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333. A quatre épingles. (Fr.)-With four pins. A man whose dress is distinguished by an affectation of dandyism, is said to be tiré à quatre épingles, or as we say, to look as if he had just come out of a band-box. (2.) Tirer son épingle du jeu.-To get out of a scrape. (L.) Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, age of the eagle. A vigorous hale old age.

334. Aquila senectus.

10.-The old

335. Aquila non capit muscas. (L.) Prov.-The eagle does not catch flies. Motto of Lords Graves and Churston. Great people should be above noticing or avenging petty annoyances. Cf. in same sense, Elephantus non capit mures. (L.) Prov.-An elephant doesn't catch mice.

336. A raconter ses maux, souvent on les soulage. (Fr.) Corn. (Polyeucte, 1, 3).-In relating our misfortunes, we often feel them lightened.

337. Aranearum telas texere. (L.)—To weave a spider's web. To employ a sophistical argument.

338. Arbeit, Mässigkeit, und Ruh

Schlägt dem Arzt die Thüre zu.
Labour, Temperance, and Repose
Slam the door on the Doctor's nose.

(G.) Prov.

339. Arbiter bibendi. (L.)-The toast-master. Like the Greek βασιλεὺς του συμποσίου (king of the feast). Cf. Quem Venus arbitrum Dicet bibendi? Hor. C. 2, 7, 25.Whom shall the dice appoint as chairman of the carouse? (2.) Arbiter elegantiarum.-Judge of taste. Cf. Elegantiæ arbiter. Tac. A. 16, 18-said of one of Nero's intimates. (3.) Arbiter formæ.-Judge of beauty. Cf. Ov. H. 16, 69. Title of Paris, as appointed to award the prize of beauty to the most fair.

340. Arbore dejecta qui vult ligna colligit. (L.) Prov.-When the tree is down, every one gathers wood. The meanest and weakest creature may triumph even over majesty when it is overthrown.

341. Arbores serit diligens agricola, quarum aspiciet baccam ipse nunquam vir magnus leges, instituta, rempublicam non seret? (L.) Cic. Tusc. 1, 14, 31.-The gardener plants trees, not one berry of which he will ever see: and shall not a public man plant laws, institutions, government, in short, under the same conditions?

342. Arbor vitæ Christus, fructus per fidem gustamus. (L.)The tree of life is Christ, the fruit by faith we taste. Motto of Fruiterers' Company.

343. Arcana imperii. (L.)-State secrets. The mysteries of governing. (2.) Arcana regum. Curt. 4, 6, 5.-The secrets of kings. (3.) Jovis arcanis Minos admissus. Hor. C. 1, 28, 9.-Minos admitted to the secrets of Jove. Cabinet secrets, still more the (as yet) undivulged programme of a Prime Minister, would be Jovis arcana, the secret counsels of Jupiter.

344. Arcanum neque tu scrutaberis ullius unquam ; Commissumque teges, et vino tortus et irâ.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 37.

Avoid all prying: what you're told, keep back,

Though wine and anger put you on the rack.-Conington.

345. ̓Αρχὴ γαρ λέγεται μὲν ἥμισυ παντος ἐν ταῖς παροιμίαις pyov. (Gr.) Plat. 466, D.-For, according to the proverb, the beginning is half the whole business.

346. Arcui meo non confido. (L.)—I do not trust to my bow. John Wilkes' motto.

347. Ardeat ipsa licet, tormentis gaudet amantis. (L.) Juv. 6, 208.

Though equal pains her peace of mind destroy,
A lover's torments give her spiteful joy. (?)

348. Ardentia verba. (L.)-Glowing words. Expressions of great warmth and ardour. "Thoughts that glow, and words that burn." (?) Cf. Orator gravis, acer, ardens. Cic. Or. 28, 99.-A powerful, ready, and passionate speaker.

349. Ardua cervix

Argutumque caput, brevis alvus, obesaque terga,

Luxuriatque toris animosum pectus. (L.) Virg. 9, 3, 80.
Points of a good horse.

Sharp-headed, barrel-bellied, broadly-backed,
Brawny his chest, and deep.-Dryden.

350. Ardua molimur: sed nulla nisi ardua virtus. (L.) Ov. A. A. 2, 537.—I am attempting an arduous task: but there is no achievement but what is hard to effect.

351. A re decedunt. (L.)-They wander from the point. Irrelevant matter.

352. Arenæ funis effici non potest. (L.) Col. 10, præf. § 4.You can't make a rope of sand. Cf. the Greek equivalent, ἐξ ἄμμου σχοινίον πλέκειν.—Aristid. semina mandas Non profecturis litora

(2.) Arenæ bubus aras.

Ov. H. 5, 115.-You are sowing the sands, and plough ing the sea-shore with oxen to no purpose. Said of impossibilities, wasting time. (3.) Arena sine calce. Suet. Cal. 53.-Sand without lime. Said by Emperor Caligula of the Tragedies of Seneca, from their unconnected character; and applicable to any desultory disjointed performance.

353. Argent comptant. (Fr.)-Ready money. Money down. 354. Argentum accepi, dote imperium vendidi. (L.) Plaut. As. 1, 1, 74.—I have received her dowry, and in return have parted with my authority. The fate of one who has married for money.

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355. Argilla quidvis imitaberis uda. (L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 8.You may mould damp clay to any form you please. Young natures, being pliant and tractable, can be easily formed in the direction you desire.

356. Arguit, arguito: quicquid probat illa, probato: Quod dicet, dicas: quod negat illa, neges.

Riserit, arride: si flebit, flere memento;

Imponat leges vultibus illa tuis. (L.) Ov. A. A. 2, 199.

To a lover.

Blame, if she blames; but if she praises, praise.
What she denies, deny; say what she says.
Laugh, if she smiles; but if she weeps, then weep,
And let your looks with hers their motions keep.-Ed.

357. Argumentum. (L.)-An argument.

(1.) Argumentum ab impossibili plurimum valet in lege. (L.) Law Max.-An argument founded upon impossibility of performance is forcible in law. (2.) Argumentum ab inconvenienti plurimum valet in lege. Law Max.-Arguments drawn from inconvenience are forcible in law; as, where in any deed equivocal expressions occur, and great inconvenience follows from one construction, it argues that such construction is not according to the true intention of the grantor. (3.) Argumentum ad captandum.—An argument calculated to flatter your opponent. A plausible and specious statement of the case. (4.) Argumentum ad hominem.-A personal argument, the force of which consists in its personal application to the individual, and not to the real question. (5.) Argumentum ad ignorantiam.-Arguments founded on your opponent's ignorance of the circumstances of the case. (6.) Argumentum ad misericordiam.-An appeal to the mercy of your adversary. (7.) Argumentum ad populum.-An appeal to the prejudices, passions, etc., of the mob or multitude. (8.) Argumentum ad verecundiam.—Appeal to our reverence for constituted authority. (9.) Argumentum baculinum.-Stick argument. Club law, conviction by force. These latter (3 to 9) must be dis

tinguished from (10.) Argumentum ad rem, or ad judicium. -Arguments bearing on the real question, or addressed to the judgment, and when unfairly pressed come under the head of Fallacies.

358. Argutos inter strepere anser olores. (L.)

Virg. E. 9, 36. To gabble like a goose amidst the swan-like quire.-Dryden. 359. Aproτov pèv üdwp. (Gr.) Pind. Olymp. 1, 1.—Water is best. Inscription over the Pump room at Bath.

360. "Apioтov μéтрov. (Gr.) or (L.) Optimus modus.-A mean, or moderation is best. Saying of Cleobulus, one of the seven wise men of Greece.

361. Arma cerealia. (L.) Virg. A. 1, 177.-The arms of Ceres. Term comprehending the implements connected with the making of bread (grinding, baking, etc.), and may be extended to mean agricultural implements, farmers' gear, tools, and tackle.

362. Arma pacis fulcra. (L.)-Arms are the supports of peace. Motto of Hon. Artillery Company.

363. Arma tenenti Omnia dat, qui justa negat. (L.) Luc. 1, 348. To armed opponents he grants all he can If he withhold what's right.-Ed.

364. Armati terram exercent, semperque recentes

Convectare juvat prædas, et vivere rapto.

In armour sheathed, they till their soil,

(L.) Virg. A. 7, 748.

Heap foray up, and live by spoil.—Conington.

Part of the quotation forms the motto of Spectator (No. 130) on Gipsies, and is rendered by Dryden―

A plundering race, still eager to invade,

On spoil they live, and make of theft a trade.

365. Armé de foi hardi. (Fr.)-Armed with courageous faith.

Motto of Viscount Cranbrook.

366. Armoires parlantes. (Fr.)-Punning arms.

A crest, or

coat of arms, designed in rebus fashion, to express symbolically the bearer's name. Thus a buck couchant on a ton would stand for Buxton.

367. Armuth ist der sechste Sinn. (G.) Prov.- Poverty is the sixth sense.

368. Armuth schändet nicht. (G.) Prov. Poverty is no disgrace.

369. Arrectis auribus adsto. (L.) Virg. A. 2, 303.-I wait with listening ear.

370. Ars artium omnium conservatrix. (L.)-The art that preserves all other arts-viz., printing. Inscription on façade

of Laurent Koster's house at Haarlem, 1540.

371. Ars est celare artem. (L.)?—The perfection of art consists in concealing it. Cf. Ov. A. A. 2, 313. Si latet ars prodest. If the art is hidden it succeeds. In every department of art the artist must not allow the labour, required for the perfection of his work, to appear on the surface. The verse of the poet must not betray the hacking and polishing it has gone through in its production; the painting must not show any technical artifice; the audience must not be able to detect professional trickery in the actor. All must appear easy, unlaboured, in a word, natural.

372. Ars longa, vita brevis. (L.)-Art is long and life is fleeting.-Longfellow. The original (Hippocrates Aphorism.) reverses the order. ὅ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή. (Gr.) -Life is short, but art is long: translated by Seneca (de Brevit. Vit. 1), vitam brevem esse, longam artem.

373. Ars varia vulpis, ast una echino maxima. (L.) Prov.The fox knows many tricks, but the hedgehog only one, though it is the greatest,-viz., to roll itself up in a ball. (2.) Multa novit vulpis, sed felis unum magnum. Prov. -The fox knows many tricks, the cat only one great one, —viz., to run up a tree.

374. Arte magistra. (L.) Virg. A. 8, 442.-By the aid of art. 375. Artus confecti languent. (L.) Lucret. 3, 959.-Their wasted limbs become languid.

376. aσßeσtos yéλws. (Gr.) Hom. Il. 1, 599.—Unquenchable laughter, or, Homeric laughter.

377. As in præsenti perfectum format in avi. (L.)—First words of the part of the Eton Latin Grammar treating of the conjugation of verbs. That which deals with the genders of nouns begins: Propria quæ maribus, etc. Hence the lines would express the earliest rudiments of Latin. A boy would be said to be beginning his as in præsenti, or his propria quæ maribus.

378. Asinus asino, et sus sui pulcher. (L.)-An ass to an ass, seems beautiful: a pig to a pig.

379. A soixante ans il ne faut pas remettre

L'instant heureux qui promet un plaisir.

(Fr.) Désaugiers, Diner de Madelon.

At sixty years old 'tis not well to postpone
E'en a moment that promises joy.-Ed.

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