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2160. Il y a une espèce de honte d'être heureux à la vue de certaines misères. (Fr.) La Bruy. It is almost a shame to be happy in the presence of some forms of suffering.

2161. Il y en a peu qui gagnent à être approfondis. (Fr.)-Few men rise in our estimation on a closer examination.

2162. Il y va de la vie. (Fr.)-Life is at stake. The matter is of the last importance, the life of a fellow-creature hangs upon the result.

2163. Im Becher ersaufen mehr als im Meer. (G.) Prov.-The bowl drowns more than the sea.

2164. Imberbus juvenis tandem custode remoto

Gaudet equis canibusque, et aprici gramine campi.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 161.

The beardless youth, at last from tutor freed,
Loves playing field and tennis, dog and steed.—Conington.

2165. Immo id, quod aiunt, auribus teneo lupum

Nam neque quomodo a me amittam, invenio: neque, uti retineam scio. (L.) Ter. Phorm. 3, 2, 21.-Indeed it is as they say, I have got a wolf by the ears; How to loose him from me I don't see, how to hold him I can't tell. A fearful predicament. Catching a Tartar.

2166. Immoritur studiis, et amore senescit habendi. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 85.-His struggles are killing him, and he is getting an old man through his greed of more.

2167. Immortale odium, et nunquam sanabile vulnus

Ardet adhuc Ombos et Tentyra. Summus utrinque
Inde furor vulgo, quod numina vicinorum

Odit uterque locus: quum solos credat habendos
Esse Deos quos ipse colit.

Religious controversies.

(L.) Juv. 15, 34.

A deathless hatred and a fatal wound
Still rankles 'twixt Ombi and Tentyra.
The fiercest rage on both sides fills the mob,
Since each detests his neighbour's deities,
Convinced that only those are to be held
As Gods, whom they especially adore.—Ed.

2168. Immortalia ne speres monet annus, et almum
Quæ rapit hora diem.

(L.) Hor. C. 4, 7, 7.

No escaping death, proclaims the year that speeds
This sweet spring day.-Conington.

2169. Imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 48.-A man's money is either his master or his


2170. Imperium et libertas. (L.)-Empire and freedom.



Quoted by Lord Beaconsfield at Lord Mayor's dinner, November 10, 1879. "One of the greatest of Romans, when asked what were his politics, replied, Imperium et Libertas. That would not make a bad programme for a British Ministry." Mr Gladstone a fortnight later in Midlothian characterised the quotation as unhappy and ominous allusion," and said that the words meant simply this, "Liberty for ourselves, Empire over the rest of mankind" (see Times, November 11 and 28, 1879). Cic. de Or. 1, 23, 105, has, Hoc domicilio imperii et gloriæ.-In this home of empire and glory; and ibid. 44, 196, Una in omnibus terris domus est virtutis, imperii, dignitatis.-She (Rome) is the one home in the world of valour, power, and dignity.

2171. Imperium in imperio. (L.)-An empire (or government) existing within an empire.

The Catholick Church from its extending to all countries independently of national distinctions, presents everywhere the appearance of an imp. in imperio, a spiritual kingdom subsisting within temporal ones. "The Church, an imperium in imperio. aggressive as an institution, and was encroaching on the State with organised system" (Froude, Life and Times of Thos. Becket).


2172. Impetrare oportet, quia æquum postulas. (L.) Plaut. Stich. 5, 4, 44.-You ought to obtain your requests, since you ask what is reasonable.

2173. Implacabiles plerumque læsæ mulieres.

females are generally implacable.


2174. Impossible est un mot que je ne dis jamais. (Fr.) Colin d'Harley, Malice pour malice, 1, 8.—“ Impossible" is a word which I never pronounce. The variety, Impossible n'est pas un mot français (Impossible is not a French word), is ascribed to Napoleon I.

2175. Impotentia excusat legem. (L.) Law Max.-Impossibility of performance is excused by the law; or, Lex non cogit ad impossibilia, The law does not seek to compel a man to do what he cannot possibly perform.

2176. Imprimatur. (L.)-Let it be printed.

In England, as elsewhere, all writings intended for the press were until 1693 (when complete freedom was established) examined by the Public Licenser or Censor, who, if the MS. contained no objectionable matter, granted the necessary permission by affixing Imprimatur with his signature to the copy.

2177. Imprimis venerare Deos. (L.) Virg. G. 1, 338.-First and foremost, reverence the Gods.

2178. Improba Crescunt divitiæ, tamen

Curtæ nescio quid semper abest rei. (L.) Hor. C. 3, 24, 62.-Excessive wealth keeps increasing, and yet something or other is always lacking to complete our means. 2179. Improbe amor quid non mortalia pectora cogis! (L.) Virg. A. 4, 412.-Cruel love! to what lengths will you not drive mortal breasts?

2180. In æquali jure melior est conditio possidentis. (L.) Law Max.-Where the right is equal, the position of the party in actual possession is the better of the two.

It is not enough to destroy my title, you must show that your own is better. For, Non possessori incumbit necessitas probandi possessiones ad se pertinere, The party in possession is not bound to produce proofs that the property belongs to him. And the rule applies not only in æquali jure, but in pari delicto. Where either party is equally at fault, the law still favours the man in possession. 2181. In aera succus

Corporis omnis abit: vox tantum atque ossa supersunt.
Vox manet.
(L.) Ov. M. 3, 397.

Echo pining for Narcissus.

Into thin air her tender flesh dissolved;

Her voice, and eke her bones are all that's left;

Her voice, I say, remains. -Ed.

2182. In amore hæc omnia insunt vitia, injuriæ, Suspiciones, inimicitiæ, induciæ,

Bellum, pax rursus. (L.) Ter. Eun. 1, 1, 14.-In love there are all these evils; affronts, suspicions, quarrels, negotiations, war, and then peace again.

2183. In amore hæc sunt mala, bellum,

Pax rursum hæc si quis tempestatis prope ritu
Mobilia et cæca fluitantia sorte laboret
Reddere certa sibi, nihilo plus explicet, ac si
Insanire paret certa ratione modoque.

(L.) Hor. S. 2, 3, 267.

Now love is such a thing, the more's the shame,
First war, then peace, 'tis never twice the same;
For ever heaving like a sea in storm,

And taking every hour some different form.

You think to fix it? Why, the job's as bad

As if you tried by method to be mad.-Conington.

2184. Inanis verborum torrens. (L.) V. Quint. 10, 7, 23.—An

unmeaning torrent of words.

2185. In arena ædificas. (L.)-You are building on the sand. A work without foundation, or hope of permanence.

2186. In aurem utramvis dormire. (L.) To sleep on either ear, i.e., soundly. Ademtum tibi jam faxo omnem metum In aurem utramvis ut dormias. Ter. Heaut. 2, 2, 100. -I have now rid you of all your fears so that you may sleep sound and undisturbed. V. 1252.

2187. In caelo nunquam spectatam impune cometam. (L.)?- A comet never appears in the heavens without ominous meaning.

2188. In capite. (L.)-In chief.

Persons in the feudal system enfeoffed of lands directly from the crown, were termed tenants in capite.

2189. In casu extrema necessitatis omnia sunt communia. (L.) Law Max.-In cases of extreme emergency all things are common. Thus a neighbouring house may be pulled down to stay progress of fire.

2190. In causa facili, cuivis licet esse diserto,

Et minimæ vires frangere quassa valent.

(L.) Ov. T. 3, 11, 21.

In easy matters every one can speak,

And little strength a bruised thing can break.-Dryden.

2191. Incaute factum pro non facto habetur. (L.) Law Max.What has been done incautiously is counted as if it had never been done at all.

2192. Inceptis gravibus plerumque et magna professis,

Purpureus, late qui splendeat, unus et alter

Adsuitur pannus.

Purple patches.

(L.) Hor. A. P. 14.

When Poets would affect the lofty stave,

With pompous opening and with prelude brave,
It is a common trick, the eye to catch,

To sew on here and there a purple patch. —Ed.

2193. Incerta hæc si tu postules

Ratione certa facere, nihilo plus agas,

Quam si des operam ut cum ratione insanias. (L.) Ter. Eun. 1, 1, 18.-If you think by help of reason to make certain what is uncertain, you might as well attempt to go mad by the rules of reason.

2194. Incerta pro nullis habetur. (L.) Law Max.-What is uncertain must be treated as though it did not exist.

2195. Incivile est, nisi tota sententia inspecta de aliqua parte judicare. (L.) Law Max.-It is contrary to law to judge of one part of a sentence unless the whole be examined.

2196. Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius. (L.) Law Max.The mention or naming of the one implies the exclusion of the other.

2197. Incoctum generoso pectus honesto. (L.) Pers. 2, 74.—A breast imbued with true nobleness of feeling.

2198. In commendam. (L.)—In trust. Term applied to benefices held by bishops and other dignitaries, whose official income being small, is supplemented in this manner.

2199. In consimili casu, consimile debet esse remedium.


Law Max.-Where cases are similar, the remedy should be similar.

2200. In contractis tacite insunt quæ sunt moris et consuetudinis. (L.) Law Max.—Terms which are warranted by custom and usage may, in some cases, be tacitly imported into


2201. In conventionibus contrahentium voluntas potius quam verba spectari placuit. (L.) Law Max.-In contracts and agreements the intentions of the parties, rather than the words actually used by them, should be considered. 2202. In criminalibus sufficit generalis malitia intentionis cum facto paris gradus. (L.) Law Max.-In crimes a

general malicious intention is sufficient to convict, if the particular fact ensuing be of equal degree.

2203. In crucifixo gloria mea. (L.)—I glory in the Crucified. Motto of Lord Brabourne.

2204. In curia. (L.)-In the court.

2205. In cute curanda plus æquo operata juventus. (L.) Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 29.-A class of youth more given to beautifying the outer man than is right.

2206. Inde datæ leges ne fortior omnia posset. (L.) Law Max. -Laws were made for this purpose, that the stronger might not always prevail.

2207 Inde iræ et lacrimæ. (L.) Juv. 1, 168.-Hence this rage and weeping. This is the cause of this resentment and indignation.

2208. In Deo spero. (L.)—In God I hope. Lord de Saumarez.

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