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This nation, and the other nations of Europe, may thereby learn with more certainty the grounds of a diffenfion, that poffibly may, fooner or later, have confequences interefting to them all.

The colonies had, from their firft fettlement, been governed with more eafe than perhaps can be equalled by any inftance in hiftory, of dominions fo diftant. Their affection and respect for this country, while they were treated with kindness, produced an almoft implicit obedience to the inftructions of the prince, and even to acts of the British parliament, though the right of binding them by a legislature in which they were unrepresented, was never clearly understood. That refpect and affection produced a partiality in favour of every thing that was English; whence their preference of English modes and manufactures; their fubmiffion to restraints on the importation of foreign goods, which they had but little defire to ufe; and the monopoly we fo long enjoyed of their commerce, to the great enriching of our merchants and artificers. The mistaken policy of the ftamp-act firft difturbed this happy fituation; but the flame thereby raised was foon extinguished by its repeal, and the old harmony reftored, with all its concomitant advantages to our commerce. The fubfequent act of another adminiftration*, which, not content with an established exclufion of foreign manufactures, began to make our own merchandize dearer to the confumers there by heavy duties, revived it again: and combinations were entered into throughout the Continent, to ftop trading with Britain till thofe duties should be repealed. All were accordingly repealed but one, the duty on tea. This was reserved profeffedly as a standing claim and exercife of the right affumed by parliament of laying fuch duties. The colonies, on this

That of the Duke of Grafton, as First Lord of the Treasury, and Mr. Charles Townshend (brother to General Lord Viscount Townshend,) as Chancellor of the Exchequer.


repeal, retracted their agreement, fo far as related to all other goods except that on which the duty was .etained. This was trumpeted bere by the minifter for the colonies as a triumph; there it was confidered only as a decent and equitable measure, fhowing a willingness to meet the mother country in every advance towards a reconciliation. And the difpofition to a good understanding was so prevalent, that poffibly they might foon have relaxed in the article of tea alfo. But the fyftem of commiffioners of customs, officers without end, with fleets and armies for collecting and enforcing those duties, being continued, and acting with much indiscretion and rafhnefs, giving great and unneceffary trouble and obftruction to bufinefs, commencing unjust and vexatious fuits, and haraffing commerce in all its branches, while that minifter kept the people in a conftant state of irritation by inftructions which appeared to have no other end than the gratifying his private refentments*, occafioned a persevering adherence to their refolution in that particular: and the event fhould be a leffon to minifters, not to rifque, through pique, the obftructing any one branch of trade, fince the course and connection of general business may be thereby disturbed to a degree impoffible to be foreseen or imagined. For it appears, that the colonies, finding their humble petitions to have this duty repealed, were rejected and treated with contempt, and that the produce of the duty was applied to the rewarding with undeserved falaries and penfions every one of their enemies, the duty itself became more odious, and their refolution to starve it more vigorous and obftinate. The Dutch, the Danes and French, took the advantage thus offered them by our imprudence, and began to 'fmuggle their teas into the plantations. At

Some of his circular letters had been criticised and exposed by one or two of the American assemblies.


firft this was fomewhat difficult; but at length, as all businefs improves by practice, it became cafy. A coaft 1500 miles in length, could not in all parts be guarded, even by the whole navy of England, especially where the reftraining authority was by all the inhabitants deemed unconftitutional, and fmuggling of courfe confidered as patriotifm. The needy wretches too, who, with small falaries, were trusted to watch the ports day and night, in all weathers, found it eafier and more profitable, not only to wink, but to sleep in their beds, the merchant's pay being more generous than the king's. Other India goods also, which by themselves would not have made a smuggling voyage fufficiently profitable, accompanied tea to advantage; and it is feared the cheap French filks formerly rejected as not to the taste of the colonifts, may have found their way with the wares of India, and now established themselves in the popular use and opinion. It is fuppofed that at least a million of Americans drink tea twice a day, which, at the firft coft here, can scarce be reckoned at lefs than half a guinea a head per annum. This market, that in the five years which have run-on fince the act paffed, would have paid 2,500,000 guineas for tea alone, into the coffers of the company, we have wantonly loft to foreigners. Meanwhile it is faid the duties have fo diminished, that the whole remittance of the last year amounted to no more than the pitiful fum of 85 pounds for the expence of fome hundred thousands in armed fhips and foldiers to fupport the officers. Hence the tea and other India goods that might have been fold in America, remain rotting in the company's warehouses, while those of foreign ports are known to be cleared by the American demand. Hence, in fome degree, the company's inability to pay their bills, the finking of their flock, by which millions of property have been annihilated; the lowering of thei dividend, whereby fo many must be diftreffed; the lofs to go


vernment of the ftipulated 400,0co pounds a year, which must make a proportionable reduction in our favings towards the discharge of our enormous debt; and hence in part the fevere blow fuffered by credit in general, to the ruin of many families; the ftagnation of business in SpitalFields and at Manchefter, through want of vent for their goods; with other future evils, which, as they cannot, from the numerous and fecret connections in general commerce, eafily be foreseen, can hardly be avoided.*

At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, duly warned, and legally assembled, in Faneuil - Hall, on Wednesday the 28th of October, 1772; and from thence continued by Adjournments to Monday the 2d of November following;

It was moved,

THAT a Committee of Correfpondence be appointed, to confift of twenty-one perfons, "to ftate the rights of the Colonists, and of this province in particular, as Men, as Christians, and as Subjects; to communicate and publish the fame to the feveral towns in this province, and to the world, as the fenfe of this town, with the infringements and violations thereof, that have been, or from time to time may be, made; alfo requefting of each town a free communication of their fentiments on this fubject."

Whereupon the following gentlemen were nominated and appointed for the purposes aforefaid, to make report to

This Preface of the British Editor to the second edition of this the preface was pamphlet, at London in the year 1773, was probably written by the Franklin, Fr. VIII 35. celebrated Dr. Benjamin Franklin, who was then in England, and

did not go to North America till April, 1774

[blocks in formation]

March, 1775.

the town as foon as may be, viz. The Hon. James Otis, Esq.; Mr. Samuel Adams, Dr. Jofeph Warren, Dr. Benjamin Church, Mr. William Dennie, Mr. William Greenleaf, Jofeph Greenleaf, Efq.; Dr. Thomas Young, Mr. William Powell, Mr. Nathaniel Appleton, Mr. Oliver Wendell, Mr. John Sweetfer, Jofiah Quincy, Efq.; Capt. John Bradford, Richard Boynton, Esq.; Captain William Mackay, Major Nathaniel Barber, Deacon Caleb Davis, Mr. Alexander Hill, Mr. William Molineux, and Mr. Robert Pierpont.

A true Copy.



At a Meeting of the Frceholders and other Inha bitants of the Town of Boston, duly warned and assembled in Faneuil Hall according to Law on Friday, the 20th of November, 1772; then and there to receive and act upon the Report of a Committee appointed at a former Meeting on the 2d of the same Month, and such other Things as might properly come under the Consideration of the Town.

The Honorable JOHN HANCOCK, Efq. being unanimoufly

chofen Moderator, the Chairman of the said Committee acquainted him that he was ready to make Report, and read the same, as follows:

THE Committee appointed by the Town, the 2d inftant, "to ftate the rights of the Colonists, and of this province in particular, as Men, as Chriftians, and as Subjects; to


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