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419. Audax ad omnia fœmina, quæ vel amat vel odit. (L.)?—— A woman will dare anything, when she loves or hates.

420. Audax omnia perpeti

Gens humana ruit per vetitum et nefas.

Daring all, their goal to win,

(L.) Hor. C. 1, 3, 25.

Men tread forbidden ground, and rush on sin.—Conington. 421. Aude aliquid brevibus Gyaris et carcere dignum, Si vis esse aliquis. Probitas laudatur et alget.

(L.) Juv. 1, 73.

Dare something that will sentence you to jail
Or transportation, if your luck should fail :
Then you may make a name. Be bold!
For virtue's praised, and left out in the cold.-Ed.
422. Audentes Fortuna juvat.

(L.) Virg. A. 10, 284. Fortune favours the brave. (2.) Audentes deus ipse juvat. Ov. M. 10, 586.-Heaven itself helps the brave. (3.) Of boldness in love :-Audendum est: fortes adjuvat ipsa Venus. Tib. 1, 2, 16.-We must venture it : Venus herself assists the brave; and Cf. Audentem Forsque Venusque juvant. Ov. A. A. 1, 608.— Fortune and Venus befriend the daring.

423. Au diable tant de maîtres, dit le crapaud à la herse. (Fr.) Prov.-The devil take so many masters, as the toad said to the harrow!

424. Audi alteram partem. (L.) Law Max.-Hear the other side. No man should be condemned unheard.

Quicunque aliquid statuerit, parte inaudita altera,

Equum licet statuerit, haud æquus fuerit. Sen. Med. 195.Whoever shall decide a question without hearing the other side, even though he decide justly, will not act with justice.

425. Audiet

pugnas vitio parentum

Rara juventus.

Civil Wars.

(L.) Hor. C. 1, 2, 23.

And Roman youths, whose fathers' crimes

Have sadly thinned, in after times

Shall hear the tale of civic war.-Ed.

426. Audio sed taceo. (L.)—I hear but am silent. Motto of

Lord Kesteven.

427. Audire, atque togam jubeo componere, quisquis

Ambitione mala, aut argenti pallet amore,

Quisquis luxuria.

(L.) Hor. S. 2, 3, 77.

Now give attention and your gowns refold,
Who thus, for fame, grow yellow after gold,
Victims to luxury.-Conington.

428. Audire est operæ pretium, procedere recte
Qui rem Romanam Latiumque augescere voltis.

'Tis worth while hearing, ye who wish to see
Rome and the Latin State's prosperity.-Ed.

(L.) Ennius?

Cf. Horace's parody of these lines (S. 1, 2, 37).

429. Audita querela. (L.) Law Phrase.-The complaint having been investigated.

430. Auditis? An me ludit amabilis Insania?

(L.) Hor. C. 3, 4, 5.

Did ye hear? Or is some sweet delusion mine ?-Calverley.

431. Auditque vocatus Apollo. (L.) Virg. G. 4, 7.—And Apollo hears when invoked. The god is auspicious to poets who invoke his muse-inspiring protection.

432. Auferimur cultu: gemmis auroque teguntur

Omnia; pars minima est ipsa puella sui. (L.) Ov. R. A. 343.-Dress deceives one so: jewels and gold ornaments everywhere: a girl is often the least part of herself. 433. Augurium ratio est, et conjectura futuri:

Hac divinavi, notitiamque tuli. (L.) Ov. T. 1, 9, 51. -Reason is my augury and forecast of the future; by her aid have I divined events, and got my knowledge of what is to come.

434. Au pis-aller. (Fr.)—At the worst. Let the worst come to

the worst.

435. Au plaisir fort de Dieu. (Fr.)—At the powerful disposal of God. Motto of the Earl of Mount Edgecomb.

436. Aurea mediocritas. (L.)—The golden mean. Cf. Proverbs, xxx. 8: "Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.”

437. Auream quisquis mediocritatem Diligit, tutus caret obsoleti Sordibus tecti, caret invidenda

Sobrius aula.

Who makes the golden mean his guide,

(L.) Hor. C. 2, 10, 5.

Shuns miser's cabin, foul and dark,
Shuns gilded roofs, where pomp and pride

Are envy's mark.—Conington.

438. Aurea nunc vere sunt sæcula; plurimus auro

Venit honos auro conciliatur amor.

(L.) Ov. A. A. 2, 277.

The Age of Gold.

Joking apart, this is the age of gold;

Love, place, preferment-all is bought and sold.-Ed. 439. Aurea prima sata est ætas, quæ vindice nullo, Sponte sua, sine lege, fidem rectumque colebat. Pœna metusque aberant.

The Golden Age.

(L.) Ov. M. 1, 89.

First came the Golden Age, that without lord,
Or law, kept justice of its own accord.

Both fear and penalty were all unknown.-Ed.


440. Aurum in stercore quærere. (L.) Cassiod. Inst. Div. Lit. i. p. 510.-To seek for gold amid dung. extract good passages from a heap of literary trash.

441. Aurum omnes victa jam pietate volunt.

Auro pulsa fides, auro venalia jura ;

Aurum lex sequitur, mox sine lege pudor. (L.) Prop. 3, 13, 48.-Trampling religion under foot, gold is worshipped by all. Integrity yields to its assault; justice is bartered away for gold; the law follows in the chase, and soon modesty will be without the law's protection.

Cf. Ov. F. 1, 217:

In pretio pretium est; dat census honores

Census amicitias; pauper ubique jacet.

Worth nowadays means wealth; friends, place, power, all
Can money buy; the poor goes to the wall.-Ed.

442. Aurum per medios ire satellites

Et perrumpere amat saxa, potentius
Ictu fulmineo.

(L.) Hor. C. 3, 16, 9.

Gold, gold can pass the tyrant's sentinel,
Can shiver rocks with more resistless blow
Than is the thunder's.-Conington.

443. Auspice Christo. (L.)-Under Christ's auspices.

of Lord Wenlock.

444. Auspicium melioris ævi.


(L.)-An augury of an happier

age. Motto of the Duke of St Alban's and the Order of St Michael and St George.

445. Aussitot dit, aussitot fait. (Fr.)—No sooner said than done. 446. Ausus est vana contemnere. (L.)--He dared to despise vain fears. Said of Columbus.

447. Aut amat, aut odit mulier; nil est tertium. (L.) Pub. Syr. A woman either loves or hates; there is no alternative.

448. Autant en emporte le vent. (Fr.)—That is all moonshine. Idle talk.

449. Aut bibat, aut abeat. (L.) or îä. (Gr.) Prov. cit. H. Steph.-Either drink or depart!

Cicero quotes this old rule of Greek feasts as the maxim he had observed in life whenever Fortune frowned on him. By so doing, i.e., by retiring (he says), Injurias fortunæ, quas ferre nequeas, diffugiendo relinquas. (L.) Tusc. 5, 41, 118.-The rude blows of Fortune which you are unable to encounter, you may by flight leave behind you.

450. Aut Cæsar aut nullus (? nihil). (L.)-Either Cæsar or nothing. Motto of Cæsar Borgia, under a head of Julius Cæsar.

451. Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 7, 117.-The man is either mad, or else he's writing verses. Davus' (Horace's slave) description of his master's eccentric and irregular habits.

452. Aut non tentaris, aut perfice. (L.) Ov. A. A. 1, 389.— Either carry it out, or don't attempt it.

453. Auto da fé. (P.)—An act of faith.

A name given to the religious procession and ceremonies in Spain and Portugal attending the execution of heretics condemned by the tribunal of the Inquisition. What was to the condemned an act of temporal punishment, was to the Catholics assisting an "Act of Faith.' Later it has come to mean the execution itself, by fire, and so to signify any destruction by the flames. The destruction of the books of magic (Acts ix. 19) at Ephesus was an auto da fé in every sense of the term. Not long since a picture of a lady burning some old letters had this for its title. 454. Αὐτὸ δὲ τὸ σιγᾶν ὁμολογοῦντος ἐστί σου. (Gr.) Iph. Aul. 1142.-Your silence is a sign that 455. Aut prodesse volunt aut delectare poetæ, Aut simul et jucunda et idonea dicere vitæ.


you consent.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 333.

A bard will wish to profit or to please,
Or, as a tertium quid, do both of these.-Conington.

456. Aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportere. (L.) Sen. Apoc.One ought to be born either a king or a fool,-viz., to have unlimited licence allowed one. Proverb quoted by Seneca in his Lampoon on the death of Claudius Cæsar, Apocolocyntosis, or the "Apotheosis of the Pumpkin," which is the name he gives his late Majesty.

457. Autre n'auray. (Fr.)-Other I will not have. Motto of the Order of the Golden Fleece.

458. Autre temps, autre mœurs. (Fr.) Prov.-Other times, other manners. The fashion changes with the age.

459. Autumnusque gravis Libitinæ questus acerbæ. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 6, 19.

Sad autumn, Libitina's bitter crop.-Ed.

Autumn is generally a sickly season, and Libitina is the goddess presiding over funerals.

460. Aut virtus nomen inane est,

Aut decus et pretium recte petit experiens vir. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 41.-Either virtue is an empty name, or the man who strains every nerve may justly claim the honour and the reward.

461. Aux grands maux les grands remèdes. (Fr.) Prov. Desperate diseases demand desperate remedies.

462. Auxilium ab alto. (L.)-Help from on high. Motto of Lord Clonbrock.

463. Auxilium meum a Domino. (L.) Vulg. Ps. cxx. 2.My help cometh from the Lord. Motto of Lord Mostyn. 464. Aux petits des oiseaux il donne la pâture. (Fr.) Corn. (Athalie). To the bird's young ones He gives food. The irreverent Et sa bonté s'arrête à la littérature (and His bounty only is withheld from men of letters) which will come home to the penniless author, in Gozlan's variant of the second line of the couplet.

465. Avaler des couleuvres. (Fr.)-To put up with affronts. 466. Avancez. (Fr.)-Advance. Motto of Viscount Hill. 467. Avarus, nisi cum moritur, nil recte facit. (L.)-A miser, except when he dies, does nothing right.

468. Avec de la vertu, de la capacité, et une bonne conduite, l'on peut être insupportable; les manières que l'on néglige comme de petites choses, sont souvent ce qui fait que les hommes décident de vous en bien ou en mal; une légère attention à les avoir douces et polies, prévient leur mauvais jugement. (Fr.) La Bruy. Car. vol. i. p. 87.-It is possible to possess virtue, talent, and good conduct, and yet be unbearable in society. One is apt to neglect the question of manners as something trifling, and yet they are often the criterion by which people will judge well or ill of you: and a little attention to render them engaging and polished will have the effect of preventing an unfavourable opinion being formed of you.

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