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" Than when the shades of time serenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall; The tender images we love to trace, Steal from each year a melancholy grace ! And as the sparks of social love expand, As the heart opens in a foreign land; And, with a brother's... "
Poems - Page 29
by Samuel Rogers - 1839 - 311 pages
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Anthologia Hibernica: Or, Monthly Collections of Science, Belles ..., Volume 1

1793 - 542 pages
...tower Awe-j not fo deeply in its morning hour, As when the lhades of time ferenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall ; The tender images we love to...from each year ' a melancholy grace '.' And as the fparks of focial love expand, As the heart opens in a foreign land ; And with a bi other's warmth,...
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The Pleasures of Memory

Samuel Rogers - 1793 - 136 pages
...its morning-hour, As when the fhades of Time ferenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall; 190 The. tender images we love to trace, Steal from each year ' a melancholy grace!' And as the fparks of focial love expand, As the heart opens in a foreign land ; And with a brother's warmth, a...
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The Pleasures of Memory,: With Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1799 - 222 pages
...its morning hour, Than when the fhades of Time ferenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall; 190 The tender images we love to trace, Steal from each year a melancholy grace! And as the fparks of focial love expand, As the heart opens in a foreign land ; And with a brother's warmth, a...
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The Pleasures of Memory, with Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1801 - 208 pages
...Awes us less deeply in its morning hour, Than when the shades of Time serenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall; The tender images we love to...features on the breast; Yet not an image, when remotely view'd. However trivial, and however rude, But wins the heart, and wakes the social sigh, With every...
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The Pleasures of Memory

Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1801 - 222 pages
...Awes us less deeply in its morning hour, Than when the shades of Time serenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall; The tender images we love, The stranger greets each native of his isle; 51 So scenes of life, when present and confest, Stamp but their bolder features on the breast; Yet...
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The Pleasures of Memory: With Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - English poetry - 1802 - 310 pages
...Awes us less deeply in its morning hour, Than when the shades of Time serenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall ; The tender images we love to...features on the breast; Yet not an image, when remotely view'd, However trivial, and however rude, But wins the heart, and wakes the social sigh, With every...
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The Pleasures of Hope: With Other Poems

Thomas Campbell - Hope - 1804 - 182 pages
...tower Awes not so deeply in its morning hour, As when the shades of Time serenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall ; The tender images we love to...features on the breast ; Yet not an image, when remotely view'd, However trivial, and however rude, But wins the heart, and wakes the social sigh, With every...
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The Pleasures of Memory, with Other Poems

Samuel Rogers - 1810 - 180 pages
...Awes us less deeply in its morning hour, Than when the shades of Time serenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall; The tender images we love to...confest, Stamp but their bolder features on the breast; E Yet not an image, when remotely view'd, However trivial, 'and however rude, But wins the heart, and...
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The Intellectual repository for the New Church. (July/Sept. 1817 ...

New Church gen. confer - 1848 - 494 pages
...Awes us less deeply in its morning hour, Than when the shades of time serenely fall On every broken arch and ivied wall, — The tender images we trace, Steal from each year a melancholy grace; Each hallowed vision newer beauty gains, And in the heart for ever fixed, remains.' (To oe continued.)...
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The Youth's instructer [sic] and guardian

1830 - 494 pages
...Awes us less deeply in its morning-hour, Than when the shades of Time serenely fall On every broken arch, and ivied wall ; The tender images we love to...year a melancholy grace ! And as the sparks of social life expand, As the heart opens in a foreign land ; And with a brother's warmth, a brother's smile,...
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