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If the Collector fhould proceed in this undertaking, we would beg leave to remind him, that, as caterer for the public, he cannot be too nice in his felection. One difagreeable difh at the table, may turn a man's ftomach against the whole entertainment.

Art. 31. Free and Impartial Remarks on the Letters written by
the Right Hon. the Earl of Chesterfield, &c. By a Man of the
World. 4to.
I s. 6d. Bew. 1774.

Our man of the world would be a tolerable reviewer, if he did not, like fome others eke out too freely with extracts; yet the latter, in this inftance, undoubtedly constitute the best as well as by much the largest part of the publication.-Here we are, poffibly, expofed to the retort caurteous; and we are honeftly prepared for it. Art. 32. Excurfion into Normandy and Britanny, up the Loire to Orleans and Paris; from thence to Dijon, Befancon, and Bafle, through Switzerland, Geneva and Lyons, to Paris, Calais, and Dieppe. 8vo. 28. Richardfon and Urquhart. 1774.

This is a kind of journal, and there is fomething amusing in the very brief account of the objects prefented to the traveller in his journey; but this pamphlet is rather to be confidered as a directory for perfons who propofe to make the above mentioned tour. They are here provided with a variety of useful hints by an attention to which their journey may perhaps be rendered more entertaining, and be performed to greater advantage. As to the rates of customs, pofthorfes, chaifes, &c. no notice is taken of them. The Reader is farther directed to procure Ducarrel's history of Normandy, and a Trip to Paris lately published.

Art. 33. A Tour to Spa, through the Auftrian Netherlands, and Flanders; and from Spa to Duffeldorf, up the Rhine to Frankfort; and through Manheim, Strafburg, Nancy, and Rheims, to St. Omer, and Calais. 8vo. 2 S. Richardfon and Urquhart,

&c. 1774.

Much the fame idea is to be formed of this excurfion, as of that mentioned in the former article. Art. 34. The History of Wales. Written originally in British, by Caradoc of Lhancarvan, englished by Dr. Powel, and augmented by W. Wynn, Fellow of Jefus College, Oxon. To which is added, a Defcription of Wales, by Sir John Price. A new Edition, greatly improved and enlarged, with Pedigrees of Fami lies. 8vo. 6 s. Evans. 1774.

Of this republication it will be fufficient to remark that it is well printed, and will be an acceptable book to Ancient Britons and Antiquaries, whatever true born Englifhmen, in general, may think of it.

Art. 35. An Efay for the Conftruction of Roads on Mechanical and Phylical Principles. 8vo. I S. Davies. 1774

This effay is offered with fo much becoming modefty, that it were to be wished as much could be faid in favour of the execution, as the evident intention of the Writer merits. When phyfical and mechanical principles are explained for the inftruction of others, they have an appropriated language in which clearness and brevity are united nothing is fuperfluously introduced, nothing is circumlocuery, and nothing is defective. It is with fome degree of reluctance

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we find ourselves reduced to declare that this Writer understands more than he can render fufficiently intelligible; that his effay is neither happily conceived nor clearly expreffed; and that he evidently becomes obfcure by labouring to avoid obfcurity.

Art. 36. An Account of the Rife, Progress, and present State of the Society for the Discharge and Relief of Perfons imprisoned for Smali Debts. Containing the original Sermon by Dr. Dodd; the Rules and Orders of the Society; Exhortation to the Debtor released; Mifcellaneous Pieces; Forms of Bufinefs; General Lift of the Benefactions, &c. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Leacroft, &c. 1774.

Dr. Dodd farther confiders and recommends this Charity in the Introduction and Poftfcript which he has placed before the Sermon he preached in its favour, of which we have here the fecond edition. His arguments in its behalf are weighty and convincing: The inftitution of this laudable fociety appears to have arisen from Dr. Dodd's endeavours. But as we have already faid fomewhat of its nature, and expreffed our approbation of its defign in the account of Dr. Franklin's fermon, it is unneceffary for us to take farther notice of this publication. The mifcellaneous pieces at the end are chiefly an Ode by Dr. Dodd, and an Epilogue written by R. Cumberland, Efq; and spoken at the conclufion of a Comedy acted for the benefit of this Charity.


Arts 37. The Cattle Keeper's Affiftant, or Genuine Directions for Country Gentlemen, Sportfmen, Farmers, Grafiers, Farriers, &c. Being a very curious Collection of well authenticated Obfervations and Receipts (made by Perfons of Note and Experience) for the Cure of the most common Diftempers incident to Horfes, Oxen, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, Hogs, and Dogs. Digefted under their proper Heads. By Jofiah Ringsted, Efq. 8vo. 1 s. 6d. Dixwell. 1774.

Jofiah Ringsted, Efquire, has brought together a number of popuJar recipes, without juftifying them by that kind of medical or anatomical reafoning that an intelligent Reader would wish to be affifted with to understand the principles of their application: and it is a juft though a loofe obfervation, that cattle in general, and horfes in particular, are fubjected, in many inftances, to very strange and cruel management. But farriers and cow leeches have no notion of deviating from arbitrary prefcriptions; and it is an act of no fmall condefcenfion when any of thefe are taken from a book, to extend their practice. We must confefs our want of experience in the dif orders of cows and dogs, and will only add, with respect to the latter, that a man muft have odd maggots in his own head, before he will think of fearching for worms under their tongues!


Art. 38. 4 Monody on the Death of Dr. Oliver Goldsmith. 4to.

I s. 6 d. Davies. 1774.

The Author gives this poem as a firft production; and it is a very promifing fpecimen. It abounds with poetry, and fentiment; and its beauties far out-number thofe defects for which the Writer has modeftly apologized. But we muft blame this young Poet for condefcending to adopt the flale nonfenfe of those who, from time im


memorial, have unmeaningly and abfurdly talked of fheltering their works behind the awful name of their patron, in order to guard against the attacks of criticism. What Critic was ever deterred from noticing the blemishes of a literary performance, through a fear of offending my Lord or my Lady to whom it was dedicated? Or, indeed, when did my Lord or my Lady ever give themfelves the trouble to interfere in the bufinefs?

Art. 39. The Naval Review; a Poem. By the Rev. Robert English, late Chaplain to his Majefty's Ship the Royal George, and to the 24th Regiment of Foot. The Second Edition. 4to. 1 s. 6 d. Becket. 1774.

Our notice of the first edition of this poem was accompanied with a glance at the fubject, rather than at the Author; for we really thought the panegyric, to say the least for it, was worthy the occafion swhich produced it.

This fecond edition is confiderably altered and improved. The following lines will ferve as a fpecimen of the cafe and harmony of Mr. English's versification :

Let Egypt boaft her fumptuous fcene of old,
Her flutes melodious, and her flowing gold,
When the Great Roman Nile's proud ftream furvey'd,
With Afric's Queen in Tyrian pomp array'd;
And though He foremost fhone in war's alarms,
An empire loft for conq'ring beauty's charms :
The trophied field he view'd with cold disdain,
And Mars fubmits to Venus' fofter reign.

'A Greater Briton here gives Ocean laws,
A Brighter Queen protects fair Virtue's caufe;
There pageant gallies vain parade display,
The tranfient pride of a luxurious day;
Here gallant fleets in awful order lie,
Whole waving flags the world combin'd defy;
Example ill, and faithlefs love were there;

Here ev'ry grace adorns the facred pair.'

Although the foregoing compliment may feem an high-ftrained one, yet, as we obferve the piece is infcribed to Sir Charles Saunders, who is not confidered as a minifterial Admiral, we must acquit our ingenious Author of the charge of adulation, upon interested views.

Art. 40. A Specimen of Perfian Poetry; or, Odes of Hafez; with an English Translation and Paraphrafe. Chiefly from the Specimen Poefeos Perfice of Baron Revifky, Envoy from the Emperor of Germany to the Court of Poland, with hiftorical and grammatical Illuftrations, and a complete Analysis, for the Affittance of those who wish to ftudy the Perfian Language. By John Richardfon, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. 4to. 5 s. 3 d. Boards. Sold at No. 76, Fleet-ftreet. 1774.

Befide the gratification of that curiofity we naturally find for the discovery of what is impenetrable to our own researches, this little publication has another useful and agreeable tendency; while it feems by a pleasant and caly invitation to introduce the Reader to fome acquaintance with a language, which, though little understood,


is of great importance to the Oriental commerce of this country, every thing that is profeffed to be done here, has the appearance of being done with accuracy; and the Perfian poetry is prettily tranflated into English verfe.

Art. 41. Odes, by Bradshaw Galliard, Efq. 4to. 2s. 6d. Johnson. 1774

Thefe Odes are chiefly moral, and written in a tolerable vein of poetry. But the fentiments want novelty, and the rhymes are fadly incorrect.

Art. 42. Corin and Olinda; a Legendary Tale. By Richard Teede. 4to. 1 s. 6 d. Hoggins, &c. 1774.

We have often obferved that the fuccefs of one good Author makes a multitude of bad ones. Since the publication of Armine and Elvira, what stuff under the title of Legendary Tales!

Art. 43. Poems by Dr. Roberts of Eton College. 8vo. 4s. bound. Wilkie. 1774.

This volume contains a poetical effay on the Existence, Attributes, and Providence of God; a poetical Epiftle to Chriftopher Anfty, Efq; on the English Poets; the Poor Man's Prayer, addreffed to the Earl of Chatham; Arimant and Tamira, an Eattern Tale; all which have paffed this ordeal. Two pretty little poems, one addressed to the very learned and ingenious Mr. Bryant, the other to a Boy on his leaving Eton School, conclude the volume.

Art. 44. Vice; a Satire. 4to.
A coarse general invective against vice.

I s. Bew. 1774.

Luft or lucre actuates every fair! Ridiculous! your O tempora, O mores people are the faddeft people in the world; for they wafte our time without mending our manners. Art. 45. The Optimist; or, Satire in good Humour. 4to.

Almon. 1774.

I S.

The Times again! But this is an honest whorefbird of a Mufe, and, like a debauched parrot, joins in the black dialect. The poem is an ironical recommendation of the fashionable vices, not deftitute of eafe or humour.

Art. 46. An Elegy on the approaching Diffolution of Parliament. Almon.

4to. 1 s.

A moft fruitful fubject, but a mere mushroom of a poem! What is become of the thundering author of the Heroic Epiftle, who denounced fuch deadly vengeance on the heads of the political miscreants? Art. 47. The Ides of June; a Poem to the Fair Sex. 4to. 6 d.

Wilkie. 1774.

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A monitory copy of verfes to the ladies, to warn them against the foft temptations of that month, when Nature turns pimp.' The style of the poetry is often low, and very incorrect.

Art. 48. The Priest Diffected; a Poem: Addreffed to the Rev.

Mr. -, Author of Regulus, Toby, Cæfar, and other fatirical Pieces in the Papers. By the Author of the New Bath Guide. Canto I. 4to. 2s. 6d. DodЛley. 1774.

A most fierce, violent, and bloody battle between an enraged poet, and a reverend haberdafher of fmall fcandal. The latter, mounted on Flys, Mercuries, and Evening Pofts, discharges his small artillery


from the culverins of letters, advices, and paragraphs; and rather teazes than annoys his enemy: the former, armed with the tomahawk and the fcalping knife, denounces nothing less than death and dissection. "Tis dreadful-Oh! "is dreadful!


Art. 49. Critica facra; or, a fhort Introduction to Hebrew Criticifi. 8vo. I s. Bowyer. 1774.

It may now be affumed, fays the learned Author of this pamphlet, as an allowed maxim, That the Hebrew fcriptures have not reached us in that pure and perfect ftate, in which they were origiBally written-That they have undergone indeed many great and grievous corruptions, occafioned by the ignorance or negligence of transcribers..

Since then it is acknowledged, that errours and mistakes of various kinds have thus crept into the prefent text, the grand queftion is,-By what means are these corruptions to be now difcovered, removed, and rectified? In anfwer to which it may juftly be. alledged, that we are providentially fupplied with various means, which eminently contribute to this purpose.'

But of all these means our critic proposes to infift only on one which, though the most obvious, and most determinate of all others, has yet, he obferves, been fomehow strangely overlooked; or at least applied in a very imperfect manner.

That peculiar method, which he would here be understood chiefly to recommend, as well for the discovery, as the correction of errours, is to compare together, in the Hebrew text, the feveral correfpondent paffages of fcripture; noting their differences ;-and then adopting those particular readings, which best agree with the tenour of the context, and the rules of grammar.

The correspondent or parallel paffages of fcripture will be found, according to our Author, on examination, far more numerous, ample, and various, than most readers could, at firft, conceive. Thefe double or repeated paffages may juftly be looked upon as different copies of the fame original.-Copies of undoubted antiquity, and of venerable authority: to the value, credit, and importance of which no objections can be rationally offered.

If thefe copies then, he adds, or to speak more properly, these parallel places, were carefully confulted, and compared together, the judicious reader might easily collect fuch an ample ftore of Hebrew criticifms as would not only do honour to his parts and learning; but also prove of infinite fervice to the caufe of religion, by correcting the errours, and fupplying the defects of the prefent text,making one part of it fubfervient to the rectification and improvement of another. And the improvements thus made, muft neceffarily appear the more fatisfactory, as they were made by the light which Scripture affords, and ftand confirmed by feripture authority.

As thefe parallel or fimilar paffages are of different forts, and lie difperfed far and wide from each other, the prefent writer has juftly - thought it of ufe to clafs them under proper heads, and then to fubjoin the feveral particulars, under thofe heads, in one united view before the reader. The claffes to which the parallel or corre


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