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Unless you light your lamp ere dawn and read
Some wholesome book that high resolves may breed,
You'll find your sleep go from you, and will toss

Upon your pillow, envious, lovesick, cross.-Conington.

3358. Nisi caste saltem caute. (L.)—If not chastely, at least cautiously.

3359. Nisi Dominus, frustra. (L.) Without the Lord all is in vain. Motto of the City of Edinburgh.

3360. Nisi prius. (L.) Law Term.-Unless before.

Legal proviso by which judges try causes on circuit, the condition being that the case be heard at Westminster, unless before the day appointed, the judges of assize come to the county in question, which, in practice, they always do. Since 1852 this proviso has been disused, the trial taking place on circuit as a matter of course. Causes triable at Nisi prius in London or Middlesex, are tried at the London and Westminster sittings, held in and after every term. 3361. Nitimur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata.


Ov. Am. 3, 4, 17.-We are always striving after things which are forbidden, and coveting what is prohibited.

Cf. id. ibid. 25:

Quicquid servatur, cupimus magis, ipsaque furem

Cura vocat. Pauci, quod sinit alter, amant. - Whatever is carefully guarded we covet all the more, and the very care employed invites a thief. Few long for what others leave alone. Quod licet ingratum est: quod non licet acrius urit. Ov. Am. 2, 193.-What is lawful is unattractive, what is unlawful excites all the more keenly. Permissum fit vile nefas. Gallus. El. 3, 77.-Crime loses its price when once it becomes lawful.

3362. Nitor in adversum, nec me, qui cætera vincit Impetus, et rapido contrarius evehor orbi.

(L.) Ov. M. 2, 72.

I forge ahead, nor can the opposing rush,

That sways all else, my onward progress check,

But bears me on against a whirling world.-Ed.

Macaulay applies the lines to the poetic powers of


3363. Ni trop haut, ni trop bas; c'est le souverain style. (Fr.) Ronsard?—Not too high nor too low is the sovereign mode. Applicable to an age when, like that of Addison and Pope, poetry had become an art with fixed rules, in which smoothly-flowing rhymes and elegant antitheses took the place of real poetic genius.

3364. Nobis non licet esse tam disertis,

Qui musas colimus severiores. (L.) Mart. 9, 12, 16.
We who court a graver muse
May not be quite so diffuse.-Ed.

3365. Noblesse oblige. (Fr.)-Nobility compels. Motto of the Dukes of Lévis (France).

3366. Noctem illam tecti sylvis immania monstra

Perferimus; nec, quæ sonitum det causa videmus.

Midnight marauders.

(L.) Virg. A. 3, 583.

All night, by forest branches screened

We writhe as 'neath some torturing fiend,

Nor know the horror's cause.--Conington.

3367. Nodum in scirpo quæris. (L.) Prov. Ter. 5, 4, 38.You are looking for a difficulty where there is none (lit. a

knot in a bulrush).

3368. No hay tal razon como la del baston.

(S.) Prov.-There Argumentum

is no argument equal to that of a stick.

baculinum q. v.

3369. Nolens Volens. (L.)-Whether I will or no. Willy Nilly.. 3370. Noli affectare quod tibi non est datum,

Delusa ne spes ad querelam recidat. (L.) Phædr. 3, 18, 14. Do not aspire to gifts which have not been vouchsafed to you, lest disappointed hopes end in vain repinings. Juno to the peacock desiring the voice of the nightingale. 3371. Noli irritare leones. (L.)-Don't irritate lions. Lord Lyons. 3372. Noli me tangere. (L.) Vulg. S. Joan. 20, 17.-Touch

me not.

3373. Noli pugnare duobus. (L.) Catull. 62, 64.-Do not fight against two opponents at once.

3374. Nolle prosequi. (L.) Law Term.-To be unwilling to prosecute.

3375. Nolo episcopari. (L.)-I do not wish to be a bishop.

Reply made, as matter of form, by any person to whom a bishoprick is offered; also applied to those who affect indifference about a thing which it is the great object of their ambition to obtain.

3376. Nom de guerre, or Nom de plume. (Fr.)—An assumed name. An alias used by an author instead of his own


3377. Nomen amicitia est, nomen inane fides. (L.) Ov. A. A. 1, 740.-Friendship, fidelity are but empty names.

3378. Non adeo cecidi, quamvis abjectus, ut infra
Te quoque sim; inferius quo nihil esse potest.

(L.) Ov. T. 5, 8, 1.

I have not sunk so low, though great my fall,
As to reach thee, the lowest depth of all.-Ed.

3379. Non agitur de vectigalibus, non de sociorum injuriis: libertas et anima nostra in dubio est. (L.) Sall. C. 52. -It is no question now of state revenues, or of the honour of our allies: our own lives and liberty are in the balance.

3380. Non amo te, Sabidi, nec possum dicere quare;

Hoc tantum possum dicere, non amo te. (L.) Mart. 1, 33.
I do not love thee, doctor Fell,
The reason why I cannot tell;
But this alone I know full well,

I do not love thee, doctor Fell. (?)

3381. Non Angli sed angeli. (L.) Bed. 2, 1.-Not Angles but angels.

Traditional exclamation of Gregory the Great, then (c. 578, A.D.) Abbot of St Andrea, on seeing some fair-haired British captives exposed for sale in the slave-market in Rome. Take it all round, this venerable jeu-de-mots is as well-known and well-worn a tale as any that could be mentioned. In the beautiful language of America, it takes the cake.

3382. Non bene conveniunt, nec in una sede morantur

Majestas et amor.

(L.) Ov. M. 2, 846.

Ill-matched are love and majesty, the throne
Is not love's dwelling-place.-Ed.

Line 1 is quotable of any two conflicting things.

3383. Non bene junctarum discordia semina rerum.

(L.) Ov. M. 1, 9.

The jarring seeds of ill-assorted things.

3384. Non bene olet qui bene semper olet. (L.) Mart. Ep. 2, 12.-That smells not sweet, that always sweetly smells. May be applied, morally, to those faultless people, who from their very perfection pall upon one like too strong perfumes.

3385. Non constat. (L.) Law Term.-It does not appear. It is not confirmed in evidence before the court.

3386. Non convivere, nec videre saltem,

Non audire licet: nec Urbe tota

Quisquam est tam prope, tam proculque nobis.

An unsociable neighbour.

He will not live with me, nor can

I get a glimpse of him, or hear:

(L.) Mart. 1, 87.

Search all Rome through, there's not a man

So far from me, and yet so near.

3387. Non credo tempori. (L.)—I trust not to time. Order of

St Nicholas (Russian).

3388. Non cuicunque datum est habere nasum. (L.) 42, 18.-It is not every man that has a nose.

are not equally sharp, acute.

3389. Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum. Sedit, qui timuit ne non succederet: esto: Quid? qui pervenit, fecit ne viriliter?

Mart. 1,

All men

(L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 36.

You know the proverb, "Corinth town is fair,
But 'tis not every man that can get there."
One man sits still, not hoping to succeed

One makes the journey; he's a man indeed!-Conington. The proverb, Non cuivis, etc., is quoted of any rare or difficult attainment which only energy or good fortune can achieve. In Greek it is, ου παντὸς ἀνδρὸς εἰς Κόρινθον ëσ0' ó πλoûs.—The voyage to Corinth is not within every

man's means.

3390. Non decipitur qui scit se decipi. (L.) Law Max.—He is not deceived who is deceived with his own knowledge. 3391. Non eadem est ætas, non mens. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 4.– My age, my tastes, no longer are the same.

3392. Non eadem ratio est, sentire et demere morbos: Sensus inest cunctis: tollitur arte malum.

(L.) Ov. Ep. 3, 9, 16.

"Tis not the same to feel and heal a smart:
All men can feel disease is cured by art.-Ed.

3393. Non ebur neque aureum

Mea renidet in domo lacunar. (L.) Hor. C. 2, 18, 1.
Carven ivory have I none;

No golden cornice in my dwelling shines.-Conington.

3394. Non ego avarum

Quum te veto fieri, vappam iubeo ac nebulonem.

Est modus in rebus.


Hor. S. 1, 1, 103.

In bidding you a miser's life forsake

I say not, Be a spendthrift or a rake !-Ed.

3395. Non ego mordaci distrinxi carmine quenquam, Nec meus ullius crimina versus habet.

Candidus a salibus suffusis felle refugi:

Nulla venenato littera mixta joco est. (L.) Ov. T. 2, 563.

I never wounded soul with verse of mine,

Nor do my works a single charge contain:

My pen is free of gall, and not a line

Breathes poison, tho' conveyed in joking strain.-Ed.

Crebillon says, Aucun fiel n'a jamais empoisonné ma plume. (Fr.)-My pen was never dipped in gall.

3396. Non ego omnino lucrum omne esse utile homini existimo. Scio ego, multos jam lucrum luculentos homines reddidit; Est etiam, ubi profecto damnum præstet facere, quam lucrum. (L.) Plaut. Capt. 2, 2, 75.-(Hegio loq.) For my part I don't altogether reckon all gains to be serviceable to a man. I know that gain has made many a man distinguished; and again there are times when it is better to lose than win.

3397. Non ego sum stultus, ut ante fui. (L.) Ov. Am. 3, 11, 32.-I am no longer the fool I was. I have learned by


bene vivendum.

3398. Non enim si malum dolor est, carere eo malo satis est ad Hoc diceret potius Ennius, "Nimium boni est, cui nihil est mali." (L.) Cic. Fin. 2, 13, 41.— Granted that physical pain is an evil, yet the absence of it does not necessarily constitute a happy life. will tell you rather,

"He lives too well who has no ill."


3399. Non equidem invideo, miror magis. (L.) Virg. E. 1, 11. -I do not, indeed, envy you, I am only the rather surprised.

3400. Non equidem studeo, bullatis ut mihi nugis

Pagina turgescat, dare pondus idonea fumo.

It is not my intent my book to choke

(L.) Pers. 5, 19.

With vapid bombast, so much food for smoke.-Ed.

3401. Non est de sacco tanta farina tuo. (L.) Prov.-So much meal cannot all have come from your own sack. Don't palm off other men's work as your own.

3402. Non est in medico semper relevetur ut æger;

Interdum docta plus valet arte malum.

(L.) Ov. Ep. 1, 3, 17.

Doctors can't always cure a man that's ill;

Sickness sometimes defeats all human skill.-Ed.

3403. Non est inventus. (L.) Law Term.-He is not to be found. Formal Latin words anciently used in the sheriff's return to a writ of capias, that the defendant. was not to be found within his bailiwick. It is also used to imply any one's sudden disappearance.

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