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property of the subject from all arbitrary attack and spoliation. Its provision that no one be imprisoned without trial by his peers, furnished the principle of the later Habeas Corpus Act of Charles II.

2901. Magna civitas, magna solitudo. (L.) A great city is a great solitude. Trans. of Greek 'Epnμía peɣáλŋotivý Meɣáλntoλis.-Megalepolis (or the great city) is a great Of no city is, perhaps, this more true than of


2902. Magna comitante caterva. (L.) Virg. A. 2, 40.—A great throng accompanying.

2903. Magna fuit quondam capitis reverentia cani,

Inque suo pretio ruga senilis erat.

The degeneracy of the age.

(L.) Ov. F. 5, 57.

Great was the reverence once to grey hairs shown,

And wrinkled age had honours of its own.-Ed.

2904. Magna mœnis mœnia. (L.) Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 73.-You are building great walls. A great undertaking. 2905. Magna movet stomachum fastidia, si puer unctis

Tractavit calicem manibus. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 4, 78.

It turns the stomach

If the servant who behind you stands

Has fouled the beaker with his greasy hands.-Conington.

2906. Magnanimiter crucem sustine. (L.)-Bravely support the cross. Motto of Lord Kenyon.

2907. Magnas inter opes inops. (L.) Hor. C. 3, 16, 28.-Poor in the midst of wealth. Description of a miser.

2908. Magna vis est, magnum

nomen, unum et idem sentientis senatus. (L.) Cic. The power and prestige of a senate which is unanimous in its opinions, is great indeed.

2909. Magni animi est magna contemnere, ac mediocria malle quam nimia. (L.) Sen. Ep. 39.—It is a sign of a great mind to despise greatness, and to prefer a modicum of good things to a superfluity of them.

2910. Magni refert quibuscum vixeris. (L.) Prov.-It is of much consequence with whom you live. The Spanish proverb says, Dime con quien andas, decirte he quien eres, Tell me your company, and I'll tell you who you


Similar to Noscitur a sociis.

2911. Magno de flumine mallem

Quam ex hoc fonticulo tantundem sumere. (L.) Hor. S. 1, 1, 56.—I'd rather drink from the mighty river than take as much from this little rivulet. Great sources (authors, works) are to be preferred to small. It is better to study an author in the original than to read him in selections or elegant extracts.

2912. Magno jam conatu magnas nugas. (L.) Ter. Heaut. 4, 1, 8.—An extraordinary effort for a mere trifle.

2913. Magnum hoc ego duco


Quod placui tibi qui turpi secernis honestum.
Hor. S. 1, 6, 62.—I count it a great distinction to have
pleased you who know the difference between what is base
and honourable.

2914. Magnum hoc vitium vino est,

Pedes captat primum: luctator dolosu 'st. (L.) Plaut. Ps. 5, 1, 5.-'Tis a great fault in wine; it first trips up your feet: it is a crafty wrestler.

2915. Magnum iter ascendo, sed dat mihi gloria vires;

Non juvat ex facili lecta corona jugo. (L.) Prop. 4, 10, 3.
The ambitious poet.

A dizzy path I climb: fame lends me wings;
Not mine the bay on lower hills that springs.-Ed.

2916. Magnum pauperies opprobrium jubet

Quidvis et facere et pati.


(L.) Hor. C. 3, 24, 32.

No crime too great, no hardship too severe,
That poverty won't urge, or won't endure.-Ed.

2917. Magnumque decus, ferroque petendum
Plus patria potuisse sua mensuraque juris
Vis erat.

(L.) Lucan. 1, 174.

"Twere a proud boast indeed and one to win
At the sword's point, to force one's private aims
On an unwilling country and to make
Violence the rule of law.-Ed.

2918. Magnus ab integro sæclorum nascitur ordo.

A mighty age revisits earth

(L.) Virg. E. 4, 5.

And fateful times renew their birth.-Ed.

2919. Magnus sine viribus ignis Incassum furit. (L.) Virg. G. 3, 99.-A great fire with little to feed it, expends its rage in vain. Cf. Shakesp. Rich. II. 2, 1: His rash fierce blaze of riot cannot last, For violent fires soon outburn themselves.

2920. Mai aguçosa, filha preguiçosa. (P.) Prov.-A busy mother makes an idle daughter.

2921. Mais au moindre revers funeste

Le masque tombe, l'homme reste

Et le héros s'évanouit.

(Fr.) J. B. Rouss. Ode à la Fortune.


But if perchance his fortune wanes,

The mask drops off, the man remains;

The hero disappears.-Ed.

Lines quoted when any one disappoints the expectations formed of him.

2922. Mais elle était du monde où les plus belles choses

Ont le pire destin,

Et rose, elle a vécu ce que vivent les roses,
L'espace d'un matin.

(Fr.) Malherbe, Ode à Du Perrier.
An early death.

A world was hers where all that fairest blows

Meets with the cruellest doom:

The rose has but the lifetime of a rose-
A single morning's bloom.-Ed.

2923. Major e longinquo reverentia. (L.) Tac. A. 1, 47.—Respect is greater from a distance. Said of the majesty which surrounds royalty. In this, as in many other cases,

distance lends enchantment to the view.

2924. Majore tumultu

Planguntur nummi quam funera, nemo dolorem
Fingit in hoc casu . . . .

Ploratur lacrimis amissa pecunia veris. (L.) Juv. 13, 130.

Money's bewailed with much more harrowing pains

Than a man's death: for that none sorrow feigns.

The loss of cash is mourned with genuine tears.-Ed.

2925. Major privato visus, dum privatus fuit, et omnium consensu capax imperii, nisi imperasset. (L.) Tac. H. 1, 49.


As long as he remained a private individual he always seemed to be more than one; and had he never come to the throne, he would have been deemed by common consent capable of the supreme


Cf. Soph. Ant. 175:

ἀμήχανον δὲ παντὸς ἀνδρὸς ἐκμαθεῖν

ψυχήντε και φρονήμα και γνώμην, πρὶν ἂν
ἀρχᾶιςτε και νόμοισιν ἐντριβὴς φάνῃ.


But who can penetrate man's secret thought
The quality and temper of his soul,

Till by high office put to frequent proof,
And execution of the laws?-Potter.

Vide the saying of Bias, ăpxŋ åvôpà déižei, Command shows the man. 2926. Major rerum mihi nascitur ordo

Majus opus moveo. (L.) Virg. A. 7, 44.—A more important series of events now rises before me; I touch upon a greater subject. Æneas' landing in Italy. Early history of Latium.

2927. Major sum quam cui possit Fortuna nocere Multaque ut eripiat, multo mihi plura relinquet. Excessere metum mea jam bona.

Niobe's boast to Latona.

I am too great for fortune's injuries:

(L.) Ov. M. 6, 195.

Though she take much, yet must she leave me more.
The blessings I enjoy can smile at fears.-Ed.

2928. Majus ab hac acie, quam quod sua sæcula ferrent,
Vulnus habent populi: plus est quam vita salusque
Quod perit: in totum mundi prosternimur ævum.
(L.) Lucan. 7, 638.


Rome has received from this day's fight
A deeper wound than meets the sight.
A century would not have dealt
One half the ruin we have felt :

"Tis more than loss of life and limb,
We're crushed unto the end of time.-Ed.

2929. Mala causa silenda est. (L.)

cause is best kept silent.

Ov. Ep. 3, 1, 147.—A bad

2930. Mala fides. (L.)-Bad faith. Dishonesty. Deception. (L.)-Bad hen, bad eggs.

2931. Mala gallina, malum ovum. 2932. Mala grammatica non vitiat chartam. (L.) Law Max.-False grammar does not make a deed void.

2933. Mala mens, malus animus. (L.) Ter. And. 1, 1, 137.— Bad mind, bad heart.

2934. Mala merx hæc, et callida est. (L.) Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 61. --She's a bad lot and a cunning one.

2935. Mala ultro adsunt. (L.) Prov.-Misfortunes come without our seeking them.

2936. Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre

Mi ron ton, ton ton, mirontaine!
Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre,

Ne sçait quand reviendra, etc. (Fr.)--Marlborough is
off to the wars, mi ron ton, ton ton, mirontaine, Marl-
borough is off to the wars and no one knows when he will
return. Old French song of the 18th cent.

2937. Maledicus a malefico non distat nisi occasione. (L.) Quint.? -An evil-speaker differs only from an evil-doer in the want of opportunity. Willing to wound, and yet afraid

to strike.

2938. Male secum agit æger, medicum qui hæredem facit. (L.) Pub. Syr. —A sick man does badly for himself who makes

his doctor his heir.

2939. Male verum examinat omnis

Corruptus Judex.

(L.) Hor. S. 2, 2, 8.

The judge who soils his fingers by a gift

Is scarce the man a doubtful case to sift.-Conington.

2940. Malheureuse France, malheureux roi!


France, unhappy king! Etienne Béquet in the Débats shortly before the "Ordinances" of July 1830.

2941. Malim equidem indisertam prudentiam, quam stultitiam loquacem. (L.) Cic. de Or. 3, 35, 142.-I prefer com

mon sense though it may be at a loss for words, to fluent folly.

2942. Mali principii malus finis. (L.)?—A bad end of a bad beginning. Ill begun, ill finished.

2943. Malo mori quam fœdari. (L.)—I had rather die than be disgraced. Motto of Lords de Freyne and Trimleston. 2944. Malorum facinorum ministri quasi exprobrantes aspiciuntur. (L.) Tac. A. 14, 62.—Accomplices in crime are looked upon as virtually reproaching the principals with the deed done.

2945. Malo Venusinam quam te, Cornelia mater

Gracchorum, si cum magnis virtutibus affers

Grande supercilium, et numeras in dote triumphos.

(L.) Juv. 6, 166.

Rather some poor Apulian girl,
The Gracchi's mother though you be:
You vaunt your high descent, and curl
Your lip too haughtily for me.-Ed.

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