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3987. Præmia virtutis honores. (L.)-Honours are the reward of virtue. Motto of Norwich Grammar School.

3988. Præmitti, non amitti. (L.) B. Cyprian. ?—Not lost, but gone before.

3989. Præmonitus, præmunitus. (L.)—Forewarned is forearmed. 3990. Præmunire (sub. facias). (L.) Law Term.-Cause to be warned.


Name given to a species of offence against the king and his govern-
ment, and originally arising out of the invasion of the rights of
private patrons by the Popes of the 14th and 15th centuries.
has subsequently been extended to other offences, more particularly
those impugning the rights of the reigning family to the Crown of

3991. Præsens, absens ut sies. (L.) Ter. Eun. 1, 1.-Though present, you are to be as if absent.

3992. Præsertim ut nunc sunt mores; adeo res redit;

Si quis quid reddit, magna habenda 'st gratia. (L.) Ter.
Phorm. 1, 2, 5.-(Davus loq.) Especially as times are
The world is come to such a pass, that a man must
be thanked extremely if he only pay his debts.


3993. Præsis ut prosis. (L.)-Be foremost that you may be of of Lancaster Grammar School.



3994. Præsto et persto.

(L.)-I press on and

of the Earl of Haddington.



3995. Prætulit arma toga, sed pacem armatus amavit.
Juvit sumta ducem, juvit dimissa potestas.

Casta domus, luxuque carens, corruptaque nunquam
Fortuna domini: clarum et venerabile nomen.


(L.) Lucan. 9, 199.

Arms he preferred to peaceful civic dress,

Yet, e'en in arms, was Peace his true mistress.

Pleas'd was he to resign, or to retain

The helm of power: his household, chaste and plain,
And ne'er corrupted by its master's fame-


He leaves a proud and venerable name.—

3996. Précepte commence, exemple achève. (Fr.) Prov.

Precept begins, example perfects.

3997. Preces armatæ. (L.)-Armed prayers.

the disguise of a request.

Commands in

3998. Prendre le chemin des écoliers. (Fr.) Prov.-To go to work like a schoolboy. To take the longest way to do

anything, or reach any place. J'ai pris le chemin, etc., I went the longest way about.

3999. Prendre les choses au pis. (Fr.)—To look at matters in the worst light.

4000. Prendre sur les anciens, c'est pirater au delà de la Ligne ; mais piller les modernes, c'est filouter au coin des rues. (Fr.) Chamfort?-Borrowing from ancient writers is privateering on the high seas; but doing the same by modern authors is like picking pockets at the street-corner. 4001. Prends le premier conseil d'une femme et non le second. (Fr.) Prov.-Take a woman's first opinion and not her


4002. Prends moi tel que je suis. (Fr.)-Take me as I am. Motto of Marquess of Ely.

4003. Près du moustier, à messe le dernier. (Fr.) Prov.-The nearer the minster, the last at mass.

4004. Prêt d'accomplir. (Fr.)-Ready to accomplish.

Earl of Shrewsbury. (2.) Prêt pour mon pays.-Ready for my country. Lord Monson.

4005. Prima et maxima peccantium pœna est, peccasse


ullum scelus, licet illud fortuna exornet muneribus suis, licet tueatur ac vindicet, impunitum est: quoniam sceleris in scelere supplicium est. (L.) Sen. Ep. 97.-The first and greatest punishment of sinners, is the sin itself. No crime that is committed goes unpunished, though for tune adorn it with her gifts, and shield and even vindicate the offence, since the penalty of crime lies in its first commission.

4006. Prima facie.

(L.)—At first sight. On the first aspect of the statement, or on a superficial consideration of the


4007. Primo avulso non deficit alter Aureus.

The golden branch.

(L.) Virg. A. 6, 143.

One plucked, another fills its room,

And burgeons with like precious bloom.-Conington.

Altered to Uno avulso, etc., the line was put up by a Parisian dentist over his door, to signify that if it were necessary to remove a patient's tooth, another was forthcoming to supply its place.

4008. Primum Graius homo mortaleis tollere contra
Est oculos ausus, primusque obsistere contra:
Quem neque fama deûm, nec fulmina, nec minitanti
Murmure compressit cælum : sed eo magis acrem
Irritât animi virtutem, effringere ut arta

Naturæ primus portarum claustra cupiret.


(L.) Lucret. 1, 67.

A Greek was he who first dared lift his eyes,
And lodge his daring challenge to the skies:
Nor could the thought of Gods, or muttered thunder
Or angry lightning keep th' inquirer under;
But rather gave his mind a keener zest

Urging him on in the mysterious quest,

So that he longed to burst in Nature's portals

That barred the secret from the eyes of mortals.-Ed.

4009. Primum mobile. (L.)-The primary motive power.

In the Ptolemaic Astronomy, the primum mobile was believed to
reside in the outermost sphere of the universe, which moved all the
rest, its centre being the centre of the earth.

4010. Primum, quod magneis doceo de rebus, et arteis
Religionum animos nodis exsolvere pergo;
Deinde, quod obscura de re tam lucida pango
Carmina, Musæo contingens cuncta lepore.

(L.) Lucret. 1, 930.

First, then, in treating questions so sublime,
My object is to liberate men's minds

From superstition's thrice entangled web.
Next, to explain an obscure theme in verse,
So clear and lucid all can understand,

Touching each point with true poetic grace.-Ed.

4011. Primus in Indis. (L.)—First in India.

4012. Primus in orbe Deos fecit timor.

39th Foot.

[blocks in formation]

661.-It was fear that originally established a belief in the Gods.

4013. Primus inter pares. (L.)-The first among equals. 4014. Principes mortales, rempublicam æternam. (L.) Tac. A. 3, 6.-Princes are mortal, the republic (the state) is eternal.

4015. Principibus placuisse viris non ultima laus est. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 35.—To have gained the applause of the great is no slight praise.

4016. Principiis obsta: sero medicina paratur Quum mala per longas convaluere moras.

(L.) Ov. R. A. 91.

Check the beginnings: medicine's thrown away
When sickness has grown stronger by delay.-Ed.

4017. Pristinæ virtutis memores.

valour. 8th Hussars.

(L.)-Mindful of ancient

4018. Priusquam incipias, consulto; et, ubi consulueris, mature facto opus est. (L.) Sall. C. 1.-Before you begin, deliberation is necessary, but, after counsel taken, speedy execution is required.

4019. Privatorum conventio juri publico non derogat. (L.) Law Max.-No private agreement between individuals will be allowed to render valid any direct contravention of the


4020. Privilegium est quasi privata lex.


Law Max.— Privilege is a kind of private law. An exemption framed

for individuals.

4021. Pro aris et focis. (L.) Cic. Rosc. Am. 5.—For altars and hearths. For hearth and home. A common saying, meaning the defence of one's nearest and dearest; as in Sall. C. 59, 5: Pro patria, pro liberis, pro aris atque focis cernere, To fight for their country, their children, their hearth and home.

Amongst the Romans, the family or household-gods (Penates) had their altars (ara) in the open court, and the tutelar deities of each dwelling (Lares) their niches round the hearth or ingle-nook (foci) of every house.

4022. Probatum est. (L.)-It has been settled.

4023. Probitas verus honos. (L.)-Honesty is true honour. Motto of Viscount Chetwynd.

4024. Probitate et labore. of Northbrook.

(L.)-By honesty and labour.


4025. Pro bono publico. (L.)-For the public good. For the

benefit of the community.

4026. Probum non pœnitet. (L.)-The honest man does not repent. Motto of Lord Sandys.

4027. Pro captu lectoris habent sua fata libelli. (L.) Terent. Maurus. Carm. Heroic. 250.-The fortune of a book depends upon the pleasure it affords the reader.

4028. Pro Christo et patria. (L.) For Christ and country. Motto of the Duke of Roxburghe.

4029. Pro confesso. (L.)-Confessed. Admitted. 4030. Procul O! procul este, profani,

Conclamat vates, totoque absistite luco.

(L.) Virg. A. 6, 258.

Begone! Begone (the priestess cries), remove
Far hence, ye uninitiate, from the grove!-Ed.

4031. Pro Deo et Rege. (L.)-For God and King. Motto of the Earl of Rosse.

4032. Prodesse quam conspici. (L.)—To be of service rather than to be conspicuous. Motto of Lord Somers.

4033. Prodigus et stultus donat quæ spernit et odit.

Hæc seges ingratos tulit, et feret omnibus annis.

"Tis silly prodigality to throw

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 20.

Those gifts broad-cast whose value you don't know;
Such tillage yields ingratitude, and will,

While human nature is the soil you till.-Conington.

4034. Pro et con. (contra).-For and against. The arguments pro and con, on both sides of the question.

4035. Pro forma.

4036. Pro hac vice.

(L.)-For form's sake.

4037. Prohibetur ne

(L.)-For this turn; on this occasion.

quis faciat in suo, quod nocere potest in alieno. (L.) Law Max.-The law prohibits any person to do even on his own premises, what may injure his neighbour.

4038. Proinde tona eloquio, solitum tibi. (L.) Virg. A. 11, 383. Then roll your thunders, 'tis your way.-Conington. 4039. Pro libertate patriæ. (L.)—For the liberty of my country. Motto of Lords Massey and Clarina.

4040. Promessi sposi. (It.)-Affianced lovers. Title of a novel

of Manzoni.

4041. Promettre c'est donner, espérer c'est jouir.

(Fr.) Delille, Jardins. Promising is giving, and hoping is realising.

To this M. de Chazet in the time of the "Terror" replied:

Ah! s'il est vrai que l'espérance

Au sein des plus affreux tourmens,
Soit pour nous une jouissance,
Nous jouissons depuis longtemps.

4042. Promittas facito: quid enim promittere lædit?

Pollicitis dives quilibet esse potest.


Ov. A. A. 1, 443.
Promise at large! what harm in promises?
All may be rich in such commodities.-Ed.

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