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5140. Ut quimus, aiunt; quando ut volumus non licet.


Ter. And. 4, 6, 10.- We must do as we can (as they say) when we can't do as we would.

5141. Ut quis ex longinquo revenerat, miracula narrabant. (L.) Tac. A. 2, 24. According as each of them had returned from distant parts, they had marvellous tales to narrate. Traveller's tales.

5142. Ut quocunque paratus. (L.)—That I may be prepared for every emergency. Motto of the Earl of Cavan.

5143. Ut ridentibus arrident, ita flentibus adflent

Humani vultus: si vis me flere, dolendum est
Primum ipsi tibi, tunc tua me infortunia lædent.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 101.

Smiles are contagious so are tears; to see
Another sobbing, brings a sob from me.

No, no, good Peleus; set the example, pray,

And weep yourself, then weep perhaps I may.-Conington.

Cf. Churchill, Rosciad, 861:

But spite of all the criticising elves

Those who would make us feel, must feel themselves.

5144. Utrum horum mavis accipe. (L.) -Choose which of the two you prefer.

5145. Utrumque enim vitium est, et omnibus credere et nulli. (L.) Sen. Ep. 3.-It is equally wrong to confide in all, and in none. Cf. Πίστεις δ ̓ ἄρα ὁμῶς καὶ ἀπιστίαι ὤλεσαν avopas. (Gr.) Hes. Op. 370.-Trust and mistrust have both equally proved the ruin of men.

5146. Ut sæpe summa ingenia in occulto latent.

(L.) Plaut.

Capt. 1, 2, 62.-How often is the greatest genius buried in obscurity.

Cf. "Full many a flower is born to blush unseen," etc.-Gray.

5147. Ut sementem feceris, ita et metes. (L.) Prov. Cic. de Or. 2, 65, 261.-As you have sown, so shall you reap.

As you have made your bed, so must you lie.

5148. Ut supra. (L.)-As above.

passage in a book, etc.

Referring to any preceding

5149. Ut sylvæ foliis pronos mutantur in annos,

Prima cadunt; ita verborum vetus interit ætas,
Et juvenum ritu florent modo nata vigentque.
Debemus morti nos nostraque. (L.) Hor. A. P. 60.

As woodland leaves change with the changing year,
And those that opened first, the first decay,
So is't with words: the old ones disappear,

And those coined later live and have their day.
Both we and all that's ours must bow to death.-Ed.

5150. Ut tu fortunam sic nos te, Celse, feremus. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 8, 17.-As you carry your good fortune, 80, Celsus, shall we bear with you.

5151. Uxorem, Posthume, ducis?

Dic, qua Tisiphone, quibus exagitare colubris.

(L.) Juv. 6, 28.

What! Posthumus, take a wife? What Fury drest
With snakes for hair, has your poor brain possest?-Ed.

5152. Uxorem quare locupletem ducere nolim

Quæritis? Uxori nubere nolo meæ. (L.) Mart. 8, 12, 1.
You ask why I don't marry a rich wife;

I'd rather not be henpecked all my life.-Ed.

Lit., I'd rather not be my wife's wife. I won't have a wife to whom I am to play second fiddle.


5153. Vache ne sait ce que vaut sa queue jusqu' à-ce-qu'elle l'ait perdue. (Fr.) Prov.-The cow doesn't know the value of her tail until she has lost it.

5154. Vade mecum. (L.)-Go with me.

Manuals, pocket-books of reference (companions) are so termed.

5155. Væ victis! (L.) Liv. 5, 48, 9.-So much the worse for, or Woe to, the conquered!

Exclamation of Brennus on throwing his shield into the balance as a make-weight, when settling the price of peace with Rome.

5156. Vaillant et veillant. (Fr.)—Valiant and vigilant.

count Cardwell.


5157. Valeant mendacia vatum. (L.) Ov. F. 6, 253.—Away with the lies of poets!

5158. Valeat quantum valere potest. (L.)-Let it have its due weight. Take it for what it is worth. Said of any statement, plea, or argument.

5159. Valeat res ludicra, si me

Palma negata macrum, donata reducit opimum.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 180.

Nay, I forswear the drama, if to win

Or lose the prize can make me plump or thin.-Conington.

5160. Valet anchora virtus. (L.)-Virtue is a sure anchor. Motto of Lord Gardner.

5161. Valet ima summis

Mutare, et insignem attenuat Deus,

Obscura promens.

(L.) Hor. C. 1, 34, 12.

God's hand can change the low estate

And raise it to a height:

He can abase the proudly great

And lift th' obscure to light.-Tate and Brady.

5162. Val meglio piegarsi che rompersi. (It.) Prov.—It is better to submit than to lose all.

5163. Val piu un asino vivo che un dottore morto. (It.) Prov. -A live ass is better than a dead doctor.

5164. Vana quoque ad veros accessit fama timores,

Irrupitque animos populi, clademque futuram

Intulit. (L.) Luc. 1, 469.-Vague rumours contributed to increase the fears actually existing, and possessed the people's imagination, announcing the approach of coming disaster.

5165. Vanitas vanitatum, et omnia vanitas. (L.) Vulg. Eccles. 1, 2.-Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.

5166. Vare, redde legiones! (L.) Suet. Aug. 23.-Varus, give me back my legions! Exclamation of Augustus Cæsar

on hearing of the defeat of his troops under Varus by the German General, Arminius.

5167. Vectigalia nervos esse reipublicæ. (L.) Cic. Manil. 7, 17. -Taxes are the sinews of the state.

5168. Vedi Napoli, e poi muori. (It.) Prov.-See Naples and then die.

5169. Vehemens in utramque partem, Menedeme, es nimis,

Aut largitate nimia, aut parsimonia. (L.) Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 31.-You run into extremes both ways, Menedemus, either too lavish, or else too niggardly.

5170. Vel cæco appareat. (L.) Prov.-Even a blind man could

see that.

5171. Vel capillus habet umbram suam.

(L.) Pub. Syr. 1

Even a hair casts its shadow. A straw will show which

way the wind blows.

5172. Vel exuviæ triumphant. (L.)-Even the spoils triumph. Motto of the 2d Regiment of the Line.

5173. Vel iniquissimam pacem justissimo bello ante ferrem. (L.) Cic. Fam. 6, 6, 5.—I would prefer even the most unfavourable peace to the justest war that ever was waged.

5174. Vellem in amicitia sic erraremus, et isti

Errori nomen virtus posuisset honestum.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 3, 41.

Would that in friendship we transgressed the same,
And virtue gave the weakness a good name !-Ed.

The poet alludes to the partiality of lovers, and wishes
that men were equally blind to their friends' faults and

5175. Vellem nescire literas ! (L.) Sen. Clem. 2, 1.—I wish I had never learnt to read or write! Exclamation of Nero when required to sign the death-warrant of two robbers.

5176. Velocius ac citius nos

Corrumpunt vitiorum exempla domestica, magnis
Quum subeant animos auctoribus. (L.) Juv. 14, 31.
A parent's bad example seen at home

Corrupts most quickly: such suggestions come
Under the sanction of authority.-Ed.

5177. Velocius quam asparagi coquantur.


Prov. Suet.

Aug. 87.-Quicker than you can cook asparagus. Quoted by Augustus Cæsar.

5178. Velut ægri somnia, vanæ

Finguntur species, ut nec pes nec caput uni

Reddatur formæ. (L.) Hor. A. P. 7.—Like sick men's dreams, when shadowy images appear, and neither head nor feet fit their respective forms. Said of a badly composed work, without connection, and with a confusion of images.

5179. Veluti in speculum. (L.)—As if in a looking-glass. The drama should exhibit the manners of men veluti in speculum, and hold the mirror up to nature.

5180. Vendere fumos, or fumum. (L.) Cf. Mart. 4, 5, 7.—To sell smoke. To make empty promises.

5181. Veniam necessitati dari. (L.) Cic. Off. 2, 16, 56.-Pardon is granted to necessity.

5182. Veni Creator Spiritus. (L.)-Come Creator Spirit. Opening words of a very ancient hymn to the Holy Ghost, sung at Whitsuntide, ordinations, and other occasions.

It was this hymn that the nuns of S. Teresa (Reformed Carmelites)
sung in '94 when led to the guillotine at Compiegne.
The hymn
was kept up in chorus, as one after another of the sisters was led
on to the scaffold, the Prioress at last singing alone, until her voice
also was silenced by the fatal knife, and all was still. Sit anima
mea cum illis !

5183. Venient annis

Sæcula seris, quibus Oceanus
Vincula rerum laxet, et ingens
Pateat tellus, Tiphysque novos
Detegat orbes; nec sit terris
Ultima Thule.


Sen. Med. 395.

Discovery of America prophecied.
The time will come in later years
When Ocean shall unlock his bars,
And a vast continent appear.
And Argo's pilot guide the helm,
And sight a new-discovered realm;
Nor any longer Thule's isle

Be the last spot of earthly soil.—Ed.


5184. Venire facias. (L.) Law Term.-Cause to come. directing the sheriff to cause a jury to come together and try a cause. (2.) The first process in outlawry, in case of non-appearance to an indictment for misdemeanour.

5185. Venit summa dies et ineluctabile tempus

Dardaniæ. Fuimus Troes; fuit Ilium, et ingens
Gloria Teucrorum.

The Fall of Troy.

'Tis come the inevitable hour,

(L.) Virg. A. 2, 324.

The supreme day of Dardan power;

Our history's ended. Troy's no more,

And all her mighty glory o'er.-Ed.

5186. Veni, vidi, vici. (L.) Suet. Cæs. 37.—I came, I saw, I conquered. The words inscribed on the banners of the triumph of Caius Julius Cæsar, after his victory over Pharmaces, son of Mithridates.

5187. Venter præcepta non audit, poscit, appellat.

Non est

tamen molestus creditor, parvo dimittitur: si modo das illi quod debes, non quod potes. (L.) Sen. Ep. 21, fin. -The belly listens to no precepts, it demands, it calls aloud. But it is not a troublesome creditor; a small amount satisfies it, provided you give it what you ought, not what you can.

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