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the more provision for the way, the less of it remains to be travelled? Covetousness instead of diminishing increases with years.

304. An quisquam est alius liber, nisi ducere vitam

Cui licet, ut voluit? (L.) Pers. 5, 83. (Dama the enfranchised slave loq.) -Can any man be considered free, except he is free to spend his life as he pleases ?

305. An tacitum sylvas inter reptare salubres

Curantem quicquid dignum sapiente bonoque est.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 4, 4.

Or sauntering, calm and healthful, through the wood,
Bent on such thoughts as suits the wise and good?-Conington.

What is your favourite occupation in the country? Are you
busy with your pen, or roaming about the pleasant woods and
fields curantem quicquid dignum sapiente bonoque est ?

306. Ante ferit quam flamma micet. (L.) -He strikes before the spark flies. Motto of the Order of the Golden Fleece (Spain), alluding to the steels and flints emitting sparks (Arms of Burgundy), of which the collar of the Order is composed. The motto on the badge is Pretium non vile laborum (no poor reward for labour), and on the mantle Je l'ay empris (I have acquired it).

307. Ante mare, et tellus, et, quod tegit omnia cœlum, Unus erat toto naturæ vultus in orbe,

Quem dixere Chaos; rudis indigestaque moles.

(L.) Ov. Μ. 1, 15.

When sea, and land, and the all covering firmament
As yet were not in being, Nature wore
One uniform aspect, which men have called
Chaos, a rude and undigested mass. -Ed.

308. Ante oculos errat domus, Urbs, et forma locorum;

Succeduntque suis singula facta locis. (L.) Ον. Τ. 3, 4, 57. My home, the town, and each well-known spot moves before my eyes; and each item of the day follows in its proper place. The thoughts of one abroad realising what is taking place leagues away.

309. Ante senectutem curavi, ut bene viverem; in senectute, ut bene moriar. (L.) Sen. Ep. Before I was old, I studied to live virtuously; now I am old, my object is to meet death with fortitude.

310. Ante tubam tremor occupat artus. (L.) Virg. A. 11, 424. He trembles before the signal of battle is given.

311. Ante victoriam canere triumphum. (L.) -To celebrate a

chickens before they are hatched.

triumph before gaining the victory.

To count your

(L.) ? - The olden time

312. Antiquitas sæculi juventus mundi. was the world's youth.

On this Lord Bacon says (de Augm. Sc. lib. 1): These times
are the ancient times, when the world is ancient, and not
those which are accounted ancient ordine retrogrado, by a
computation backward from ourselves.

Cf. Lord Tennyson, Day Dream (L'Envoi) -
We are ancients of the earth
And in the morning of the times.

See also Pascal, Treatise de Vacuo, Pref.

313. Antiquum obtinens.

of Lord Bagot.

(L.)-Possessing antiquity. Motto

314. A outrance, or à l'outrance. (Fr.) - To an outrageous extent; to excess. Applied to a contest between two antagonists who were each determined to conquer or to die; also to dress, or to any custom or habit which is carried to an extravagant excess.


315. "Απαξ λεγόμενον. (Gr.) - Only once read, or occurring (viz.,

in an author, book).

316. Aperit præcordia Liber. opens the heart.

(L.) Hor. S. 1, 4, 89.- Wine

317. Aperte mala cum est mulier, tum demum est bona. (L.) Prov. Pub. Syr. ? - When a woman is openly bad, then at least she is honest.

318. Aperto vivere voto. (L.) Pers. 2, 7.-To live with every wish declared. Frankly, openly, without concealing any of our secret desires. Motto of Earl of Aylesford.

319. Apices juris non sunt jura. (L.) Law Max. -Fine points of law are not the law. "The law disallows curious and nice exceptions as tending to the delay of justice."Broom, 188.

320. Apis Matinæ More modoque. (L.) Hor. C. 4, 2, 27.— Like Matinata's busy bee.

321. Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto. (L.) Virg. A. 1, 118.-A few appear, swimming in the vasty deep. The line is often used of such authors, or passages of authors, as have survived the wreck of time; or where a good verse is found mixed up with a quantity of trash. A few good lines exist here and there, but that is all.

322. Apparet id quidem etiam cæco. (L.) Liv. 32, 34, 3.Even a blind man can see that. (2.) Cæcis hoc, ut aiunt, satis clarum est. Quint. 12, 7, 9. -This is plain enough for a blind man to see, as they say.

323. Appetitus rationi obœdiant. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 29, 102. — Keep your passions under the control of your reason. Earl Fitzwilliam's motto, with pareat for obœdiant.

324. Appui. (Fr.) Mil. Term. -The point d'appui = the point to lean on. The support or defence on which you rest the

safety of anything, either in a literal or figurative sense. 325. Après donner il faut prendre. (Fr.) - After giving one must take. Motto of the Cameren family (Brittany). 326. Après la mort le médecin. (Fr.) Prov.-After death the

doctor. When it is too late.

327. Après la pluie, le beau temps.

(Fr.) - After the rain, fair

weather. After the storm, a calm.

328. Après le rire, les pleurs :

Après les jeux, les douleurs. (Fr.) Breton Prov.-
After laughter, tears; after play, pain.

329. Après nous le déluge! (Fr.) Mme. de Pompadour. -After us the deluge! Usually quoted as the expression of Louis XV.

330. A priori, a posteriori. (L.) --From the former; from the latter.

Phrases used to distinguish two classes of reasonings. A priori demonstration rests its conclusions upon general notions and principles, and is independent of experience. A posteriori reasoning is based upon experience and fact. The well-known enmity entertained by B towards A would a priori be sufficient to throw the suspicion of the murder of the latter upon B: but the fact that B was found in possession of articles belonging to A after the commission of the crime, would be a posteriori evidence of B's guilt. Loosely speaking, the two kinds may be defined as theoretical or speculative reasoning, and reasoning from facts.

331. A propos. (Fr.)-To the purpose. At a fortunate moment, opportunely, well-timed. (2.) As an interjection by the way. (3.) A propos de, with regard to, -e.g., a propos de bottes, nothing to the purpose.

332. Aqua fortis. (L.) -Strong water. Nitric acid. (2.) Aqua regia.-Royal water. A mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid, having the power of dissolving gold, the royal metal.

333. A quatre épingles. (Fr.) - With four pins. A man whose dress is distinguished by an affectation of dandyism, is said to be tiré à quatre épingles, or as we say, to look as if he had just come out of a band-box. (2.) Tirer son épingle du jeu. - To get out of a scrape.

334. Aquilæ senectus. (L.) Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 10. -The old age of the eagle. A vigorous hale old age.

335. Aquila non capit muscas. (L.) Prov. The eagle does not catch flies. Motto of Lords Graves and Churston. Great people should be above noticing or avenging petty annoyances. Cf. in same sense, Elephantus non capit mures. Prov. An elephant doesn't catch mice.


336. A raconter ses maux, souvent on les soulage. (Fr.) Corn. (Polyeucte, 1, 3). -In relating our misfortunes, we often feel them lightened.

337. Aranearum telas texere. (L.) -To weave a spider's web.

To employ a sophistical argument.

338. Arbeit, Mässigkeit, und Ruh

Schlägt dem Arzt die Thüre zu.
Labour, Temperance, and Repose
Slam the door on the Doctor's nose.

(G.) Prov.

339. Arbiter bibendi. (L.) -The toast-master. Like the Greek βασιλεὺς του συμποσίου (king of the feast). Cf. Quem Venus arbitrum Dicet bibendi? Hor. C. 2, 7, 25. — Whom shall the dice appoint as chairman of the carouse ? (2.) Arbiter elegantiarum. - Judge of taste. Cf. Elegantiæ arbiter. Tac. A. 16, 18-said of one of Nero's intimates. (3.) Arbiter formæ. -Judge of beauty. Cf. Ον. Η. 16, 69. Title of Paris, as appointed to award the prize of beauty to the most fair.

340. Arbore dejecta qui vult ligna colligit. (L.) Prov. - When the tree is down, every one gathers wood. The meanest and weakest creature may triumph even over majesty when it is overthrown.

341. Arbores serit diligens agricola, quarum aspiciet baccam ipse nunquam: vir magnus leges, instituta, rempublicam non seret? (L.) Cic. Tusc. 1, 14, 31. -The gardener plants trees, not one berry of which he will ever see: and shall not a public man plant laws, institutions, government, in short, under the same conditions?

342. Arbor vitæ Christus, fructus per fidem gustamus. (L.) — The tree of life is Christ, the fruit by faith we taste. Motto of Fruiterers' Company.

343. Arcana imperii. (L.) -State secrets. The mysteries of governing. (2.) Arcana regum. Curt. 4, 6, 5.-The secrets of kings. (3.) Jovis arcanis Minos admissus. Hor. C. 1, 28, 9. -Minos admitted to the secrets of Jove. Cabinet secrets, still more the (as yet) undivulged programme of a Prime Minister, would be Jovis arcana, the secret counsels of Jupiter.

344. Arcanum neque tu scrutaberis ullius unquam ; Commissumque teges, et vino tortus et irâ.

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 37.

Avoid all prying: what you're told, keep back,
Though wine and anger put you on the rack. - Conington.

345. ̓Αρχὴ γαρ λέγεται μὲν ἥμισυ παντος ἐν ταῖς παροιμίαις ἔργου. (Gr.) Plat. 466, D.-For, according to the proverb, the beginning is half the whole business.

346. Arcui meo non confido. (L.) -I do not trust to my bow. John Wilkes' motto.

347. Ardeat ipsa licet, tormentis gaudet amantis. (L.) Juv. 6, 208.

Though equal pains her peace of mind destroy,
A lover's torments give her spiteful joy. (?)

348. Ardentia verba. (L.) -Glowing words. Expressions of great warmth and ardour. "Thoughts that glow, and words that burn." (?) Cf. Orator gravis, acer, ardens. Cic. Or. 28, 99.- A powerful, ready, and passionate speaker.

349. Ardua cervix

Argutumque caput, brevis alvus, obesaque terga,

Luxuriatque toris animosum pectus. (L.) Virg. 9, 3, 80.

Points of a good horse.


Sharp-headed, barrel-bellied, broadly-backed,
Brawny his chest, and deep. --Dryden.

350. Ardua molimur: sed nulla nisi ardua virtus. (L.) Ov. А. А. 2, 537.-I am attempting an arduous task: but there is no achievement but what is hard to effect.

351. A re decedunt. (L.) -They wander from the point. Irrelevant matter.

352. Arenæ funis effici non potest. (L.) Col. 10, præf. § 4.You can't make a rope of sand. Cf. the Greek equivalent, ἐξ ἄμμου σχοινίον πλέκειν. - Aristid. (2.) Arenæ semina mandas Non profecturis litora bubus aras.

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