself) proposed in its first Publication.


I think it can never be unseasonable to expose a Religion so destructive of the Peace and Happiness of Societies; so derogatory to the Glory of God; so contrary to the main End and Purpose of Christianity; and that persecutes with such an unrelenting Barbarity (where it can) those that have the Courage and Honesty to oppose its Innovations.

There is therefore, in this Edition, added, by way of APPENDIX, an Earnest Dissuasive from POPERY, as a farther Antidote against the Poison of its pernicious Principles and



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Take in good Part, Reader, what is here offered thee; and, if in any thing thou shalt receive Satisfaction and Advantage, let God have the Glory, and the Editor thy Prayers.




I HOPE you (that read this) will be so charitable as to

believe it is neither Gain nor Advantage hath invited me to lay-open this Warehouse, and thus to publish the Merchandize of the Popish-Market; nor any hope thereby of fupporting my own Intereft (fince I know well enough how many Enemies a Work of this Nature will make me among fome Men) it being only to let the World fee that the Abuses that were long fince discovered in the Pope's Difpenfations, are yet ftill in being; as is vifible enough by the Rules and Impofts of their Chancery, being neither imaginary, nor yet forged upon the Anvil of Malice, as fome Perfons will be ready to perfuade those poor Souls, who never had any Knowledge of the Corruptions of the Court of ROME, nor of the Nature of its Traffick. A great Part of these Papers I cannot command at prefent, by reafon of my Abfence from my native Country, or elfe I would have inferted them all; which would have farther laid-open their abominable Practices; though perhaps this may be sufficient (if not too much) in fo naufeous a Subject. The Papifts, without doubt, will difown it, and fay that this is a mere Fiction, and that fuch Things are not practifed in their Church: but I am ready to prove, by my own Knowledge and Experience, all I here alledge to be true, and able to make good, that, as all the Arts of Man could not have


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