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High on exulting wing the heath-cock rose,

And blew his shrill blast o'er perennial snows;

Ere the rapt youth, recoiling from the roar,


Gazed on the tumbling tide of dread Lodore;
And thro' the rifted cliffs, that scaled the sky,
Derwent's clear mirror charmed his dazzled
Each osier isle, inverted on the wave,
Thro' morn's grey mist its melting colours gave;
And, o'er the cygnet's haunt, the mantling grove
Its emerald arch with wild luxuriance wove.

Light as the breeze that brushed the orient dew,
From rock to rock the young Adventurer flew ;
And day's last sunshine slept along the shore,
When lo, a path the smile of welcome wore.
Imbowering shrubs with verdure veiled the sky,

And on the musk-rose shed a deeper die;

Save when a bright and momentary gleam

Glanced from the white foam of some sheltered stream.
O'er the still lake the bell of evening tolled,

And on the moor the shepherd penned his fold
on the

green hill's side the meteor played;


When, hark! a voice sung sweetly thro' the shade.
It ceased-yet still in FLORIO's fancy sung,
Still on each note his captive spirit hung;

Till o'er the mead a cool, sequestered grot
From its rich roof a sparry lustre shot.

A crystal water crossed the pebbled floor,
And on the front these simple lines it bore.
Hence away, nor dare intrude!

In this secret, shadowy cell

Musing MEMORY loves to dwell,

With her sister Solitude.

Far from the busy world she flies,
To taste that peace the world denies.
Entranced she sits; from youth to age,
Reviewing Life's eventful page;

And noting, ere they fade away,

The little lines of yesterday.

FLORIO had gained a rude and rocky seat,

When lo, the Genius of this still retreat!

Fair was her form-but who can hope to trace

The pensive softness of her angel-face?

Can VIRGIL'S verse, can RAPHAEL'S touch impart

Those finer features of the feeling heart,

Those tend'rer tints that shun the careless eye

And in the world's contagious climate die?

She left the cave, nor marked the stranger there;

Her pastoral beauty, and her artless air

Had breathed a soft enchantment o'er his soul!
In every nerve he felt her blest controul!
What pure and white-winged agents of the sky,
Who rule the springs of sacred sympathy,
Inform congenial spirits when they meet?
Sweet is their office, as their natures sweet!

FLORIO, with fearful joy, pursued the maid,
Till thro' a vista's moonlight-chequered shade,
Where the bat circled, and the rooks reposed,
(Their wars suspended, and their councils closed)
An antique mansion burst in awful state,
A rich vine clustering round the Gothic gate.
Nor paused he there. The master of the scene
Saw his light step imprint the dewy green;
And, slow-advancing, hailed him as his guest,
Won by the honest warmth his looks expressed.
He wore the rustic manners of a Squire;
Age had not quenched one spark of manly fire;
But giant Gout had bound him in her chain,
And his heart panted for the chase in vain.

Yet here Remembrance, sweetly-soothing Power! Winged with delight Confinement's lingering hour.

The fox's brush still emulous to wear,

He scoured the county in his elbow-chair;

And, with view-halloo, roused the dreaming hound
That rung, by starts, his deep-toned music round.

Long by the paddock's humble pale confined,
His aged hunters coursed the viewless wind:
And each, with glowing energy pourtrayed,
The far-famed triumphs of the field displayed;
Usurped the canvass of the crowded hall,
And chased a line of heroes from the wall.
There slept the horn each jocund echo knew,
And many a smile and many a story drew!
High o'er the hearth his forest-trophies hung,
And their fantastic branches wildly flung.

How would he dwell on the vast antlers there!
These dashed the wave, those fanned the mountain-air.
All, as they frowned, unwritten records bore
Of gallant feats and festivals of yore.

But why the tale prolong?-His only child, His darling JULIA on the stranger smiled. Her little arts a fretful sire to please,

Her gentle gaiety, and native ease

Had won his soul; and rapturous Fancy shed
Her golden lights, and tints of rosy red.

But ah! few days had passed, ere the bright vision fled!

When Evening tinged the lake's ethereal blue, And her deep shades irregularly threw ;

Their shifting sail dropt gently from the cove,
Down by St. Herbert's consecrated grove ;
Whence erst the chanted hymn, the tapered rite
Amused the fisher's solitary night;

And still the mitred window, richly wreathed,
A sacred calm thro' the brown foliage breathed.
The wild deer, starting thro' the silent glade,
With fearful gaze their various course surveyed.
High hung in air the hoary goat reclined,
His streaming beard the sport of every wind;
And, while the coot her jet-wing loved to lave,
Rocked on the bosom of the sleepless wave;
The eagle rushed from Skiddaw's purple crest,
A cloud still brooding o'er her giant-nest.

And now the moon had dimmed with dewy ray The few fine flushes of departing day.

O'er the wide water's deep serene she hung,
And her broad lights on every mountain flung;
When lo a sudden blast the vessel blew,
And to the surge consigned the little crew.
All, all escaped-but ere the lover bore
His faint and faded JULIA to the shore,

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