SEVERAL BOOKS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS; A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE GEORGE TOMLINE, D.D. F.R.S. DESIGNED PRINCIPALLY FOR THE USE OF YOUNG STUDENTS IN TWO VOLUMES.-VOL. I. Printed by Luke Hansard & Sons, FOR T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, IN THE STRAND. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM PITT, FIRST LORD COMMISSIONER OF HIS MAJESTY'S TREASURY, &c. &c. &c. I say, MY DEAR SIR, NDEBTED to your affectionate Partiality for the Situation which has led to the Production of these Volumes, I trust you will accept them as some Proof of my anxiety to fulfil, as far as I am able, its important Duties. But you must permit me, Sir, to that I consider the Dedication of a Work designed to promote the knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures, and to explain the Doctrines of the Church of England, as peculiarly appropriate to You, who have evinced yourself the zealous Friend of Religion, and the firm Supporter of our Ecclesiastical Establishment; who have stood forward as the uniform and successful Opponent A 2 |