3447. Non soles respicere te, quom dicas injuste alteri? (L.) Plaut. Ps. 2, 2, 18.-Are you not wont to consider your own faults, when you speak unjustly of another? 3448. Non solum ingenii, verum etiam virtutis. (L.)-Not only talent, but virtue. Liverpool College. 3449. Non sum qualis eram bonæ Sub regno Cinaræ. (L.) Hor. C. 4, 1, 3.—I am not what I was in the days of kind Cinara. 3450. Non tali auxilio, nec defensoribus istis Tempus eget. (L.) Virg. A. 2, 521.-The times require other aid and other defenders than these. 3451. Non tamen id circo crimen liber omnis habebit, Nil prodest, quod non lædere possit idem. (L.) Ov. T. 2, 265. You will not say all books must be refused: 3452. Non tu corpus eras sine pectore. Di tibi formam, (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 4, 6. No brainless trunk is yours; a form to please, Wealth, wit to use it, Heav'n vouchsafes you these.—Conington. 3453. Noris quam elegans formarum spectator siem. (L.) Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 18.-You know what a nice judge of beauty I am. 3454. Noscenda est mensura sui spectandaque rebus In summis minimisque. (L.) Juv. 11, 35.-A man should know his own measure and keep it in view in all affairs, great or small. 3455. Nosce tempus. (L.)-Know your time. Hit on the right moment. 3456. Noscitur a sociis. (L.) Prov.-A man is known by his companions. Show me a man's company, and I'll show you what kind of man he is. (2.) As a Law Maxim in the interpretation of written instruments, the phrase signifies that the meaning of a word may be ascertained by referring to the meaning of the words associated with it. 3457. Nos duo turba sumus. (L.) Ov. M. 1, 355.—We two are a multitude. Deucalion to Pyrrha, the pair who repeopled the earth after the deluge according to the mythological tradition. According to Lord Coke it takes ten to make a crowd. 3458. Nos hæc novimus esse nihil. (L.) Mart. 13, 2, 8.-We know that these things are of no consequence. Mere trifles. 3459. Nos nostraque Deo. (L.)-Both we and ours come from God. Lord Blachford. 3460. Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati Sponsi Penelopa, nebulones, Alcinoique, In cute curanda plus æquo operata juventus. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 27. La Jeunesse dorée. But what are we? a mere consuming class, Like to the suitors, or Alcinous' clan Who spread vast pains upon the husk of man.-Conington. Fruges consumere natus (plur. nati) is often applied to those spoilt children of Fortune, who come into the world with their bread ready buttered. 3461. Nos patriæ fines et dulcia linquimus arva Nos patriam fugimus. The Emigrants. We leave familiar scenes behind, (L.) Virg. E. 1, 3. Sweet fields of home, and native land.-Ed. 3462. Nosse omnia hæc salus est adolescentulis. (L.) Ter. Eun. 5, 4.-It is salvation to a young man to know all these matters (sc. the abominable home-life of women of the town). 3463. Nosse volunt omnes, mercedem solvere nemo. (L.) Juv. 7, 157.—All wish to know, but none to pay the price. 3464. Nostra sine auxilio fugiunt bona, carpite florem, Qui nisi carptus erit, turpiter ipse cadet. (L.) Ov. A. A. 3, 79. Pleasures fly without our helping; cull the blossom of to-day: Left upon its stalk, to-morrow of itself 'twill fade away.-Ed. Quo pius Æneas, quo dives Tullus et Ancus, 3465. Nos ubi decidimus Pulvis et umbra sumus. (L.) Hor. C. 4, 7, 14. When we depart to that bleak shore Where good Æneas went before, We are but dust and shade.-Ed. 3466. Nota bene, or N.B. (L.)-Note well. Observe. 3467. Notandi sunt tibi mores. (L.) Hor. A. P. 156.—Study the manners of men. 3468. Noth bricht Eisen. (G.) Prov.-Necessity breaks iron. All must yield to it. 3469. Notre défiance justifie la tromperie d'autrui. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 42, § 86.-A want of confidence on our part justifies the deceitful action of others. 3470. Notre vie est du vent tissu. (Fr.) Joubert —Our life is woven wind. (Mr M. Arnold trans.) 3471. N'oubliez. (Fr.)—Do not forget. M. of Duke of Montrose. 3472. Nous avons changé tout cela. (Fr.) Mol. Méd. Malgré lui, 2, 6.-We have changed all that. Sganarelle, the pretended physician, declaring that the liver was on the left side, the heart on the right, is asked by Géronte to account for such an inversion of the usual arrangement, to which he replies, "Oui, cela était autrefois ainsi; mais nous avons changé tout cela, et nous faisons maintenant la médicine d'une méthode toute nouvelle." The phrase is often used in speaking of changes or departures from old and usual customs. 3473. Nous avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d'autrui. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 34, § 19.-We all have sufficient strength to bear the misfortunes of others. 3474. Nous dansons sur un volcan. (Fr.)-We are dancing on a volcano. M. de Salvandy to the Duke of Orléans, at the fête given by the latter to the King of Naples in the Palais Royal, not long before the insurrection of 1830. 66 'Ceci est une fête toute Napolitaine !"Quite a Neapolitan festa, your Royal Highness, we are dancing, etc. 3475. Nous désirerions peu de choses avec ardeur, si nous connaissions parfaitement ce que nous désirons. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 88, § 461.—We should desire few things with anxiety, if we could justly appreciate the value of the objects we have wished for. 3476. Nous maintiendrons. (Fr.)-We will maintain. Motto of the Earl of Suffolk. 3477. Nous n'écoutons d'instincts que ceux qui sont les nôtres, Et ne croyons le mal que quand il est venu. (Fr.) La Font. 1, 8. We list to no instincts but what are our own, 3478. Nous ne savons ce que c'est que le bonheur ou le malheur absolu. (Fr.) Rousseau-We do not know in what unmixed good or unmixed evil consists. 3479. Nous ne sommes hommes, et nous tenons les uns aux autres, que par la parole. (Fr.) Montaigne ?-We are men, and our only medium of mutual communication is human speech. 3480. Nous ne trouvons guère de gens de bon sens que ceux qui sont de notre avis. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 76, § 354. -We seldom find any persons possessed of good sense, except those who are of our way of thinking. 3481. Nous sommes assemblés par la volonté nationale, nous ne sortirons que par la force. (Fr.)-We are here by the will of the nation, and we shall not leave except we are driven out by force. Speech of Mirabeau to the Marquess de Brézé (sent by Louis XVI. to dismiss the National Assembly of 1789), according to the version given by the Marquess' son in the French House of Peers, 1833. (See Fournier, L'Esprit dans l'histoire, 227-230.) I cannot, however, find these words in the Proceedings of the National Assembly of 1789. Hugon (Mémoires Hist. etc., de la Révol., Paris, 1790, vol. ii. p. 88) reports Mirabeau as concluding his speech to M. de Brézé as follows: "Je vous déclare que, si l'on vous a chargé de nous faire sortir d'ici, vous devez demander des ordres pour employer la force, car nous ne quitterons nos places que par la puissance de la baïonette." Words which were received with the unanimous acclamation of the Assembly, Tel est le vœu de l'Assemblée. This was the 23d June 1789. 3482. Novi ego hoc sæculum, moribus quibus siet, malus bonum malum Esse volt, ut sit sui similis ; turbant, miscent mores mali; rapax, Avarus, invidens, sacrum profanum, publicum privatum habent, Hiulca gens. (L.) Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 6.—I know the age and its manners. Bad men would have a good man bad, so as to be like themselves. Our evil manners confound, and disorder everything. The greedy, covetous and envious, turn what's sacred to profane, and what's of public good, to private interest. A grasping race! 3483. Novi ingenium mulierum Nolunt ubi velis, ubi nolis cupiunt ultro. (L.) Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 43.-I know what a woman's temper is: when you will, they won't: and when you won't, then they are in a perfect fever the other way. 3484. Novus homo. (L.) A new man. The first man of a family to obtain curule office (prætor, consul, or ædile) at Rome. Any one recently ennobled; a parvenu, upstart, man of yesterday. 3485. Nox erat, et cælo fulgebat luna sereno Inter minora sidera. (L.) Hor. Epod. 15, 1.-'Twas night, and the moon was shining in the cloudless heaven among the lesser constellations. 3486. Nox erat, et placidum carpebant fessa soporem (L.) Virg. A. 4, 522. The precious balm of sleep, And in the forest there is calm, And on the savage deep: The stars are in their middle flight: The fields are hushed: each bird or beast That dwells beside the silver lake Or haunts the tangles of the brake In placid slumber lies, released From trouble by the touch of night.-Conington. 3487. Nugis addere pondus. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 19, 42.—To give consequence to what are only trifles. 3488. Nulla ætas ad perdiscendum est. (L.)?-There is no age at which we are beyond learning anything. We may always learn something. 3489. Nulla dies sine linea. (L.) Prov.-No day without a line. Cf. Plin. 35, 10, 36, § 84, who relates that Apelles never let a day go by without drawing something. 3490. Nulla fere causa est, in qua non fœmina litem Moverit. (L.) Juv. 6, 242.-There's hardly a lawsuit but what a woman is at the bottom of it. 3491. Nulla fides regni sociis, omnisque potestas Impatiens consortis erit. (L.) Lucan. 1, 92. Trust 'twixt associate kings does not reside : No chief will brook a colleague at his side.-Ed. 3492. Nulla pallescere culpa. (L.)-Not to grow pale at guilt. Lord Winmarleigh. |