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For my feeding is the leaft expence I am at. In what do you spent thofe eight-pence, said the king: I spend only, replied be, two-pence to nourish me and my wife; I pay my debts with two others: I put two others in the flocks, and the two remaining I throw away. How is this done? faid the king: explain me this. Willingly, faid the labourer; Ispend twopence for the nourishment of me and my wife, and for fo little money, we can but live like the brute creation, and fomething worse. With the other two-pence I pay my debts, that is to fay, I have fill my father and mother, which are fo old, that they are no more able to labour, and as they and as they have kept me when I was young, I keep them now in their old age; by thefe means, I pay what I owe them. The two other pence, which I laid out in the flocks, are for the nourishment of my children, which are yet fo young that they cannot labour; I lend them now, in hopes that they will render it to me, when broken by old age, and unable to work for myself. The twopence which I throw away, are for the keep of two girls, which my wife had in a former marriage, for I never hope to have that money returned.

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Tot eenen Vriend.


GY zegt my dat gy zyt vol zugten O
Dat teer volk myn' digt mag dugten,
Voorzigtig ook gy denkt myn rym

Zoud nooit zien fcheel op hofschen fchynWo
Want fchoon nog dit nog dat is meend,
Weet gy wat hun gedagt verleent?

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Gy vraagd my heeft ooit zulks behaagd of Word hap of keuvel dus to 'k middel niet met kap of keuvelbow I Vley-digers reiken den 1 to Zy weeten heeren zyn zeer vies,

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Zeggen nooit waar hunn' weekheid is, ya lish. "Kwil dien kruip-pad niet betreffen; Ik yvere niet om te verheffen; Zoud ik onteer de zang-goddin? Neen 'k weigere al eer en gewin. 'K wil nog vleyen nog veragten; Ondeugd schaamen, 'k zal betragtenar, Bug 1

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To a Friend.

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YOU tell me that you apprehend
My verfe may touchy folks offend.
In prudence too you think my rhimes
Should never fquint at courtiers crimes;
For though not this or that is meant,
Can we another's thoughts prevent?
You ask me if I ever knew

Court chaplains thus the lawn purfue.
I meddle not with gown or lawn:
Poets, I grant to rise must fawn.
They know great ears are over-nice,
And never fhock their patron's vice.
But I this hackney path defpife;
'Tis my ambition not to rife:
If I must prostitute the mufe,
The bafe conditions I refufe.
I neither flatter or defame ;

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Yet own I would bring guilt to shame. {

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Zoo 'k het kwaad zal vooren leezen, ftaminah I "L
Elk fchurk zal myn' vyand weezéniques sdpr20
Wat dan hun gantfch geflagt ik haat. V
Laat my
de deugd; en hun het kwaad warts &
Schoon ik begeere niemands goed aunt d'Pass or
Minifter's geld is duivels broed;

Waar omkoop uit gebruik gebragt,
T'waar zegen voor 't arm geflagt,

'T zoud kwellen ftaatkundig gefpuis, acce!' avond 1. Gebonden zynde tot dat kruis:

Paalen hun magt en rykdommen, but Maroon 5
En hun gedrag heel ontmominen, wadske baze
Waar hun werktuig dus afgeflaan? (sh godt svo
Waar zouden hun fchuimloopers gaan H
Was dat de zaak, laat ons eens zien, It gro
'Tongeval dat 'er zoud bathnawch nodig
Schoon 't mogt vergrooten onzen flaat, AgoP
Kanpragtbftaan op zilver plaat ?i sioung Chood
Vorft mogt zyn gunfteling vergelden, set 29
Wat zouden dan minifters melden, zreisin mid
Zyn' agterloopers en zyn' fpien, rot
Pena e
Konden geen jaar's in komft voorzien, on Line 40
Miffchien neemt ook weg dit gewin, osamudra L
Iet anders mogt dan koomen in. not duen wh
Byzyds om penfioen te weig ren, and tashis
Zoud hoovaardy de borft op fteig ren;
'T mogt verwarren's ministers staat nog iegun il
Maar t' land bevrien van voorder kwaad, y ba
Ik geef niet of men my bevroedadk som Stop I
Myn doelwit is't gemeine goed) yo noom gloo I
Laat die wilt myn vrydom blaamen, odor tal bri
k zal d'hofjonker's wel doen fchaamen das 50
Hun inkoomen moet zyn gefchrood,odt li
'k wenfch 't land uit fchuld en 't volk uit nood,
'k heb geen wangunft voor hovelingen, or I
'k wil hun geluk niet bedingen heng silice d

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If I corruption's band expofe, is berwa
make corrupted men my foes, "avin las
What then? I hate the paltry tribe
Be virtue mine: Be theirs the bribe.
I no man's property invade
Corruption's yet no lawful trade;
Nor would it mighty ills produce,

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Could I fhame brib'ry out of ufe. comisar I know 'twould cramp most politicians,lowa furs I' Were they ty'd down to thefe conditions.

Twould fint their power, their riches bounds And make their parts feem less 30 Were they deny'd their proper tools,

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How could they lead their knaves and fools
Were this the cafe, let's take a view, ła ob tem as W
What dreadful mifchiefs would ensue. ab avondo Te
Though it might aggrandize the ftate,pom 1) noɔɖɔë
Could private luxury dine on plate it Geargast
Kings might indeed their friends reward, som BioV
But minifters find less regardi
Informer's, fycophants and fpies,

Would not augment our year's fupplies g


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Perhaps too, take away this prop, anɔɔn noidoinM

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An annual job or two might drop.
Befides, if penfions were deny'd,
Could avarice fupport its pride?
It might ev'n minifiers confound,
And yet the state be fafe and found. i 5 anniv
I care not thoughtis underflood in a dong *I
I only mean my country's good boy da irmaob dyM
And let who will my freedom blameçon tine sib 18 I.
I wish all'courtiers did the fame. 1odoforb irs >50
Nay, though fome folks the left might get H
I wish the nation our of debt. 13 basl 1 new d
I put no private man's ambitionu quew nɔog dod a
With public good in competition Anlog rund liw

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