To other eyes, from distant cliff descried,* Shall the PACIFIC roll his ample tide; There destined soon rich argosies to ride. "What tho' thy grey hairs to the dust descend, Their scent shall track thee, track thee to the end; § * Balboa immediately concluded it to be the ocean for which Columbus had searched in vain; and when, at length, after a toilsome march among the mountains, his guides pointed out to him the summit from which it might be seen, he commanded his men to halt, and went up alone.-Herrera, I. x. 1. + I always saw them in his room, and he ordered them to be buried with his body.-Hist. c. 86. His person, says Herrera, had an air of grandeur. His hair, from many hardships, had long been grey. In him you saw a man of an unconquerable courage, and high thoughts; patient of wrongs, calm in adversity, ever trusting in God;and, had he lived in ancient times, statues and temples would have been erected to him without number, and his name would have been placed among the stars. See the Eumenides of Eschylus, v. 246. Thy sons reproached with their great father's fame,* And on his world inscribed another's name! That world a prison-house, full of sights of woe, By dogs of carnage, † howling loud and long, "Not thine the olive, but the sword to bring, * "There go the sons of him who discovered those fatal countries, &c."-Hist. c. 85. + One of these, on account of his extraordinary sagacity and fierceness, received the full allowance of a soldier. His name was Berezillo. With my own eyes I saw kingdoms as full of people, as hives are full of bees; and now where are they?-Las Casas. No unusual effect of an exuberant vegetation. "The air was so vitiated," says an African traveller, "that our torches burnt dim, and seemed ready to be extinguished; and even the human voice lost its natural tone." See Washington's farewell address to his fellow-citizens. Here, in His train, shall arts and arms attend, * A spark is thrown that shall eclipse the sun! * See Paradise Lost, X. + Cortez. A peine put-il obtenir audience de Charles-Quint: un jour il fendit la presse qui entourait le coche de l'empereur, et monta sur l'étrier de la portière. Charles demanda quel était cet homme; "C'est," répondit Cortez, "celui qui vous à donné plus d'états que vos pères ne vous ont laissé de villes.”— VOLTAIRE. "Almost all," says Las Casas, "have perished. The innocent blood, which they had shed, cried aloud for vengeance; the sighs, the tears of so many victims went up before God." L'Espagne a fait comme ce roi insensé qui demanda que While to the starry sphere thy name shall rise, World beyond world to visit and to bless." tout ce qu'il toucheroit se convertit en or, et qui fut obligé de revenir aux dieux pour les prier de finir sa misère.-Mon. tesquieu. ON the two last leaves, and written in another hand, are some stanzas in the romance or ballad measure of the Spaniards. The subject is an adventure soon related. THY lonely watch-tower, Larenille, And loud and long from hill to hill Echoed the evening-gun, When Hernan, rising on his oar, Shot like an arrow from the shore. "Those lights are on St. Mary's Isle; He blew and would not wait. Home by his dangerous path he went; *The Convent of La Rábida. |