1326. Ego ero post principia. (L.) Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 11.-I will take my stand in the rear ranks. Prudence is the better part of valour. 1327. Ego et rex meus. (L.)-I and the king. Phrase used by Cardinal Wolsey in official documents, and made one of the counts against him on his fall. 1328. Ego hæc mecum mussito; Bona mea inhiant; certatim dona mittunt et munera. 1329. Ego nec studium sine divite vena Nec rude quid possit video ingenium: alterius sic (L.) Hor. A. P. 409. For me, I cannot see how native wit Can e'er dispense with art, or art with it. Set them to pull together, they're agreed, And each supplies what each is found to need.-Conington. 1330. Ego pretium ob stultitiam fero. (L.) Ter. And. 3, 5, 4. -I am well rewarded for my folly. 1331. Ego primam tollo, nominor quoniam Leo. (L.) Phædr. 1, 5.-I take the first share by my title of Lion. The Lion hunting in partnership with Sheep, Cow, and Goat secures all four quarters of the booty for himself: hence Leonina societas (a Lion's society) is used for any assembly where the Lion of the hour engrosses all the attention to himself. 1332. Ego quod te laudas vehementer probo, (L.) Namque hoc ab alio nunquam continget tibi. 1333. Ego si bonam famam mihi servasso, sat ero dives. (L.) Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 71.—If I can only keep my good name, I shall be rich enough. 1334. Ego spem pretio non emo. (L.) not purchase hope with gold. such an outlay. Ter. Ad. 2, 2, 11.—I do Mere hopes are not worth 1335. Egregie cordatus homo catu' Ælius Sextus. (L.) Enn. ap. Cic. Rep. 1, 18, 30.—An eminently judicious and sagacious man, Elius Sextus. 1336. Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume, Labuntur anni; nec pietas moram Rugis et instanti senectæ Afferet, indomitaque morti. (L.) Hor. C. 2, 14, 1. Ah! Postumus, they fleet away Our years, nor piety one hour Can win from wrinkles and decay And Death's indomitable power.--Conington. 1337. Eheu! quam brevibus pereunt ingentia causis! (L.) Claud. Rufin. 2, 39.-Alas! what trifling causes serve to overthrow great power ! So Pope (?): "What mighty contests spring from trivial things!" 1338. Eheu Quam temere in nosmet legem sancimus iniquam ! Nam vitiis nemo sine nascitur; optimus ille est, Qui minimis urgetur. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 3, 66. Alas! what hasty laws against ourselves we pass ! For none is born without his faults: the best But bears a lighter wallet than the rest.-Conington. 1339. Ehrlich ist ein hohes Wort, und bedeutet sehr viel, viel mehr als die Meisten gewöhnlich dahineinlegen. (G.) Arndt. -Honourable is a word of high meaning, and signifies very much, much more indeed than most people commonly think. 1340. Ehrlich währt am längsten. (G.) Prov.-Honesty lasts the longest. Honesty is the best policy. 1341. Ei ist Ei, sagte der Küster, aber er nahm das Gans-Ei. (G.) Prov.-An egg is an egg, said the Sacristan, as he took the goose's egg. 1342. Ein Augenblick gelebt im Paradies, Wird nicht zu teuer mit dem Tod gebüsst. (G.) Schill. D. Carlos, 1, 5. One moment spent in Paradise, Were not too dearly bought with Death.-Ed. 1343. Eine schöne Menschenseele finden Ist Gewinn. (G.) Herder, Der gerettete Jüngling.— 1344. Eine Versöhnung ist keine, die das Herz nicht ganz befreit, Ein Tropfen Hass, der in dem Freudenbacher Zurückbleibt, macht den Segenstrank zum Gifte. (G.) Schill. Maid of Orleans.—A reconciliation that does not completely free the heart, is none at all. One drop of hate left in the cup of joy renders the blissful drink a poison. 1345. Ein Feind ist zu viel, und hundert Freunde sind zu wenig. (G.) Prov.-One foe is too many, a hundred friends too few. 1346. Ein Kerl, der spekuliert, Ist wie ein Tier, auf einer Heide, Von einem bösen Geist im Kreis herumgeführt, Und rings umher liegt schöne grüne Weide. (G.) Goethe, Faust, Studirzimmer.-A fellow that speculates is like an animal on a heath, led round and round by some evil spirit, while all around lies beautiful green pasture. 1347. Ein Mann, sein Wort. (G.) Prov.-A man, his word. An honest man's word is as good as his bond. 1348. Ein tiefer Sinn wohnt in den alten Bräuchen; Man muss sie ehren. (G.) Schill. Maria Stuart.-A deep meaning lives in old customs: we must respect them. 1349. Ein Traum, ein Traum ist unser Leben Auf Erden hier; Wie Schatten auf den Wogen schweben Und messen uns're trägen Tritte Nach Raum und Zeit, Und sind, und wissen's nicht, in Mitte Der Ewigkeit ! (G.) Herder? A dream, a dream is all our lifetime here! 1350. Ein Weib verschweigt nur, was sie nicht weiss. (G.) Prov.-A woman only keeps secret what she does not know. 1351. Εις οἰωνὸς ἄριστος, ἀμύνεσθαι περὶ πάτρης. (Gr.) Hom. ΙΙ. 12, 243.-The best omen is, to fight for one's country. The patriot has no need to consult auguries when his country's in danger. 1352. Ejusdem farinæ. (L.)-Of the same meal. Men of the same kidney. Cf. Quum fueris nostræ paulo ante farinæ. Pers. 5, 115.-Although you were a little while ago of the same way of thinking as myself. The French say Gens de même farine.-Birds of a feather. 1353. El diablo está en Cantillana. (S.) Prov. ap. Cervantes, D. Quijote, 2, 49.-The devil's in Cantillana. 1354. Elegit. (L.) Law Term.-He has chosen. Writ by which creditors can seize the whole of a debtor's lands, until the debts are paid out of the rent. The creditor for that time becomes tenant, and the estate his, by elegit. 1355. Eligito tempus, captatum sæpe, rogandi. (L.) Ov. Ep. 3, 1, 129. Choose your opportunity for making the request after you have long watched for it. 1356. Elle a trop de vertus pour n'être pas Chrétienne. (Fr.) Corn. Polyeucte.-She has too many virtues not to be a Christian. From Polyeucte's prayer for Pauline's conversion. 1357. Elle fuit, mais en Parthe, en lui perçant le cœur. (Fr.) Corneille (Rodogune). She fled; but the nymph as she turned to depart Shot a Parthian bolt that went straight to his heart.-Ed. Written in the album of the Marquise du Prie, who was leaving 1358. Ελπίδες ἐν ζωοῖσιν, ἀνελπίστοι δε θανόντες. (Gr.) Theocr. Id. 4, 42.-There's hope for living men, but none when once they are dead. While there is life there's hope, he cried. 1359. El rey y la patria. (S.)-King and fatherland. -Gay, Fables (Sickman and the Angel). Spanish Order of St Ferdinand. 1360. El sabio muda consejo, el necio no. wise man changes his mind, the fool never. 1361. E mala cosa esser cattivo, ma è peggiore esser conosciuto. (It.) Prov.-It is a bad thing to be a rascal, but worse to be found out. 1362. Emas non quod opus est, sed quod necesse est: Quod non opus est, asse carum est. (L.) Cato ap. Sen. Ep. 94.-Buy only what is necessary, not what you want: what you don't want is dear at a gift. 1363. Εμου θανόντος γαῖα μιχθήτω πυρί. (Gr.) Frag. Incert. Trag.-When I am dead let the earth be mingled with fire. Like the French après moi le déluge, q. v. Nero, on some one repeating the Greek line in his presence, exclaimed, “Immo, èμôv dè ¿ŵvтos," Aye, and while I am alive too! and, as Suetonius (Nero 38) goes on to say, "so it came about, for without any attempt at concealment he proceeded to set the city on fire." Cf. Claudian, Rufin. 2, 19 (on the death of Rufinus): So the world perish, I'll not ask to live, 1364. E multis paleis paulum fructus collegi. (L.) Prov.-Out of much chaff, I have gathered but little grain. 1365. Emunctæ naris. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 4, 8.—Of nice discrimination (joined with facetus). Phædr. 3, 3, 14, calls Æsop naris emunctæ senex, the old man of ready wit. 1366. En amour comme en amitié Un tiers souvent nous embarrasse. (Fr.) A third person is often in the way in love as well as in friendship. 1367. En cada tierra su uso. (S.) Prov. ap. Cervantes, D. Quijote, 2, 9.-Every country has its own custom. 1368. Ende gut, alles gut. (G.) Prov.-All's well that ends well. 1369. ev de paéɩ kài ỏdéσoov. (Gr.)?—If you will kill, do it in daylight. Don't stab in the dark. 1370. En donner d'une belle. (Fr.)--To impose upon any one. To make a fool of one. 1371. En Dieu est tout. (Fr.)-All depends on God. Motto of Lord Alington. 1372. Endure fort. (Fr.)-Bear bravely. Motto of Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. 1373. En ego, quum patria caream, vobisque domoque, Ingenio tamen ipse meo comitorque fruorque, The poet in exile. (L.) Ov. T. 3, 7, 45. When of my country, home, and you bereft, And all that could be ta'en, was ta'en from me; My art, t'accompany and cheer, was left; Cæsar in this could claim no right nor fee.-Ed. 1374. Enfants et fous sont devins. (Fr.) Prov.-Children and madmen are prophets. 1375. Enfants perdus. (Fr.) Mil. Term.-A forlorn hope. (2.) Enfants terribles.-Dreadful children: such as by their precocity, or plain speaking, annoy their elders and betters. The term first appeared in one of Gavarni's comic sketches. (3.) Enfant gaté.—A spoilt child. 1376. En habiles gens. (Fr.)-Like able men. |