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Art. 34. An Analysis of the feveral Bank Annuities, from the first Year of their Creation down to the prefont Time; with References to the different Acts paffed relative thereto. The Whole intended to

explain the prefent Capital of each Fund in a concise and clear Method. To which is added, a correct Account of the Supplies, and Ways and Means, voted in the laft Seffions of Parliament. By T. Afhmore. 4to. s. Richardfon. 1774.

The title fufficiently indicates the nature of this performance: it will be found an inftructive and useful companion to those who wish to know when and how the feveral funds were first established, what changes they have fince undergone, and what fum is their feparate or their whole amount.

Art. 35. The Expeditious Accountant, or Cyphering rendered fo fhort that half the Trouble attending the common Methods is faved, in most Occurrences; and fo easy, that a Perfon of moderate Capacity may learn with very little Adiftance from a Mafter; the Rules given being plain, the Examples properly illustrated, and Numbers of Questions, with their Anfwers, being annexed to them, to exercise the Learner. A very curious Work, totally different from all that have preceded it. In Five Parts. By Nicholas Salomon, Author of The French Teacher's Affiftant, &c. 8vo. 8vo. 3 s. fewed. Wilkie. 1774.

This compendium of arithmetic, fo hand fomely recommended by the Author himself, contains feveral new operations, fome of which are more tedious, and others more expeditious, than thofe in common ufe: but it is chiefly valuable, as it fupplies a great variety of questions and examples to exercise the learner.


Art. 36. Cabbage and Clover Husbandry. Defcription of, and Directions for cultivating feveral curious Plants not generally known in England. Particularly Hungarian Clover, Swedish Cabbage, feveral new Graffes, &c. Which will be of the greatest Benefit to the Agriculture of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. 6d. Sold at Gregg's Coffee house, York-ftreet, Covent Garden.

The feeds here recommended, we are informed at the end of the pamphlet, are to be had of a perfon attending at Gregg's coffeehoufe-for ready money only.' The whole has fo much the complexion of an advertisement for the benefit of this perfon in the first instance, that the advantage of these articles to the agriculture of Great Britain and Ireland must be left for the experience of his pur chafers to determine.

RELIGIOUS. Art. 37. ANTINARKIA; or, an Inquiry into the true Acceptation, or Idea of religious Liberty, as fet forth in the Scriptures of the New Teftament, with its confequent Doctrines examined and af certained. 8vo. 2 s. Bingley. 1774.

The amount of one part of this Author's reafoning feems to be, that because Chriftians receive from Chrift a fpiritual liberty, therefore they ought not to be very anxious about their civil liberty, or that which is generally called religious. Dr. Priestley and Dr. Black


burne find him much employment; he is equally earnest in exploding fome principles which they have advanced, and in endeavouring to establish his own, which are favourable to the Church of England, and would be favourable to Popery. Indeed, in fome pages of the pamphlet, where he talks of fubmiffion to the decifions of fpiritual governors, we were almoft inclined to fuppofe we were reading an artful tract thrown out by fome Jefuit or Popish priest. We will however fuppofe him a Proteftant writer; but milled, as we think, among other inftances, in forming his notion of Church authority from confidering the ftate of things when the principal perfons in the Church were endued with miraculous gifts and powers, and applying this to our prefent fituation, when no fuch gifts and powers are pretended to. In the conclufion of his performance he fays, that thofe perfons who fearch the fcriptures daily, and compare with them what he has advanced, will think it reafonable to conclude, that none but the rulers and paftors here defined and afcertained (i. e. fuch who have received epifcopal ordination) have a right publicly to teach and preach the word of God, or perform any of the facred offices peculiarly limited to them. Nor will they fcruple to infer, that they who, notwithstanding, do diffent from this conclufion; and, unauthorized by the former, do intrude and publicly exercife thofe facred functions, ought to be looked upon in no better light than that of fchifmatics and heretics; and that to prevent the dangerous effects of fuch extravagancies, every neceffary caution ought to be provided. They will then clearly perceive, that the cry for liberty in fuch men, is but a covert demand for the utmost licen tioufnefs; and that, therefore, a prudent toleration is all, which the Christian civil power, convinced of the truths here contended for, can fafely and charitably allow them. But, after all, they will, perhaps, fee reafon to doubt, whether thefe men, who have raised this clamour, are really Chriftians.' He tells us afterward that his readers will probably fee that he has not profeffedly pleaded for any one particular establishment; only, he fays (rather obfcurely we think) where a particular attack has been made, that appeared unreafonable: and he adds, But of that establishment, over which the true fucceffors of the apoftles of Chrift prefide, I own and profefs myself a member.' This true fucceffion, perhaps, he may find in the Romish church; and the English clergy have too much good fense and candour, and too great a regard to truth, to lay any ftrefs upon it.

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Art. 38. Hints from a Minister to his Curate for the Management of his Parif. Svo. 6 d. Bristol printed, and fold by Rivington in London. 1774.

This ofeful little tract is animated by a fpirit of vital, but rational religion. The advice it contains is fober and fenfible; well adapted to promote the best interests of Christianity; and to inttitute a fuccessful plan of conduct for its immediate minitters. It is afcribed to the pious and worthy Dr. Stonehouse of Bristol.



1. The Lord our Righteoufnefs: a Difcourfe on Jer. xxiii. 6. Being a Probation-Sermon, preached at the Parish Church of St. Bartholo mew the Lefs, Weft-Smithfield, July 3, 1774: By Benjamin Ruffen, Clerk, Candidate for the Lectureship of the faid Parish, then vacant; and appointed to preach by the Rev. Dr. Kettilby; who, after the Election, refufed him the Pulpit. And is now published at the Request of some of the Parishioners. 8vo. 6 d. Keith, &c. +++ From the preface we learn that Dr. Kettilby's avowed motive for refufing his pulpit to Mr. Ruffen, was, that his probation-fermon "bordered upon Methodifm." This reafon may be deemed a good one by fome of the parishioners of St. Bartholomew the Lefs, while it may prove unfatisfactory to others, who, poffibly, have no great objection to Methodifm. But the double dealing with which Mr. R. charges the Doctor, will be univerfally cenfured; unless the charge be obviated,

II. An Address to the Public on the frequent and enormous Crime of Suicide: At the Old Jewry, Jan. 2, 1774, and published at the Request of many who heard it. Recommended to the Perufal of all who are diffreffed in Body, Mind, or worldly Circumstances. By John Herries, M. A. 4to. 1 s. Davenhill.

III. The Chriftian's Triumph over Death and the Grave-Occafioned by the Deceafe of Mrs. Mary Beatfon. Preached in Hull, July 10, 1774. By James Hartley. 6 d. Rivington.

IV. The popular Concern in the Choice of Reprefentatives.-At the Meeting Houfe near the Maize-Pond, Southwark, and at Monkwell-Street Lecture, Oct. 9, 1774. By Benjamin Wallin, A. M. 8vo. 6d. Keith, &c.

V. On the Death of Mrs. S. Johnson.

Preached at Ilington, Sept.

18, 1774. With the Oration at the Interment. By Nath. Jennings. 8vo. 6d. Buckland.

VI. Abilities for the Ministry of the Gospel from GOD alone.-On 2 Cor. iii. 6. delivered to the Baptist Congregation Meeting in Bath. By Robert Parfons. 8vo. 6d. Bath printed. 1774

CORRESPONDENCE. It is with the utmost readiness that we infert the following Letter, avhich comes from a known and truly refpeciable Correspondent, to whom we have been occafionally obliged for his valuable communications. We shall not difpute with him the reasonableness or justice of his friendly admonition. The Book, and the Criticifm to which it relates, are both before the fuperior tribunal of the PUBLIC; by whose impartial decifion either must ultimately fland or fall. In the mean time, we are glad of this opportunity of totally disclaiming all intention of injuring Mr. Williams by any intimation that his work is only calculated to recommend a plan of education merely English; no fuch idea having occurred to us, till our Correfpondent ftarted the objection.- Nothing could give us greater concern than to difcover that we had prejudiced a man of real worth and abilities, by even the flightest mifreprefentatim that inadvertency could poffibly create. We therefore, without farther preface, here fubjoin our Carvefpondent's supplemental account of Mr. Williams's performance. GENTLEMEN,


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OON after Mr. Williams's Treatise on Education came out I, read it with pleasure, and laid it down with the notion that it was, what you fay you have never feen, a very valuable Treatise on Education, written by a gentleman whofe genius was of the fuperior kind, and whofe views were elevated above the vulgar road of mediocrity. I thought it a work of great merit upon the whole; and where merit prevails, in a work of importance, the eye of candour naturally overlooks fmall imperfections.

This being my general idea of the book, I was surprised to read fo unfavourable an account of it in your last Review; and as the Author of that Article has not made any quotations to fupport his cenfure, nor given any view of the principal parts of the work, I refolved to read it over again, with attention, to find out the offenfive paffages that had efcaped me in the perufal; but on this fecond reading I fee no reafon to change my opinion: it seems ftill, to me, to be a work of merit; abounding with juft and manly fentiments, and containing many fpeculations and criticisms well deferving the attention of parents, and all who are concerned in the important bufinefs of education.

It is not, however, with an expectation of making you converts to my opinion, that I take the liberty of writing to you on this fubject, but to intimate the propriety of extending or correcting an Article that is, in my apprehenfion defective, and, perhaps, in fome degree, injurious: defective, because it does not fufficiently enable the reader to judge of the contents of the work; and injurious, because it may lead people to think that the work is only calculated to recommend a plan of education merely English; though it really includes the learned languages, and all the useful fciences and arts. But you condemn the Author in good company. I fhould suppose he can have no objection to be fent with Milton and Locke wherever you pleafe; the latter of whom was not a meer Theorift, but had the honour of directing the education of the Earl of Shaftesbury; one of the best scholars, and finest gentlemen that ever lived.

Mr. Williams has alfo the benefit of experience. He is the practical tutor; and has had desperate cases from the universities, and the greatest schools in the kingdom under his care; in most of which be has fucceeded; and been the means of restoring several young gentlemen to the favour of their disgufted friends: he has therefore a better right to propofe improvements on this fubject, than either the unexperienced Phyfician, who knows nothing of the matter, or the old Apothecary, who goes dreaming along in the beaten track, and has no idea of talents, or methods of practice fuperiour to his own.

This being the cafe, I thould hope from your ufual candour and love of juftice, that you will fupply what I apprehend to be the defects of the Article referred to, by giving the following, or some other plain account of the contents of the book in question.

The Author, after a fhort introduction, gives three general definitions of education: in the fourth chapter he confiders the question, of what ufe would an education be, conducted on the principles of nature, and in order to render men virtuous, when public advantages and honours are not held out as the confequences of fuch edu


cation? He then gives a fair account of the present method of education; of the improvements propofed by Milton, Locke, Rouffean, and Helvetius. His obfervations on the latter are drawn out to fome length; and include feveral ingenious hints on the great question, whether all men are alike by nature, or their differences be owing to their fituation? After this, and immediately introducing his own plan, &c. he gives the most pleafing, and perhaps one of the most ufeful chapters in the book, on the beft method of fixing the attention. His own plan may be judged of by the following quotations: "Every thing intended for ufe and immediate fervice is unphilofophical if it be impracticable. It is a greater effort of the understanding to trace the various caufes of prevailing customs, and affift in improving them, or directing their progrefs towards perfection, than to imagine the republic of a Plato, or the pupil of a Rouffeau, and to fuit our measures to the fubject we have chofen. The reputation may not be equal, because the diftinction to ourselves is not fo ftrongly marked; we do not separate from, but unite with causes and perfons who will share in our credit: we are the fervants of Providence; and our whole reward may be the consciousness of being ufeful.

"The first object of education has generally been philology. Words ftanding for things, having a connection with other words, and forming sentences and language, is not perhaps what Mr. Rouffeau would allow to be the first object of education; but it is the first with a real and useful tutor, to whom children are not brought early enough to be nurfed, and to receive thofe judicious impreffions and that plaftic education which are of greater importance than even Mr. Rouffeau seems to apprehend. The knowledge of language is therefore the first business of a practicable education. It will depend on the tutor whether that knowledge be of meer words, or of words ftanding for things. The attention to health and to a moral conduct should be the family virtue. The habits, customs, and morals of the family, where education is the business, must be virtuous and polite. In that cafe the pupils will become fo; in any other they will not; though the tutor be eloquent as Ulyffes, and employ most of his time in learned documents, and a difplay of fine fentiments.

"The reader is to obferve, I do not offer the prefent method as the best that might be imagined, if we were at liberty to alter the whole ftate and circumftances of things about us. I fubmit, as every man muft, to the neceflity that arifes from thofe circumstances. The highest aim of an useful philofopher should be, not to overturn what he could never repair, but to convert the materials before him to the best uses he can; and to render fome old and ruinous flructures as convenient and as decent as poffible. I have expressed my general ideas on the fubject of education in the introductory chapters of this work. The beft theories are but feldom practicable; and the best general ideas are not often to be wholly applied to real and ufeful plans. I fhall keep them however as much as poffible in my view, and apply them wherever I can."

In this, and the following chapter on drawing, the reader may observe that Mr. Williams takes only his outlines from the establithed method; and that he wishes to teach children things at the fame


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