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2077. Ille mi par esse Deo videtur,
Ille (si fas est) superare Divos,
Qui, sedens adversus, identidem te
Spectat et audit

Dulce ridentem.

To Lesbia.

Blest as the immortal Gods is he,

Or (may I say it?) still more blest,

Who sitting opposite to thee

(L.) Cat. 51, 1.

Sees thee, and hears thy laugh and jest.-Ed.

2078. Ille per extentum funem mihi posse videtur
Ire poeta, meum qui pectus inaniter angit,
Irritat mulcet falsis terroribus implet

Ut magus: et modo me Thebis, modo ponit Athenis.
(L.) Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 210.

The true Poet.

That man I hold true master of his art

Who with fictitious woes can wring my heart,

Can rouse me, soothe me, pierce me with a thrill

Of vain alarm, and, as by magic skill,

Bear me to Thebes, to Athens, where he will.-Conington.

2079. Ille potens sui Lætusque degit, cui licet in diem

Dixisse, Vixi: cras vel atra

Nube polum Pater occupato

Vel sole puro.

(L.) Hor. C. 3, 29, 41.

[blocks in formation]

2080. Ille sinistrorsum, hic dextrorsum, abit: unus utrique Error, sed variis illudit partibus. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 3, 50. This to the right, that to the left hand strays,

And all are wrong, but wrong in different ways.—Conington.

2081. Ille terrarum mihi præter omnes

Angulus ridet. (L.) Hor. C. 2, 6, 13.-That little nook of earth charms me more than any other place.

2082. Ille, velut pelagi rupes immota, resistit ; Quæ sese, multis circumlatrantibus undis, Mole tenet, scopuli nequidquam et spumea circum Saxa fremunt, laterique illisa refunditur alga. (L.) Virg. A. 7, 586.


He stands just like some sea-girt rock,
Moveless against the ocean-shock,
And anchored by the ponderous form
Its mass opposes to the storm.

The wild waves bellow all around,

And spray-drenched cliffs give back the sound;
But, nothing heeding, it flings back

The broken wreaths of floating wrack.-Ed.

2083. Illic apposito narrabis multa Lyæo

Pæne sit ut mediis obruta navis aquis. (L.) Ov. Am. 2, 11, 49.-There with the wine in front of you, you will tell at length how your vessel was nearly lost in mid


2084. Illic et cantant quicquid didicere theatris;

Et jactant faciles ad sua verba manus. (L.) Ov. F. 3, 535.-There too they sing snatches of the songs learnt at the theatre, and accompany the words with ready gestures of the hand.

2085. Illi inter sese multa vi brachia tollunt. (L.) Virg. A. 8, 452.-They lift up their arms one after the other with tremendous swing. Description of the Cyclops working at their forges under Mount Etna. The series of spondees in the Latin expresses the ponderous action described. For another imitative line of an opposite kind, cf. Virg. A. 8, 595: Quadrupedante putrem sonitu quatit ungula campum, With galloping clatter the hoofs of the horses the crumbling ground shake.

2086. Illi robur et æs triplex

Circa pectus erat, qui fragilem truci
Commisit pelago ratem


Oak and brass of triple fold

(L.) Hor. C. 1, 3, 9.

Encompass'd sure that heart, which first made bold

To the raging sea to trust

A fragile bark.-Conington.

2087. Il lit au front de ceux qu'un vain luxe environne Que la fortune vend ce qu'on croit qu'elle donne.

(L.) La Font. (Phil. et Baucis).

It is writ on the palace where luxury dwells,

That fortune in seeming to give, really sells.-Ed.

Cf. Voiture (to the Comte du Guiche): "Pour l'ordinaire la fortune nous vend bien chèrement, ce qu'on croit qu'elle nous donne."

2088. Illud amicitiæ sanctum et venerabile nomen Nunc tibi pro vili sub pedibusque jacet.

(L.) Ov. T. 1, 8, 15.

And Friendship's sacred, venerable name
Lies trodden 'neath your feet, a thing of shame.-Ed.

2089. Illud quidquid est summum. (L.)

Plin. 2, 7.-That thing, whatever it be, which is above all. Periphrasis for the Deity.

2090. Il lupo cambia il pelo, ma non il vizio. (It.) Prov.-The wolf changes his coat, but not his ferocity.

2091. Il maestro di color che sanno.

-The master of the wise.

(It.) Dante, Inf. 4, 181.

Said of Aristotle; Socrates and Plato being placed next below. Petrarch, Triumph of Fame, C. 3, gives the first place to Plato. 2092. Il mange son pain dans sa poche. (Fr.) Prov.-He eats his bread from his pocket. who does not share his good

2093. Il meglio è l'inimico del bene. enemy of well.

Cf. Shakesp. Lear, 1, 4:

Said of any selfish person things with others.

(It.) Prov.-Better is the

Striving to better, oft we mar what's well.

2094. Il me semble que qui sollicite pour les autres, a la confiance d'un homme qui demande justice; et qu'en parlant, ou en agissant pour soi-même, on a l'embarras et la pudeur de celui qui demande grace. (Fr.) La Bruy. Car. It appears to me that he who asks favours for another person has the confidence which a sense of justice inspires; while to urge a suit, or treat for one's own benefit, produces all the embarrassment and feeling of shame of any one appealing for mercy.

2095. Il n'a pas froid aux yeux. (Fr.) Prov.-He has no cold in his eyes. He is not afraid.

2096. Il n'a pas l'air, mais le chanson. (Fr.) Prov.-He has not the tune, but the words. He has not the shadow, but the reality.

2097. Il n'appartient qu'à ceux qui n'espèrent jamais être cités de ne citer personne. (Fr.) Naudé-It is the business of those only who never hope to have their own writings quoted, to refuse to quote others.

2098. Il n'appartient qu'aux grands hommes, d'avoir de grands défauts. (Fr.) La Rochef. Max. p. 33, § 195.—It is only great men who can afford to display great defects.

2099. Il n'appartient qu'aux tyrans d'être toujours en crainte. La peur ne doit pas entrer dans une âme royale. Qui craindra la mort n'entreprendra rien sur moi: qui méprisera la vie sera toujours maître de la mienne, etc. (Fr.) Hardouin de Péréfixe:-Tyrants are the only men who have any business to be always afraid. Fear should never enter into the breast of a king. The man who fears death will never take any advantage of me: but he who despises life will ever be master of my own, etc. Attributed to Henry IV.

2100. Il n'attache pas ses chiens avec des saucisses. (Fr.) Prov. -He doesn't fasten his dogs with sausages. He's no


2101. Il n'avait pas prêcisément des vices, mais il était rongé d'une vermine de petits défauts, dont on ne pouvait l'épurer. (Fr.) Chateaub. He had not exactly any vices about him, but he was the prey to a perfect vermin of small defects of which it seemed hopeless to rid him. 2102. Il ne fait rien, et nuit à qui veut faire. (Fr.) Piron? He does nothing himself, and hinders those who would. Said, originally, of Desfontaines, and applicable to those who can criticise, without being able to create.

2103. Il ne faut jamais hasarder la plaisanterie, même la plus douce et la plus permise, qu'avec des gens polis, ou qui ont de l'esprit. (Fr.) La Bruy. Car. vol. i. p. 92.--It never does to risk a joke even of the mildest and most unexceptionable character, except in the company of witty and polished people.

2104. Il ne faut jamais juger des despotes par les succés momentanés que l'attention même du pouvoir leur fait obtenir. C'est l'état dans lequel ils laissent le pays à leur mort, ou à leur chute, qui révéle ce qu'ils ont été. (Fr.) Mad. de Stael. We are not to judge of despots by the shortlived successes which the possession of power may enable them to achieve; it is the state in which they leave their country at their death, or at their fall, that reveals what they were.

2105. Il ne faut pas parler Latin devant les Cordeliers. (Fr.)It doesn't do to talk Latin before the Cordeliers (Franciscan friars). Be careful not to speak too confidently before those who are masters of the subject.

2106. Il ne faut point parler corde dans la famille d'un pendu. (Fr.) Prov.-Do not talk rope in the family of one who has been hanged.

2107. Il ne s'agit pas de consuls, et je ne veux pas être votre aide-de-camp. (Fr.)-It is no question of consuls, and I don't choose to be your aide-de-camp. Sieyes to Bonaparte in 1800 on resigning the post of Second Consul.

2108. Il ne sait sur quel pied danser. (Fr.) Prov.-He knows not on which foot to dance. He knows not how to act.

2109. Il ne se faut jamais moquer des miserables,

Car qui peut s'assurer d'être toujours heureux?

(Fr.) La Font. Renard et L'Ecureuil.

Of men in misfortune no ridicule make,

For who can be sure of good luck without break?-Ed.
In the end the bragging Fox is killed, the Squirrel looking on :-
Il le voit, mais il n'en rit pas,

Instruit par sa propre misère.

These last lines are often quoted in circumstances which, though ridiculous in themselves, touch one too nearly to be made subjects of joking. The Fable does not occur in La Fontaine, but will be found in the Recueil de Conrart, vol. ii. p. 533 (Bibliothèque de L'Arsenal).

2110. Il n'est bon bec que de Paris. (Fr.)-Good talkers are only found in Paris. From an old ballad of Villon, Femmes

de Paris.

2111. Il n'est pas besoin de tenir les choses pour en raisonner. (Fr.) Beaum. Mar. de Figaro, Act v.—It is not necessary to believe things, in order to argue about them.

2112. Il n'est pas d'homme nécessaire. (Fr.)?—There is no such thing as a necessary man. The best servant of the state can be replaced.

2113. Il n'est pas échappé qui traine son lien. (Fr.) Prov.The man is not escaped who still drags his chain after him.

2114. Il n'est pas encore temps de le dire, les verités sont des fruits qui ne doivent être cueillis que bien murs. (Fr.) Voltaire-The time has not yet arrived for saying it: truths are a fruit which ought not to be gathered until they are full ripe.

2115. Il n'est sauce que d'appétit. sauce like a good appetite.

(Fr.) Prov.-There is no Hunger is the best sauce.

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