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month during the holiday quarter. The Friends at Flodden Road seem to believe in good music, as we see that the morn ing anthem during the present month is one of Mozart's choruses.

SOUTHPORT. The Southport Daily News of Monday July 12th gives the following account of the opening of the New Church at this town:

vented and admirable means for educating at once the affectional nature and the musical capacity of our young folks, commonly known as "Services of Song." The subject of the service was the Bible story of Moses, as published for the purpose by the Sunday School Union, a few verbal alterations being made in the poetry, here and there, to make it harmonize with the views held by the worshippers in this church. Mr. Austin, "Yesterday morning the New Church the minister, presided, and read the erected in Duke Street was opened for portions of Scripture by which, as in Divine service. There are many people all such services, the musical pieces are frequenting Southport who desire such a connected and introduced. The Sunday place of worship; and it is for their scholars who, assisted by members of sakes in the first instance, and then for the choir, performed the musical por- the growth of families and the promotion, were under the direction of Mr. tion and extension of what are believed Camp Penn, jun., and gave abundant to be important truths, that the work evidence of that gentleman's skill and of the New Church here has been perseverance in training. The work originated and carried on. In 1868, must be pretty well known to our a few friends who had come to reside readers, as we have frequently noticed its performance. The various pieces in the work received a sympathetic and intelligent interpretation from Mr. Penn and his choralists. The audience, though somewhat chary of applause, during the progress of the service testified, by the close attention throughout and cordial hand-clapping at the close, a high appreciation of the merits of the performance.

The officers of this Society have adopted an excellent plan of communicating with the members of the church and their friends upon the work which is forthcoming. They issue, monthly, we believe, a four page pamphlet, under the title of "The Camberwell New Church Chronicle," and the number for July now before us contains in calendar form an announcement of the services and meetings, and the subjects to be discoursed upon, an arrangement by which every one may go with a prepared as well as inquiring mind. Besides this, details respecting forthcoming special events are set forth, there is correspondence upon points affecting the Society's interests, a list of anthems to be sung during the quarter, and such general information as room can be found for. The Mutual Improvement Society have again adopted what we think is a wise plan for the summer months. The members have not attempted to keep up the weekly meetings, but have adopted a compromise in holding a social meeting once in each

here, holding the views which Swedenborg has advanced, thought it desirable to open a meeting-room for worship. They were supported by the Manchester Missionary Society in connection with their own denomination; and it was the custom for a missionary to come over every Sunday to preach for the Society. In October 1872, they found it of advantage to invite a resident minister; and an invitation was given to Mr. Smithson (the present minister), who had just finished his studies at the College in London. Soon after Mr. Smithson had been appointed, a building fund was commenced; and the congregation have now succeeded in building a church which does credit to themselves and is an ornament to this beautiful town.

"The New Church, which is erected in Duke Street, will comprise nave, chancel, vestry, and organ chamber; but the part now erected consists of the nave and vestry only. The intention ultimately is to add a chancel, when the funds will admit of it; but at present the trustees are anxious to clear off a debt of nearly £1000, which remains on the building. The building externally is faced with white fire bricks, relieved with red pressed bricks in corbellings to gables, weatherings of buttresses, and outer arches to openings. The stone dressings are of Rainhill stone. The Duke Street, or west-front, has two deeply-recessed doorways, between which an arcade of eight panels (four of which

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"The Rev. Dr. Bayley then ascended the pulpit, and delivered an eloquent sermon from the text, Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path' (Ps. cxix. 105).

are glazed, the remainder filled in with the communion table. The introducmoulded bricks), divided by stone shafts tory passages of Scripture were read by with moulded caps and braces. Over the Rev. Mr. Smithson, after which the this arcade, and between centre but- hymn was sung, "This Temple we to tresses, a depth of 24 feet is faced with Jesus raise.' The Rev. Dr. Bayley then enamelled and coloured bricks in deeper read an address on the advantages of pattern, and above this is an encaustic public worship, after which he offered tile band. The west (wheel) window is up the consecration prayer. Two lesin stone, with carved radiating shafts, sons followed (1 Kings viii., and Rev. bases and caps; and the glazing is in xxi.), impressively read by Mr. Smithtinted cathedral and coloured glass. son; after these the 'Te Deum LaudaSurmounting this, again, a stone panel, mus' was sung, and then another prayer with carving of an open Bible, is fixed. and hymn, Rich in mercy Jesus The sides of the building is divided into reigns,' brought this part of the service bays, by buttresses of three stages, with to a close. windows in pairs between each. Internally, a screen, partially glazed with figured glass, forms a porch of six feet in width at the west end. The seats, wall linings, etc., are in pitch pine varnished, the capping of seat backs, etc., being ebonized; and in framing and dado of wall boarding a stencil pattern is introduced. The roof is of pitch pine varnished, in open principals with hammer beams and wall brackets, curved ribs with ebonized moulds. Dormer lights are on each side of the roof. The slating is in Welsh blue slates, with green bands and red crest tiling. The chancel, when built, will have, internally, an arcade on each side, one opening into the organ chamber, and in octagonal end of chancel three circular headed windows ornamentally glazed, the ceiling being panelled wood. The style of the building is partially of Norman character, incfining in some detail to early English. The seating accommodates 250 persons.

"At the close of the service, a collection was taken, which amounted to £51, 15s."

SWEDENBORG READING SOCIETY, 36 Bloomsbury Street. This Society concluded its Seventh Session by the usual Conversazione of its members and their friends on Thursday evening 24th June. There was a very full attendance, and the evening passed very pleasantly. The programme of music was most excellent and of a high order. The pianoforte music was contributed by the Misses Lydia and Annie Smith, M. Bucknall, M'Minn and Elliott, and Messrs. A. J. Barth and C. J. Whittington. The vocalists were Misses Florence Keene and Bolingbroke, and Messrs. A. Briggs, S. Barber and Theodore Barth, "As we have said, the church was all of whom performed in a manner that opened for public worship yesterday. left nothing to be desired. The Session The weather was somewhat unfavour- has been an advance upon all previous able, but before the proceedings a large ones, and the papers contributed have and highly respectable congregation all tended to show what an inexhausfilled every part of the sacred edifice. tible mine of wealth, theological, Amongst those present we observed His scientific and literary, is to be found in Worship the Mayor, Walter Smith, the works of Swedenborg, and what a Esq., J.P., D. Chadwick, Esq., M.P., vast influence they have had and will and many influential residents in the continue to have on the world at large, town. The dedication service was and what a rich and instructive light simple, but impressive; the officiating they cast on all subjects of modern reministers being the Rev. Dr. Bayley, search; while, on the other hand, Palace Gardens Church, Kensington, every new discovery and investigation and the Rev. D. J. Smithson, South- adds confirmation to his teachings and port. Both these gentlemen were widens their scope. The following list habited in surplices, the dress usually of subjects on which papers have been worn by ministers of their denomination, read and discussed will show the aim and entered the church from the vestry of the Society, and perhaps induce some carrying a Bible, which was placed upon of the students of Swedenborg, who are

not aware of the Society's existence, to join, and aid in the great work it has in view, a work clearly following up and assisting that of the Swedenborg Society, who print and distribute the great Author's works, while the Reading Society studies their bearings on all things and subjects. 15th October 1874, "Paul and Swedenborg, ," Rev. W. Bruce; 19th November, "The Authority of Swedenborg," Rev. R. L. Tafel, continued also on 17th December, and the 21st January 1875; 18th February, "The Characteristic of Infinity in the Spiritual Sense of the Word," Mr. E. Rich; 17th March, "The Divine Word and its various senses,' Rev. J. Presland; 15th April, "On the Recent Discoveries in Assyria," Mr. P. C. Barnes; and 20th May, "Swedenborg tested by Modern Geological and Assyrian Discoveries," Dr. John Mill. The last gentleman has promised one or two papers for the next session, which opens on the third Thursday in October next, and the Secretary hopes to receive notice soon of some further valuable contributions.

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WILLIAM BLAKE.-An interesting memento of the mystical poet-artist, William Blake, the contemporary and firm friend of John Flaxman, who is well known to have been a receiver of the doctrines of the New Church, was sold in London on June 23, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge. was thus described in their catalogue: Swedenborg (E.), Wisdom of Angels, with pencil notes by W. Blake, the artist, 1788."

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cieties have given notice that a proposi-
tion will be made to alter the Rules of
as follows:-" Resolved,

That in Rule 152, section a, after the
word 'baptized,' the words 'in the New
Church' be omitted; and that in Rule
169, section e, after the word 'baptized,'
the words 'into the New Church' be
struck out." The Society at Brightling
sea has given notice that a proposition
will be made to alter rule 163, by adding
the words "into the New Church" after
the word "baptized" in section b. The So-
ciety at Camden Road, London, has given
notice that a proposition will be made
to alter Rule 208, section a, to read as
follows:-"a. Certificates of moral char-
acter and recommendation of his adop
tion from either of two Boards, to be
called Examining Boards, or the majo
rity thereof respectively, consisting of
ordained ministers to be appointed annu
ally by the Conference; one of such
Boards to be the Examining Board,
North of Trent, and the other the Exa-
mining Board, South of Trent, each
Board to consist of not less than four
members." The representatives of the
Society at Birmingham will move
"That the report of the Committee ap-
pointed by Minute 197 of the last Ses
sion, to revise the Extrordinary Services,
or so much of the Report as relates to
the Ordination Service, be considered by
a Committee of the whole Session of the
ensuing General Conference."

The following programme of services to be held in Manchester during the Conference has been issued by the Society's Committee. The Committee of the Peter Street Society beg to submit to the members of Conference, and other GENERAL CONFERENCE.-The sixty- friends, the following proposed arrange. eighth annual meeting of the General ments for the Conference week :-SunConference is appointed to be held in day, August 8th, the Rev. C. H. Wilthe New Jerusalem Church, Peter Street, kins, of Nottingham, will preach in the Manchester, and to commence on Monday, morning, service to commence at 10-30. the 9th instant, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Ashby, of Derby, will preach in The Society at Nun Street, Newcastle- the evening, service to commence at upon-Tyne, applies to be received into con- 6-30. Monday, August 9th, reception nexion with Conference. The Society at meeting and opening of the Conference. Birmingham applies for the ordination The Committee will be in attendance of Mr. Robert R. Rodgers; the Society to receive the members of Conference in at Clayton-le-Moors for the ordination the schoolroom, from half-past five to of Mr. Isaiah Tansley; the Society at Liverpool for the ordination of Mr. R. Goldsack; the Society at Brightlingsea for the ordination of Mr. Jos. Deans; and the Society at Derby for the ordination of Mr. Joseph Ashby. Several So

seven o'clock. Tea will be provided, and members of Conference may be introduced to the friends who will enter. tain them. The preliminary business of Conference will begin at seven o'clock. Tuesday, August 10h, Conference will

assemble in the Church at nine o'clock. in 1870, and ordered to be continued In the evening, Divine service, in the and completed by each succeeding ConChurch, at seven o'clock; sermon by the ference, is now finished, and the work Rev. J. F. Potts, B. A., of Glasgow. At is ready for adoption by the Societies the close of this service, the Sacra- according to the Min. 194-196, 199, ment of the Lord's Supper will be ad- 200, of the last Session. It has thus ministered. The offerings will be de- been FOUR YEARS under consideration voted to the Pension Fund. Wednesday, by large Committees selected from the August 11th, Conference will assemble chief districts of the Church. These at nine o'clock. In the evening there Committees have met very often, and will be a social meeting, in the school- laboured very diligently to produce a room, to which the Peter Street Society Liturgy calculated to minister to uniwill invite the members of Conference versal edification. The Publication and their ladies. Tea will be served in Committee appointed by Min. 195 last the upper schoolroom, from six to seven Session, has now to invite the Church o'clock. Admission to other friends generally to adopt the work so maturely who may wish to attend this meeting, prepared. The price is 1s. for a single will be by ticket only (price 1s. 6d.). copy in cloth; in sheets, 8d.; 100 As the number to be accommodated at copies in sheets at the rate of 6d. each. this meeting is necessarily limited, an At present the ordinary public services early application for tickets (not later alone are issued. The extraordinary than Monday, August 9th) is requested, services await the final decisions of the to Mr. George Broadfield, 23 Cheetwood Conference. The chief features of the Lane, Manchester. Thursday, August New Liturgy are-First,--The retention 12th, Conference will assemble at nine of the former Liturgy as a service for o'clock. In the evening the Annual the first Sunday in the month, with the Conference Tea-meeting will be held in removal of such defects as have been the schoolroom, to commence at five generally felt; thus providing greater o'clock. The subject for consideration simplicity and beauty of language, with at the meeting in the Church, after tea, a somewhat shorter service. Second,is-"The Relation of Religion to Life." Variety in the services; making five The chair will be taken by the President services for the five Sundays in the of Conference at seven o'clock. Friday, longest month, and so plainly arranged August 13th, Conference will assemble that there can be no difficulty in their at nine o'clock. The evening will be use. Third,-Each Service goes straight left free for private social parties. on without brackets, and with the ComSaturday, August 14th, Conference will mandments and Beatitudes in their assemble at nine o'clock. Should the place in each Service, so that there is state of business and the weather permit, no turning to any other part of the arrangements may be made for an book; even a stranger can have no perexcursion on Saturday afternoon. Sun- plexity. Fourth,-Full provision has day, August 15th, the Rev. Chauncey been made for Societies that desire SerGiles, of New York, will preach in the vices of a more responsive character, morning; the Rev. John Presland, of yet so arranged that none are compelled London, will preach in the evening. to use more responses than they are able Dinners will be provided in the school- to adopt with due impressiveness and room, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, price 2s. 6d. Tea will be served in the schoolroom every evening, free to members of Conference, other friends, 6d. each.

THE NEW LITURGY.-The Committee of Publications have issued the following circular, to which we invite the attention of our readers :

"Dear Friends,- The preparation of the New Liturgy for the Public Service of the Church, which was commenced by Min. 162 of the Conference

edification. Fifth,-A Litany, a Thanks-
giving Service, and a Te Deum have
been introduced, to meet a generally
expressed desire, to be used at the
option of each Congregation. Sixth,-
The varied excellencies which have been
hitherto sought by different Liturgies
having been collated into the
work, it is hoped that a New Church-
man in Great Britain, wherever he may
be, will find the same book in use. The
Committee earnestly invite the Societies
generally to assist the Conference, by
ordering such a number as will ease the


expense of printing the present edition. If the most numerous Societies would order in the first instance as many as they would be likely to need for three or five years, the work would come into use without burden to the Conference, and your Committee have the fullest conviction that its universal introduction will tend to promote general harmony among the Societies, while it deepens the piety, and enriches the devotion of all who use its prayers and praises in the spirit of humility, love and adoration.-R. STORRY, Vice-President, R. GUNTON, Treasurer, J. BAYLEY, T. WATSON, J. SPEIRS, JOHN PRESLAND, Secretary of Liturgy Committee.

"P.S.-Since sending the above to press, we are informed that the Societies at Argyle Square and Palace Gardens, London, have resolved to adopt the New Liturgy, and to order 500 copies each."


On June 19th, at Arlington Terrace, Great Clowes Street, Manchester, the wife of Jesse Henry Watson of a son.

On July 6th, the wife of George Meek, Wigan, of a daughter.


On Sunday, May 9th, Mrs. Ellen Pemberton, of Lower Darwen, passed into the spiritual world, aged 74 years. She had been many years a member of the Blackburn Society. It was her special delight to attend Divine worship, the privilege of which she availed herself as frequently as possible to the last. She

was of a very gentle disposition, peaceloving, and kind. To her the prospect of death had no sting, and the grave no terrors. She patiently waited for the call to go up higher. As she grew naturally older, she grew spiritually riper, until she was gathered by the angelic reapers into the Lord's garner. Truly "the memory of the just is blessed."

Departed this life at Islington, on the 27th May last, in the 36th year of his age, Edward James Dowling. Born at Oxford into the verities of the New Church, and, like his late father, strenu

ously zealous to promote in every possible manner her best interests. Though with limited means, he had a spirit of unbounded generosity, and thought no personal sacrifice too great for the glori ous cause of the New Jerusalem. His filial duty to his surviving parent, his faithfulness and tenderness as a husband and father, and his integrity in business, won the esteem and affection of all who knew him. Strongly imbued with the maxim so familiar to us, that all religion has relation to life, and that the life of religion is to do good, he exemplified in his character the words of his Divine Master, "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another." His protracted afflic tion of consumption was endured with pious patience, while a pacific state of mind shone through a faint smile even at the last, when he called his beloved wife to him, and leaning on her shoulder, with a sister near, threw his arms around them both, and thus passed into eternity. He has left four young children, who may possibly in after years ponder upon the above, to their gratification and spiritual advantage.

The Bookseller for July gives the fol lowing brief notice of the late Mr. Rich, the compiler and editor of the Index to the Arcana Cœlestia. A similar notice appeared also in the Athenaum: “June 11, at Margate, aged 56, Mr. Elihu Rich, a hard-working man of letters. He was born of Swedenborgian parents, and of late years had been a strong believer in Spiritualism. For many years he edited Messrs. Smith & Elder's Monthly Circular; and at one time Christian Knowledge Society. He also edited the People's Magazine for the compiled and translated numerous


Departed this life, on June 27, 1875, at the Hollow's Farm, Paisley, Hugh Leggat, aged 24 years.

Departed this life, on July 5th, aged 73, Mr. Joseph Moss, for nearly half a century Master of the New Jerusalem Church Day Schools, Manchester.

On July 7, 1875, at 94 Stevenson St., Paisley, Elizabeth, wife of Jas. S. M'Gallan, and daughter of the late David Black.

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