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Park Theatre.-Since the publication of the October number of the "Review," our fair and talented country woman, Mrs. Mowatt, played a very successful engagement at this theatre, appearing in a range of characters admirably adapted to elicit the varied natural requisites with which she is endowed. We were much gratified to mark the progress she had made since her last appearance amongst us; and we feel assured that she is destined to realize the promises held out by her brilliant debut in the role of Pauline, in the Lady of Lyons.

The Keans have also had another engagement here, which has been somewhat more successful than was anticipated, owing, doubtless, to the fact, that they have endeavored to produce something more novel and attractive than those Shakspearean parts, in which they have so frequently presented themselves before the American public. The "Two Gentlemen of Verona" was produced by them, it is said, for the first time in this country; and nothing was neglected that costume and scenery could do to render the performance effective; but the play is decidedly unworthy of its great author, and verifies the opinion, that "even Homer nods sometimes."

It is replete with passages of a pleasing nature, but there are few, if any, of those powerful dramatic effects by which Shaks peare's plays are chiefly characterized, and one of the scenes, at least,-that between Launce and his dog, is so pointless and silly, that, with all our reverence for his great genius, we cannot choose but condemn it. We need hardly say, that this piece did not prove so attractive or agreeable as "Coleman's Jealous Wife," which was played on alternate nights by the same artistes.

The latter is, however, one of those plays which, without possessing any great merits of plot or incident, can be rendered highly successful by a spirited and talented actress.

It is now our pleasant and novel task to notice the first performance of "The Wife's Secret," a new play by Lovell, the well-known author of "Love's Sacrifice." This, we are informed, was written expressly for Mr. and Mrs. Kean; and certainly their respective roles are peculiarly fitted to the mental and physical powers of both performers. Mrs. Kean's Lady Evelyne is in every respect

one of her most striking personations.The text abounds in pathetic, striking, and vivid passages, and is pervaded by a vein of conflicting emotions that bring into full relief every excellence of her style.

The part of Mr. Kean, (Sir Walter Amyot,) is not less admirable in this regard, whilst it has an advantage over every other in which we have seen him; inasmuch as it makes no extraordinary demands upon those qualities in which he is deficient. It is true that there are occasional bursts of jealousy and agony, but the doubt entertained by him, almost throughout, in the base aspersions of Jabez Sneed, the unworthy steward, subdues this phase of the character to a level with Mr. Kean's powers, enabling him, in the more quiet expression, whether of renewed confidence or oft-recurring doubt, to display much of the taste, feeling, and grace, by which his acting is distinguished. In looking critically at the plot or construction of the play, we confess we were greatly disappointed. Its chief defects are, in the first place, that there is a lack of novelty in the incidents; and secondly, that each circumstance may be easily anticipated, even by those who are but little acquainted with theatrical matters.

The scene where Sir Walter discovers his wife in the embraces of a cavalier, is such an exact counterpart of a tableau in Dickens' "Cricket on the Hearth," as dramatized and played not very long since at this same theatre, that we might almost feel justified in the conclusion that the author had taken the idea from that piece. But we could point to numerous plays in which the various incidents of this piece occur. The plot is, indeed, of the simplest and most common-place description, and certainly unworthy of Mr. Lovell's talents as a play-wright. The language, however, is very beautiful. Forcible,chaste, and fanciful, it has yet the still higher merit of arising naturally from the heart and mind of the dramatis persona.

To this there are but two or three passages which form exceptions; but where there is so much deserving of admiration, it were hypercritical to dwell upon them. The parts were all exceedingly well cast, though it was to be regretted that Fisher's Jabez Sneed, which would have been otherwise excellent, was a little overacted.

The Vienna children have been engaged by Mr. Simpson for a period of 36

nights. About 2 years since the directress, Mad. Wise, visited Paris, London and many of the English provinces, with about 40 children, whom she had disciplined in dancing and grouping, remarkable for the most extraordinary precision and ensemble; and their success was so great that the parents, at first delighted to get rid of them, insisted on their return, the lady being unable or unwilling to comply with the exorbitant demands made upon her receipts. The result was that she selected an equal number of children in Paris, whom she instructed in the same manner, and who have reached a like degree of perfection. These have been quite as successful, and have retained the name of the original corps. They go through innumerable evolutions with all the graces of the most accomplished corps de ballet, and all the regularity of an admirably disciplined body of soldiers-a rare combination, which cannot fail to afford the most agreeable surprise and highest gratification to all who may witness their performances. Their arrival will doubtless occasion a great sensation amongst the votaries of Terpsichore in the United States. We suppose that Mr. Simpson is tactician enough to exhibit them for a few nights in our principal cities, till the term have nearly expired, when he might bring them back to the Park, and thus brilliantly conclude one of the most profitable speculations in which he could have embarked.

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In many respects she may be considered the greatest of living artists in a line of female portraiture, which none may approach without qualities of the highest order. It is our loss, which we never see her but to deplore, that in many of her grandest roles, we might say creations, we have only hearsay to guide us, but still we have beheld her inimitable performance of other parts, as Margaret Ellmore and Agnes de Vere, which, though of lesser degree, still revealed powers and talent of the most elevated order. In one exquisite trait, we believe Mrs. Shaw surpasses every other actress, of the home or foreign stage. Her pathos is irresistible, which bubbling up in soft, sweet gushes, right from the heart, subdues and overwhelms with extraordinary effect the feelings of the spectator. Her complete identity with the part she assumes,-her natural, touching revelation of its sentiments, emotions, and passions, is the great secret by which she unlocks the inner sympathies of man, and controls them at her

will. Nature has liberally endowed her with peculiar qualities to heighten her influence and add to the intellectual charm of her acting. Her surpassing beauty, the dark lustrous eye, now melting in love, now flashing with jealousy; her soft and musical voice, "an excellent thing in woman" the perfect dignity of gesture and attitude, all form a combination we meet in no other actress, and raise her in many points and parts, as we have said, beyond all rivalry. Why does she play so seldom? The public have a right to such talents, and the fault must be her own, for surely every manager of the country would gladly accept her services. She announced, on the night of her benefit, crowded and enthusiastic, in a pretty speech, gracefully spoken, that she was adapting for the stage a popular drama, of one of the greatest English poets. When are we to have the treat?

Music. It has been justly remarked by a well-known foreign writer on this country, that there is a general and enthusiastic love of music in the United States; and that evidences may be seen of it in the residences of nearly all our citizens. This passion has gradually acquired an intensity which is the best earnest of our fature progress and the attainment of a degree of excellence equal to that of the most musical nations of Europe.

Our national appreciation of good music has, hitherto, been evinced chiefly in the liberal encouragement given to foreign artists, and which has attracted so many of them to our shores; but in music, as in all things else, the ambition of the people is now fully awakened, and seeks to give native talent those advantages of study and instruction which will eventually enable it to achieve for us a national reputation. There can be no doubt that the performances of distinguished foreign artists have a very beneficial effect in forming the style of our singers and musicians; but something more is required by the mere novices in the art, in order that they should reap the greatest possible advan tage from the frequent repetition of the most celebrated compositions; they should be afforded every public facility of elementary study, and of exercising their capabilities, and proportionate rewards given them at each step of their progress. This seems to us the most practical means of directing the popular taste to a just standard of excellence.

There have recently sprung up in our chief cities, particularly in New-York, various musical societies, that seem admirably adapted to produce these desirable results, and their objects are so similar in the main, that it is a matter of regret that they should be in any way disunited by

conflicting individual interests or artistic jealousies. Were they all to merge into one grand musical institute, somewhat like the Conservatoire of Paris, we have no doubt that the exertions of those more immediately concerned in sustaining them, would be attended with a degree of success surpassing the most sanguine expectations. There would be such a reunion of native talent, as could not fail to win the warmest and most liberal support of the whole people. The society would become truly national, and worthy of our country. The principles upon which the American Musical Institute is based, appear to us admirably suited to promote the study of music to a far greater extent amongst the mass; it gives opportunities of instruction which they could not otherwise have hoped for; holds out rewards to native talent, and introduces to the public by the simple aid of its own members, some of the finest works of the great masters. The repetition of Oratorios is peculiarly fitted to the accomplishment of the various objects these associations have in view.

During the month Haydn's "Seasons" was produced at the Tabernacle by the above society, under the direction of some of our first musicians, and to an immense audience.

Camillo Sivori.-The past month has been musical beyond any other within our recollection. We have had amongst us many of the "bright particular stars" of the European hemisphere; but of all these Camillo Sivori is the most entitled by his wonderful performances to the general commendation of the press. He has given several concerts, which have afforded the highest gratification to all who had the good fortune to attend them.

He was assisted by Madame Pico, whose sweet vocalization has rendered her par excellence, the especial favorite of the lovers of music, and an admirable orchestra, under the able direction of Signor Rapetti. Sivori is equal if not superior to any violinist who has. ever visited our shores. With less pretension to singularity, or rather eccentricity, than Ole Bull, his power of expression is infinitely superior. His style is remarkable for the utmost rapidity of fingering, and is alike characterized by deep pathos and exquisite sweetness and delicacy. The several compositions he played are calculated to test all the varied powers of even a Paganini, and these he performed with an accuracy and skill that would not have discredited that great master.

Dinner to Edwin Forrest.-A committee, composed of some of our most influential citizens, lately invited this distinguished tragedian to a complimentary dinner, which was given on the 16th inst., at the New-York Hotel. Upwards of a hundred persons sat down, and three times the number of tickets were refused, as it was desired not to give a public character to an entertainment that sprung from private motives of friendship. An additional lustre was imparted to the occasion by the presidency of William C. Bryant, whose superior genius and estimable character have secured national respect and foreign fame. Mr. Forrest's address was one of his happiest efforts, just in thought, felicitous in expression, elevated in tone, We regret sincerely and in perfect taste. that we are obliged to omit it, as it would be read everywhere with interest. The speeches of Gen. Wetmore, and Messrs. Graham, Brady, Matthews, and Placide, &c., were conceived in the happiest vein, and the whole effect of the entertainment was alike creditable to the committee and flattering to their honored guest. The feast itself was got up in a style worthy the high reputation of the New-York Hotel.

Fair of the American Institute.-The attempt would be vain, to express in adequate terms our intense feelings of pride and gratification on glancing over the various and innumerable objects of native manufacture and growth exhibited during the month at Castle Garden. Almost every article that can contribute to the comfort and enjoyment of life might have been seen there in its greatest perfection. Science and manual power of the highest order seemed to have combined to rival, and in many respects surpass, the most successful artificial products of other countries..

The scene must have afforded unalloyed pleasure to every American mind which has had the good fortune to contemplate it. There was a marked improvement in the different branches of industry; and the general aspect of the immense rotunda in which the exhibition was held, gave promise of such a full and early development of our internal resources, as will render this, Many in arts as in agriculture and commerce, the greatest nation in Christendom. thousands have visited this fair, and we feel assured that all were impressed with the firm belief that our progress in the ways of civilization will be rapid and glorious beyond example in the history of the world.



The election in N. York takes place Nov. 3d. For Governor, in the city, Mr. Wright will receive a majority, alike triumphant and decisive. The entire vote of the Democratic party, with the exception of a few, very few, who have conservative sympathies, will be heartily given to him; in addition to which, no small number of his political opponents will cast their suffrages in his favor-a spontaneous tribute to the honesty and patriotism of his public career. But, while Mr. Wright's own merits will secure to him a gratifying vote, the odium which attaches to his leading opponent, Mr. Young, will have a greater effect in enhancing his majority. The va rious isms which Mr. Young is understood to favor, (Abolition, Anti-Rent, Negro Suffrage, &c. &c.,) are so universally contemued in the city, that an earnest support could be hardly expected. The conservative portion of the Whig party is likely to vote in solid force for Mr. Edwards, the Native American candidate, who has a high rank as a devoted friend to Mr. Clay, and an old-fashioned Whig. It is probable that Mr. Wright will re, ceive a greater vote than Messrs. Young and Edwards combined; but .doubtful which of the two latter will receive the largest.

The vote for Lieutenant-Governor and Canal Commissioners will run about even with that for the main bulk of the rest of the tickets of the several parties. It is not expected that there will be much splitting in regard to these officers, none of the candidates to fill them being generally understood to be seriously indoctrinated with Anti-Rentism. The Democratic candidates will receive a very large majority in the city."

In the several districts, the canvass for Congress is likely to be unusually severe, and not altogether certain in its results. In the third district, (1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th wards) the Native Americans have nominated William S. Miller, the member of the present Congress; and the whigs, J. Phillips Phoenix, his predecessor. Mr. Phonix withdrew in 1844 in order to secure the election of Mr. Miller; and it is not improbable that the latter may now return the compliment, especially, if the whigs should agree to have the field clear for Mr.

Campbell, in the sixth district. The third district, a few years since, always gave 2,000 whig majority; but is now, in consequence of the removal of whigs "uptown," and the increasing alienation of the mercantile interest from the whigs, about balanced between the two parties. The native vote is small, but, if cast separately, will also help the democrats. In case the latter present an acceptable candidate, he will have a fair chance for success. In the fourth district, (6th, 7th, 10th, and 13th wards) the democrats have re-nominated William B. Maclay; the whigs present John H. Williams, and the natives William L. Prall. Mr. Maclay can beat his opponents single or united. In the fifth district, (8th, 9th, and 14th wards) the natives have considerable strength, and have nominated David E. Wheeler, a lawyer, who formerly belonged to the democratic party, but has since been sent by the natives to the Assembly. It is understood that there will be no whig candidate. The democrats have nominated David C. Broderick. The election in this district will be close. In the 6th dist., (11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th wards) the democratic majority has always been great, though it is somewhat diminished by the native organization. The na tive representative in the present Congress, William W. Campbell, who is also a thorough whig, has been renominated. The whigs have nominated James Monroe, but it is very likely that he will withdraw, to aid Mr. Campbell; but, whether he does or not, the democratic candidate will pretty certainly be elected by a decided ́majority.

For the state Senate and Assembly, the democrats, whigs, and natives, run separate tickets, except that the two latter may unite upon two or three candidates for the Assembly. In that case they may elect the joint nominees; though, if the democratic ticket is a good one, it will, proba bly, be elected entire.

The three important and lucrative offices of sheriff, county clerk, and coroner of the city and county, are also to be filled at the ensuing election. They usually involve a warm and close canvass, in which the personal popularity of the candidates exercises a material influence. It is not improbable that the contest for two of them will

be as animated on the present, as on former occasions. For sheriff, the democratic candidate is John V. Westervelt, formerly under sheriff, and previously, for many years, a deputy. To superior qualifications, generally known and conceded, he adds the devoted friendship of a wide circle of acquaintances. The whig candidate is Wm. H. Lyon, one of the present deputies, and the Native American, Charles Devoe. Mr. Westervelt's election is beyond doubt. For county clerk the democrats have nominated James Conner, the well-known type-founder, who now holds the office; and the whigs and natives have united on Willis Hall, formerly Attorney-General of the state. Major Conner has strong claims,

fully felt, upon his party, and is backed by hosts of untiring personal friends; and Mr. Hall is regarded with like favor by his party, while his physical affliction is calculated to stimulate and assist efforts for his success. There will be a zealous struggle for each; but it is evident that the chances preponderate greatly in favor of Major Conner. For coroner the democrats present Dr. William A. Walters. He is active, efficient, widely-known, and well-esteemed as a party man; and is also fully competent to discharge the important duties of the office in a proper manner, and with credit. The whig candidate is Dr. Alexander N. Gunn; the native, Mr. Helne. Dr. Walters will surely be elected.

The votes for governor in New-York state, for six elections, have been as follows:




W. maj. D. maj.




1834..W. L. Marcy..181,900..W. H. Seward..169,008... 1836..W. L. Marcy..166,122..Jesse Buel......136,648....J. S. Smith..3,496.... 1838..W. L. Marcy..182,461.. W. H. Seward..192,882.. 1840.. W. C. Bouck..216,726..W. H. Seward..222,011.. G. Smith....2,662..5,285 1842.. W. C. Bouck..208,072.. Luther Bradish.. 186,091.. Alv..Stewart 7,263.. 1844..Silas Wright...241,090..M. Filmore......231,057.. Alv. Stewart 15,119........ 10,033 The votes in the congressional districts of the city, in 1844, were as follows:

3d.......Miller......6,613.. .Nichol.. .5,388. Lawrence..6,428. .....Maclay.....6,783..


Filmore. Wright. Stewart. ..6,465.. ...5,778... .31 ..5,911.

.7,832.. ..30

4th.... 5th.... Woodruff...6,214....... Leonard....6,009......5,824..............6,786........... .11

6th......Campbell...7,856.. Moore......7,750.



The results of the state elections, as far as they have been officially received, evince a most remarkable progress in the


.7,542.... .8,766... .14 29,162



25,930 democratic majority in the popular vote. The following are the returns for Indiana and Illinois :



Total vote.

1842.... Ford,....45,608.... Duncan,....38,304.... Hunter,....909,.... .84,821 1846....French,..58,576.... Killpatrick,..36,939.... . Eells,.....5,147...106,662





4,238 15,841

The vote by districts, for members of Congress, has been as follows:


[blocks in formation]

5,865.... Wentworth.... 12,026.... Kerr.............. 6,208.. Lovejoy....3,531 5th....2,575.... Douglass... 9,628.... Vandewater...6,864.... Wilson.....



6th.... 607.... Turner..... 8,456.... Talcott..... 947 7th.... 436.... Cartwright 4,829.... Lincoln...... 6,340.... Wolcott.... 249

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